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Everything posted by Harzach

  1. Nice! I know you had to do some tweaking, but it seemed all the info was there. The Biki entry is just a blank page.
  2. I don't know how many hours I lost trying to get AI to just drive through an intersection in A2. Not a unique story either, I'm sure!
  3. Oh, and both Patrolled Areas and Traffic can run in multiple instances, so you can set up different configurations for different areas, as well as for different factions. The only problem I have had is with AI drivers going out of their way to run over pedestrians/foot patrols.
  4. I am enjoying Engima's Patrolled Areas: http://typesqf.no-ip.org/cpack/details/Engima.PatrolledAreas It is only available through the TypeSQF editor, but it's easy to do. Install TypeSQF: http://typesqf.no-ip.org/ In the TypeSqf editor, open the CPack Console and type in the following: Install Engima.PatrolledAreas You can also install his excellent Civilians and Traffic scripts the same way: Install Engima.Civilians Install Engima.Traffic
  5. Harzach

    Drawing straight lines on maps

    Same, I've always been able to draw, but I don't think straight line is a thing. Not sure where @Tshi is getting this from, but it isn't vanilla.
  6. Huh! Now that I look, I can't find documentation for BIS_noCoreConversations anywhere. I've been using that block in my init.sqf forever (well, since A2), has something new replaced that command or is 0 fadeRadio 0; enableSentences false; all that is necessary?
  7. I only ever play MP/coop with my group, and never with friendly AI. I put this at/near the top of the init.sqf of every mission: //Shut up! {_x setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true]} forEach allUnits; 0 fadeRadio 0; enableSentences false; MRB Voicestop (Gunter's link) works great, but if you don't want to use mods, the above does the trick.
  8. Harzach

    Drawing straight lines on maps

    Ahh, when was this added? Was it available back when this thread started? Have to dig through the release notes...
  9. Harzach

    Nametags Help

  10. Harzach

    FPS drop when shooting

    One thing everyone in this topic has in common is that they have not posted their video settings. This sounds like an issue with particle effects. Try turning them down to Standard or Low.
  11. Harzach

    Heli DLC mystery

    Pretty sure no helicopters can lift armor by default. You must be remembering a mission that scripted around that limitation.
  12. Just so it's perfectly clear: player addEventHandler["FiredMan", { params["_unit","_weapon","_muzzle","_mode","_ammo","_magazine","_projectile","_vehicle"]; _sphere = "Sign_Sphere10cm_F" createVehicle (getPosATL _projecitle); _sphere attachTo[_projectile,[0,0,0]]; }]; It's not that "projectile" is spelled wrong, it's that it isn't spelled the same everywhere.
  13. One reason why I always build my missions in vanilla first. Any way you can rebuild it for the sake of troubleshooting?
  14. Well that's just plain silly.
  15. Harzach

    Squad size limit script?

    Wouldn't it make more sense to add a check in your squad member selection script? Just spitballing, but something like: if ((count group player) < _maxSize) then {_allowNewMember} else {_nope};
  16. Pretty sure .kju and Sickboy are still around.
  17. To be fair, switching into the enemy's uniform was touted as a feature back when the first A3 trailers/ reveals were released.
  18. The more information you provide, the better armed others will be to help you. Can you link your mission file?
  19. Harzach

    missing bracket

    Sometimes, context is everything. You want to add a specific cargo loadout to a vehicle. I'm not sure where you got the process you are using, but try simply pasting this into the init field of the vehicle: [this, [[ [[],[]], [["30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01","30Rnd_9x21_Mag"],[6,6]], [["FirstAidKit","optic_Aco","optic_ACO_grn","O_NVGoggles_hex_F"],[6,3,3,3]], [[],[]] ],false]] call bis_fnc_initAmmoBox;
  20. Harzach

    missing bracket

    For some reason, I thought Poseidon was payware. Thanks, @Grumpy Old Man! *edit* - Ah, it is payware. Still, probably worth it.
  21. Harzach

    missing bracket

    Yup, N++ makes it easy to break down those bracket-filled lines for error-checking. There are also a few SQF plugins/language XMLs you can install that will do syntax highlighting/autocomplete/etc. Very handy stuff.
  22. Harzach

    missing bracket

    Looks like there's an extra bracket at the beginning - should be three, not four?
  23. I'm revisiting a project I was working on a few months ago and want to make some tweaks/upgrades. Unfortunately, my aspirations are bigger than my brains. I am spawning a perimeter wall that takes its position and dimensions from an editor-placed trigger. The basic code: This works perfectly for a circular trigger. However, I would like to make it compatible with elliptical triggers using non-zero azimuths. Using the code as it is, I am faced with two problems: wall sections face the center point, which interferes with the integrity of the wall - the more oblong the ellipse, the worse the interference. composition always spawns "facing" 0 degrees. Trigger rotation is 45: Composition rotation is 0: The first problem is more of an aesthetic issue - I can work around it by using different statics (and many more of them - I am spawning them as super-simple objects) for the wall sections. Still, it is something I would like to see resolved, for the sake of my OCD and my curiosity. The second is the real problem. I am under no illusion that it should be spawning oriented in the desired direction using the current code, as the issue isn't addressed at all. But clearly (?) the solution involves applying the trigger's azimuth (_tA) somewhere, I simply lack the mathematical know-how to figure it out on my own. I also assume that some other math will come into play, as we are no longer working with just a circle. Any help would be appreciated greatly!