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Everything posted by Harzach

  1. Harzach

    Fayshkhabur V1.0 Released

    My favorite island is getting even better? Hooray! Of course, now I'll need to fix a few things that will be broken in my Insurgency port ... ;)
  2. What I am trying to do is seemingly simple, but many hours of sifting through the forums has yielded no answers. In short, I want any player in a CO-OP mission to be able to trigger a sound that will emanate from a specific object, with distance fade. As it is, almost everything is working fine. The sound is triggered, 3D placement is perfect, fade is perfect. Unfortunately, the volume of the sound is unacceptably low. No amount of fiddling with the file's inherent level nor the level setting in the cfgsound entry (I've tested from -60dB to +60dB) has any effect. Outside of the game , the level is fine. Is there a better way to do this? Perhaps define and call the file as a different class? I tried defining it in cfgmusic and triggering it as an effect, but then there is no localization of the sound (everyone on the map hears it at equal volume no matter their location). Thanks for any assistance you may be able to offer!
  3. Rejenorst - "Say" seems to work perfectly! Don't know why I didn't try it before. Just need to test it in MP and I'll be good to go. Thanks for all of the replies and assistance!
  4. File is correct format. There are general environmental sounds playing (wind, etc.) but they are native to the map (Faysh Khabur), not placed by me in the editor. Not sure if that makes a difference...? I'll give "say" a try. Thanks for the input, guys!
  5. No, just in a very specific outdoor area. Basically, everything is working the way I want it except for the volume. It is maddening!
  6. Harzach


    Well, you may need certain maps or other add-ons depending upon the server and what version they are running. Using Six Updater is a relatively easy way to sync up with whatever server you join.
  7. Harzach


    Which files do you mean?
  8. Harzach


    I will do the same!
  9. Harzach


    For me, they not only dismount, the statics (M2 tripod, small bunker [desert]) actually disappear. Other statics will do this as well, though it is not consistently repeatable. Sometimes they stick around for a while, sometimes not. I even saw a map object disappear once (the small bunker [desert] at the entrance to the airbase). I'll probably do the same as you and add M2 HMMWVs. Thanks again!
  10. Harzach


    Or perhaps ... a spelling error. Feeling kind of dumb about that one, but everything is working great now. Thanks to everyone for the help! Next on the punch list: Figure out why all of my statics and fortifications are disappearing. But that's not for this topic.
  11. Harzach


    Thank you! I could swear I tried that before, but I must have made an error somewhere - it works perfectly to exclude the three grids in the airbase. Now i just need to figure out how to add a second exclusion marker to the code. This does not work: LINE 19--> && !(typeOf _x in ILLEGALHOUSES) && (alive _x || !_alive) && (_x distance (getmarkerPos "exclude_location") > 600)[color="#FF0000"] && (_x distance (getmarkerPos "exclude_location_1") > 100)[/color] ...where I am simply adding another instance of the getmarkerPos command along with a second appropriately named marker. *EDIT* The above code DOES indeed work, if you spell the names of your markers correctly!
  12. Harzach


    OK. Somehow I have gotten the exclude_location method to work, but I can only exclude one grid with it. How do I get it to work with multiple marker positions? I have tried a few different variations, but I am not a coder by any means. Thanks for any assistance you may be able to provide!
  13. Harzach


    Thanks for taking a look. Just for clarity, the specific grids I am concerned with are: 047-061 (containing only "Land_a_stationhouse") 048-053 (containing only "Land_telek1") 054-058 (containing only "Land_telek1") All three grids are found inside Mushorah Airbase. I did add those class names to ILLEGALHOUSES, as well as remove a stationhouse reference from CACHEHOUSEPOSITIONS and GUNROOFPOSITIONS, with no apparent effect. Ideally, I'd like to get the "exclude_location" method working, as there is one other grid I'd like to exclude (the SW grid at FOB Sykes, 058-150), which contains a common house type.
  14. Harzach


    Hate to call back this far, but has anyone else gotten this to work? I am trying to port Insurgency to Faysh Kabur and want to drop a general exclude on one of the airbases. When I apply this code to the functions.sqf, it seems to exclude all grids. Thanks! addendum: As an alternative, I tried adding the offending building class names ("Land_a_stationhouse" and "Land_telek1") to the ILLEGALHOUSES list, with no effect. I also commented the stationhouse entry out of the CACHEHOUSEPOSITIONS and GUNROOFPOSITIONS lines (for some reason, telek had no entry on these - even weirder). Stumped!
  15. I think that DayZ is good for Arma and BIS. The only real "con" is the influx of new players who do not understand Arma in general, but even that is of minimal concern, as they won't generally be involving themselves with the core game.
  16. Hi all - What I am trying to do is ostensibly quite simple - whenever any OPFOR unit enters a specific trigger zone, I want them to be deleted. Ultimately, I'd like for only specific units to be deleted, but for now, any detected unit is fine. I've been playing around with createvehicle/deletevehicle, various respawn scripts, etc, but my general understanding of the Arma scripting language is not yet where I'd like it to be. Again, this seems like a pretty simple concept, but I can't find an example of it anywhere. Thank you for any assistance you may provide! ---------- Post added at 22:30 ---------- Previous post was at 22:14 ---------- ...and of course, mere minutes after I post this, I find the answer.
  17. OK, I've got it figured out, I think. It could probably be more elegant, but this is war. Everything revolves around this respawn script: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6542, and the deleteVehicle command. First, I created a path using markers - one for the spawn point, one for the despawn point, and as many as needed in between to keep the vehicles from using unwanted roads (or going off-road altogether). As they are functioning as waypoints, each is named sequentially (WP1, WP2, etc), with the exception of the spawn point (WS1). I then placed a vehicle at WS1, with the AIvcl_respawn_WP command in its init: At the despawn marker (WP2 in this example), I placed two trigger zones - WD1 and WD2. WD1 deletes the vehicle, while WD2 deletes the crew/passengers as they are unceremoniously dumped out. With this set-up, the vehicle will spawn at WS1 on startup, travel through WP1 to WP2 where it will despawn. It will then respawn at WS1. You can set up as many routes as you'd like, as long as they are all named differently, and you can place as many vehicles as you'd like, wherever you'd like (though near their intended route makes the most sense). You can control the number of respawns, as well as the respawn delay. Of course, any other OPFOR that wanders into the despawn zone will get zapped, so that still needs to be dealt with. Credit goes to Norrin for his respawn/move to WP script (linked above), as well as - of course - Mr Murray's guide.
  18. I was waiting to see if I really did find the answer, and it seems that I did not - not completely. I found this topic: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?83280-Deleting-vehicle-AND-crew - which works great for deleting one specific vehicle and its crew. I forgot to mention that the ultimate goal involves a recurring sequence of spawning/despawning vehicles - a sort of loop, to create the effect of infrequent but consistent/predictable traffic. ---------- Post added at 00:19 ---------- Previous post was at 22:56 ---------- Well, at this point I guess I'd simply like to have it so that any unit that enters a trigger zone is deleted.
  19. Harzach

    Fayshkhabur V1.0 Released

    Fantastic, my favorite island gets even better!
  20. More likely I'll start shooting at them! Thanks for your quick responses!
  21. Great! Again, the buildings-on-runway problem only happened the one time for me, but it did cause some ... ground traffic issues. As for the gunner issue, I mentioned it only in case it had something to do with one of the mods incorporated into your release. Since it's a BIS problem, I'll just be more of a hands-on commander. The heli problem continues to confound me, though. They will fly to my waypoint, no problem there, but they won't land. Instead, they move on to a new waypoint, the source of which is a mystery to me. Attempting to force a landing (Land Here) has no effect at best. At worst, the heli stops completely and holds that position no matter what. If I call for an air pick-up or ammo drop, that heli is designated (being the closest asset), but it just hangs there unmoving. On one occasion, after ejecting and moving on, I heard a second heli approaching. It was an Mi-8 (I dropped from a Huey). The Huey never moved, but it did kill the Hind. It did not appear to sustain any appreciable damage, either. I'll continue to test this issue in different scenarios. Thanks!
  22. Wow, this mission set has taken up every free moment of my time since I stumbled upon it! I have had a few minor issues, nothing that really hurt the experience for me, but otherwise it does not fail to provide a quality evening at home. The issues: - On Faysh Khabur, my AI commander insisted on placing buildings on the tarmac/runway. This caused issues with aircraft cycling through to rearm. This only happened on one of three "play-thrus," however, so it was possibly just a glitch. - In general, I seem to have a problem with getting air transport to execute orders cleanly. Or perhaps I am not understanding fully how to command them. An example: Trying to insert behind a group of enemies, the helo flew to my waypoint but then kept going. No "Land Now" or other such commands would execute. It then flew me to the other side of the map where a small Blufor contingent was sitting idle. I could have ejected, but I was trying to figure out what i was doing wrong. I did have fredkatz's ai_heli_control installed, so I disabled it and tried again. Things went a little better, but it just seems like the pilot is not interested in what I have to say most of the time. - When driving a tank, AI gunner often will not recognize enemy forces at all. Once, I was tooling around Fallujah when I pulled around a corner only to come face-to-face with a T-72. I sat there waiting for something to happen, but nothing ever did. The enemy gunner didn't appear to see me either. Finally I dropped into the gunner seat and took him out. The commander seems to constantly scan 360, and engages in a relatively timely fashion, but sometimes the gunner is asleep. Thanks again for your work!
  23. Amazing stuff! The only island I would like to see added is Tora Bora, but it features no airfields. Thanks for your great work!
  24. Not much to add other than my praise. What a fantastic map! Excellent attention to detail. I'm having fun thinking of the possibilities RE: SAS training/ops scenarios!
  25. I think I'm all set. Looks like it was actually launching CO all along, it just looked different (splash screens, menu backgrounds). All of the SP scenarios and campaigns are there, as well as the addons I have installed. As for the missions, the OA mission folder must have been the one place I did not try...works perfectly. Thanks so much for your help! I've been gaming for 35 years and modding for 15, but Arma 2 has me feeling like a total noob again.