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Everything posted by Harzach

  1. Additionally, if using ACE, ACE map tools makes this kind of thing a bit easier.
  2. I'm trying to do something somewhat related, but also simpler. Still, it's been *mumble* years since I've done any trig so I'm feeling kind of helpless. I figured it's better to post here than start a new topic... Basically, I want to place an object at a random point somewhere on the circumference of a circle - limiting it to an arbitrary number of points (E.G. the 360 degree radials, minutes of a clock, etc.) would be fine, if it makes a difference. I literally have no idea where to start. How does Arma deal with trig? Is there a resource for this somewhere that I am not finding? Thanks! edit: It seems I managed to bang something out after poring over the examples from Tuliq and DasAttorney and dredging up some decades-old memories of trig classes: while {true} do { //define values _radial = (0 + (random 359)); _radius = 1000; _X = round(_radius * cos _radial); _Y = round(_radius * sin _radial); //move game logic spawn1 setPos [(getPos center1 select 0) + _X, (getPos center1 select 1) + _Y, 0]; sleep 30; }; This moves a game logic (spawn1) every 30 seconds to a random position 1000 meters away from a defined position (center1). Any problems with this? It does what I need it to, but I'm sure there's a better way since I have little idea what I'm doing. Still, it seems pretty simple, so maybe I'm done.
  3. Those "test" expansions are likely the cause, I'd bet. Uncheck/load without them (or find those files and move them somewhere else) then see if everything works.
  4. Harzach

    Esbekistan Map v.1.0 20x20

    Requirements are: @opx_objects, @mb_objects, @razmisc
  5. Harzach

    They better have female soldiers...

    I'm not sure how linking to this page we're on right now proves anything. Indeed.
  6. Harzach

    They better have female soldiers...

    Not until you provide links, no.
  7. Harzach

    Find GUID?

    Player Profile > Edit
  8. Harzach


    Sig check enabled?
  9. How am I exaggerating? You are making a fuss about a game you don't play. And how does Dwarden owe you anything?
  10. Not sure if you mean Fallujah or the upcoming Ramadi, but ... what a silly comment. These are flat, densely-packed Middle-eastern cities, not San Francisco. Wait - a 20K Bay Area map would be kind of fun...
  11. For someone who has never actually played Arma 2, you are raising a heck of a stink about it.
  12. GGC-Stream. It's sort of an aggregated banlist, as I recall. Very handy for those games that use PunkBuster. Those lists run red with the blood of actual cheaters, to be sure. Still, accusations are definitely handed out liberally, though it seems it's mostly smack-talk.
  13. Heh - I've been using ACE for too long, forgot it was possible in vanilla!
  14. Pretty sure that's an ACE Wounding feature.
  15. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=chernarus+life
  16. Yeah, this is exactly what I was talking about in my previous post - IRL, there are @200 mosques in Fallujah (fewer after the Marines passed through...). As Fallujah 1.2 was a 1:1 representation of the actual city, one would reasonably expect to see a fair number of domes and minarets throughout, yet there were exactly zero. Again, not a criticism of the author - Fallujah 1.2 is a stunning piece of work - just a suggestion that I feel would really amplify the immersion factor for this new map.
  17. Harzach

    Airwolf for Arma 2

    The more I look through the history of this mod, the more confused I get. What name did you release your model under? RANgarion or something else? When did you release it? Is it still available somewhere? Forum posts? I hope this is not true, I hate to see people taking credit for the work of others.
  18. Possibly an issue with two people trying to connect to a server using the same IP address?
  19. This ... this is a very good thing. I can't wait to see what you guys produce!
  20. Harzach

    Useless BIStudio

    He's using bold caps, so you know he's serious! A rant is a terribly ineffective way to communicate dissatisfaction. It is, however, just about the best way to get the dishwasher's spit into your soup. As metalcraze points out - if you want to avoid cheaters/bads, don't join poorly-administered servers or wide-open public servers. Maybe join a community. The responsibility is partially yours, you must understand. If you don't want to get run over, don't walk out into traffic.
  21. Hi all - I've read through several discussions and tried many things, but I just can't seem to get a marker to show up. This script is called by an action: //check execution hint "TEST"; //delete the marker if it has previously been placed deleteMarkerLocal "marker1"; //create the marker, a big red blob that will be easy to see _marker= createMarkerLocal ["marker1","limbo"]; //"limbo" is a marker placed off the map _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerBrushLocal "Solid"; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1000, 1000]; //open the map showmap true; //move the marker to the click position onMapSingleClick {"marker1" SetPos _Pos}; //clear the click handle waitUntil {!VisableMap}; onMapSingleClick ""; //remove the action player removeaction _a1; At this point, the action appears in the action list, and the hint happens when I execute it, but that's it. Is there any reason why this would not be working? If not, then the problem must lie elsewhere in my process. Thanks for any insight! harz
  22. I'm a scripting newb, not an Arma newb! The markers I am placing are not icons, but "brush" markers.
  23. Weird. I've triple-checked everything, yet still no love. I'll look through your mission to see if I am doing something stupid somewhere. ---------- Post added at 09:08 ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 ---------- OK. First, I noticed that instead of _player removeAction _id; you were using if (mapclick) then {_player removeAction _id}; I changed that, but it still didn't work. Then, as I was flipping back and forth between your script and mine, I noticed that there was a spelling error in my script: waitUntil{!visableMap}; A copy/paste remnant from wherever I originally got that line. Fixed that and PRESTO - everything works beautifully. Much thanks!