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Everything posted by Harzach

  1. You could say that this mission is complicated - it's a deeply customized variant of ACE Insurgency. There is an if !isDedicated then {xxx} at the top of the init.sqf, but it's closed well before SHK_pos is compiled. Still, this prompted me to try something... I'm now loading SHK_pos via invisible helipad and am getting meaningful values instead of the previous "Any" and "Scalar". The conditions are also executing properly. I also implemented the changes you made - thanks for the tip! Not 100% sure that this is all sorted out, but it's looking good. Other parts of the script are still acting screwy, but that's not related to SHK_pos. Thanks again to all who lent a hand here - it's very much appreciated!
  2. Harzach

    Tarin Kot, Oruzgan

    I see what you did there. Nice!
  3. Harzach

    ACE for OA 1.13

    That's the spirit!
  4. As prescribed. In init: call compile preprocessfile "SHK_pos\shk_pos_init.sqf";
  5. Harzach

    ACE for OA 1.13

    The incoming round sound you hear in ShackTac videos is an in-house mod, not acex_sm.
  6. Harzach

    Major sound issues.

    Have you tried using your integral sound device with wired headphones/earbuds, just as a test?
  7. Every pic I've seen of a Ka-62, save for the prototype pic above, shows fixed gear, often with fairings.
  8. It seems that early prototypes (like in that last pic of the Ka-62) included retractable gear. No recent pics show anything resembling retractable gear. Strange that definitive info on this matter is not easily found!
  9. Harzach


    He's posted recently, so hopefully he'll see the activity here and pop in.
  10. Which is weird, as pretty much all copy you find out there describes it as "retractable". It's pretty obvious after looking at the undercarriage that they are fixed, though. Also, the commercial variant has permanent fairings around the suspension, which would make no sense on retractable gear.
  11. Harzach


    Has anyone had issues using this script in a dedicated server environment? I don't find any mention/discussion of it here. I am cobbling together a randomized IED/ambush system using this script to get road positions. It works flawlessly in editor preview and hosted environments, but not in dedi - all manner of screwy things are happening. Details in my topic here: Adding-a-condition-to-a-forEach-system, but again, I'm really just looking for confirmation that SHK_pos works on dedi and that I am doing something wrong.
  12. BIS stormtroopers broke down your door, stuck a gun in your mouth, and forced you to purchase access to the A3 Alpha? How rude!
  13. Harzach

    How can i use the Bipod ?

    You can't. At least, not yet.
  14. I'm using 0.21. The code for road positions is in SHK_getpos.sqf, starting at line 58. At the top of the same script, the format for calling the script system is laid out as "[position,distance,direction,water]", and other tests show this to be correct. I'm using this script solely for the purpose of finding road positions, so I really want to get this to work (else I'll be huddled at my computer for the next few months trying to write my own code for it). At any rate, I'm up for trying anything at this point, so I'll give this a shot. Thanks again for the continuing support here!
  15. More bizarreness. I reverted the script to the state it was in up in post #13, and now it's behaving slightly differently. I am still getting values of "Scalar" and "Any" as previously described, and it still loops endlessly, but it is also finding valid positions and somehow moving past the forEach loop to execute further tasks (while the forEach loop continues looping). I am so thoroughly confused at this point...
  16. Harzach

    RPG Effectiveness

    According to The Internets, driver killed and front passenger lost an arm.
  17. Getting valid and correct values for those markers, so that's not it. I replaced the line _pos = [getMarkerPos "center", random 9950, random 359, false, [1, 4975]] call SHK_pos; with a simpler bit of code that does not call SHK_pos and it works fine on dedi. The problem must have something to do with the SHK_pos system, either in the code itself or just as a result of how it is called/initialized/whatever. Also, after reverting then removing the bit about exclusion zones (the point of this topic), I have this: { _pos = [getMarkerPos "center", random 9950, random 359, false, [1, 4975]] call SHK_pos; player globalChat format["Position: %1",_pos]; player globalChat format["Distance from exclude1: %1",_distex1]; player globalChat format["Distance from exclude2: %1",_distex2]; hint ""; _x setPos _pos; _name = str(_x) + str(random 100); _marker = createMarker [_name, (getPos _x)]; _marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker setMarkerType "DOT"; sleep 3; } forEach _attackzones; All three values are now returning "Any". So the forEach itself is not even working on dedi, let alone the condition I want to add to it. /head asplode
  18. Ah, I get it. All of those markers are used by other functions as well, and the mission itself would definitely EXPLODE if they weren't where they were supposed to be, but I'll check this out anyway.
  19. Not sure I follow - are you saying I can only check the distance from one of my exclude markers to _pos, and not both? No script errors are coming up, nothing relevant in .rpt file. The random position script is Shuko's, which seems pretty solid. I have to assume it has something to do with running it on a dedi, as it works flawlessly otherwise. Thanks so much for your assistance! edit: current code for reference: _attackzones = [attackwp1,attackwp2,attackwp3,attackwp4,attackwp5,attackwp6,attackwp7,attackwp8,attackwp9,attackwp10,attackwp11,attackwp12]; _pos = []; _distex1 = []; _distex2 = []; { _checking = false; while {!_checking} do { _pos = [getMarkerPos "center", random 9950, random 359, false, [1, 4975]] call SHK_pos; _distex1 = (_pos distance (getMarkerPos "exclude1")); _distex2 = (_pos distance (getMarkerPos "exclude2")); //debug chat player globalChat format["Position: %1",_pos]; player globalChat format["Distance from exclude1: %1",_distex1]; player globalChat format["Distance from exclude2: %1",_distex2]; hint ""; sleep 10; //end debug chat if ((_distex1 > 1500) && (_distex2 > 700)) then { _checking = true}; }; _x setPos _pos; //debug markers _name = str(_x) + str(random 100); _marker = createMarker [_name, (getPos _x)]; _marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _marker setMarkerType "DOT"; //end debug markers } forEach _attackzones; sleep 5;
  20. Good to hear, thanks!
  21. You certainly have a right to keep your IP private, but as was already mentioned, that kind of runs counter to the overarching philosophy of the Arma modding community. Why not release your scripts/missions/whatever officially? That way, it's on record that you are the creator. Anyway, sticky subject. Best of luck.
  22. Not sure if this issue has been raised yet, but here goes: With the addition of all of the new A3 forums/subforums, the BI MILITARY GAMES FORUMS overview has become cluttered. I don't mean "disorganized", as it is clearly well-ordered, but it is not as easy as it used to be to find a particular subforum now simply due to the sheer number of subforums. I like having everything on one page, but I think that a simple thing like double separators between game forums would help a lot in this regard.
  23. Harzach

    RPG Effectiveness

    That's from an improvised EFP, not an RPG.
  24. An "invert" option would be superfluous. There's a reason the controls are user-configurable, and it certainly does not take "hours" to make this change. I would agree that having the aircraft binds inverted by default makes sense, though.