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About Overmax

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  1. Hello, How can I pause the game without it hitting ESC and getting all blurry. So I then can go to third-person camera and make a screenshots without fearing to crash my helicopters. I looked into the control but can't find a pause or break button.
  2. Overmax


    I can only support that. A bit better third person camera handling and maybe a record function so you can replay your flight and move the camera around. When playing I do not need a third person camera often.
  3. Ah didn't see the dropdown for other control settings. Works like a charm now, thanks for the quick answer.:) It is a bit wierd since I have the T.16000 and Saitek throttle but it doesn't show them in the controllers with a scheme area. But I did it manually now and it works. For other POV-Stick users: Got to All category and look for the aim up, down, left, right commands. If you activate freelock by default, you can then use your POV-Stick to smoothly look around.
  4. I am using the POV-Stick on my joystick to look around in my other sims but I can't find any control input for that in TOH. There is only head movement on the horizontal plane not looking up and down for example. Obviously I will not use the mouse for that, how am I supposed to operate a joystick and a mouse :D So, is there a way to map the function of the mouse to the POV-Stick or are there snap-views or something?