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About mdraimund

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    Private First Class

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  1. mdraimund

    Severe Server Desync

    Hmm, whatever I did I think it became worse.... This is also another message that gets repeated a lot. No player found for channel 257343552 - message ignored Did some further testing & something in our modpacks/missions are causing this & I can't see what it is.
  2. mdraimund

    Severe Server Desync

    I'll have a look, especially on the non-guaranteed bit. Thanks Syn.
  3. mdraimund

    Severe Server Desync

    We got a server from Alpha-networks that I'm not sure on what upload we get. But I've got 100mb/s from the one I run myself, but that one wasn't built to be a game-server. MaxBandwidth=2147483647; MaxMsgSend=1024; MaxSizeGuaranteed=1024; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=64;
  4. Hello, I have some issues with our units servers. We run ace & acre as well as some content mods. The servers seem to de-sync while someone is connecting when we're playing our scenarios with our entire compliment, usually between 20-25 players. Checking the logs I notice that there's a type of message we get a lot of. Client: Object 9:127 (type Type_105) not found. what does this actually mean? Is it the result of the server not keeping up or the cause of it?
  5. mdraimund

    Extended eventhandlers

    Ah yes, thank you. Disregard. I got it doing what I want it to now.
  6. Hello, So I'm running into a bit of a weird snag. I've made some custom units for my unit to use and in the config i put an eventhandler to run a script that adds and loads up a backpack. This is the code I have been using in my CFGVehicles: class EventHandlers { init = "[_this select 0] execVM '\75rr_us_modz\scripts\ruck_load.sqf'"; }; The problem with this is that it seems to run twice for some units in multiplayer and duplicate the backpack and gear. Like some sort of locality issue. To remedy this I started looking into the XEH and thought that the initpost function sounded like just what I needed. So I tried replacing it with this: class Extended_InitPost_EventHandlers { class CAManBase { SLX_MyAddon_init="[_this select 0] execVM '\75rr_us_modz\scripts\ruck_load.sqf'"; }; }; This didn't work. I don't have the XEH standalone, maybe that's an issue since I run it off of CBA. So first of all, is it possible that the initpost function will do what I need it to do? And secondly, what am i doing wrong? I'd like to thank everyone in advance for their insightful answers.
  7. Allright, so this could mean that the script is already done by the time the spawn script makes a string out of the argument? So unless anyone can see any errors in my code I'll happily go on believing this actually works.
  8. Hello everyone, Having some trouble getting arguments to be passed to a spawn code. The following code is meant to make sure all scripts are being executed properly. I pass the script to the spawn code as an argument but it returns <Null-script>. Has anyone got some insight? _scriptHandle = [] execVM "script.sqf"; [_scriptHandle] spawn { private ["_script", "_debug"]; _script = _this select 0; _debug = str (_this select 0); sleep 5; if (!scriptdone _script) exitwith {hint format["Debug %1", _debug];}; };
  9. Allright so I fixed it. This is how it ended up. Works in all environments and with both players and AI. if (_para) then { cutText ["","BLACK IN",2]; _drop = 100; _pos = [getpos _man select 0, getpos _man select 1, _drop]; _chute = "Parachute_US_EP1"; if (isserver) then {_silk = createvehicle [_chute, _pos,[], 0, "FLY"];}; if (local _man && !isserver) then { sleep .5; _canopy = nearestobject [_pos, _chute]; _man moveindriver _canopy; } else { sleep .5; _canopy = nearestobject [_pos, _chute]; _man setvehicleinit "this moveindriver _canopy;"; processinitcommands; }; };
  10. Ok so the local command worked fine for the players. But I can not get AI to get into the parachutes on a dedicated host. True, we don't play our missions with AI but I'd still like my script to allow for it. I tried doing it instead with a setvehicleinit & processinitcommands combo. Again, works fine singleplayer & hosted but not on a dedicated host. Any ideas?
  11. Thank you sxp. I'll give the local command a whirl. Might be I get some interesting results trying with AI. the isdedicated part was just part of my frustrated and ineffective troubleshooting. I was throwing stuff at it to see what sticked.
  12. So I have a script I use when I make missions for my unit. The script is run in the init of each one of the playable units (straight up through the editor). If I pass "True" in the variables of it, it should spawn everyone under a parachute. here's the snippet were the paradrop is created: This works fine single player and when "hosted" but not dedicated. Before I added the isserver check multiple chutes were created and some people dropped from the sky. In a dedicated environment no chutes are spawned, not even for the AI. Any wisdom?
  13. mdraimund

    NAT Negotiation failed

    Tried connecting to the server using a VPN. Only one of the servers appear on "LAN" and I'm still unable to connect to the other server.
  14. Hello, I can't join a certain server. Another server on the same IP I can join but not this specific one. I just says connection failed. The arma.RPT only gives the error: I've tried some netsh commands and reset my router but the problem is persisting. Even with my PC in DMZ I'm unable to connect. Anyone who think they can help?
  15. We're a small group, a bit irregular. Grown out of a group of friends and we're looking for new ones. All are welcome, no formal requirements. Squad name - Uraloutside Timezone/location - GMT+1/ Scandinavia (mostly) Squad gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp) - Co-op (we like to play nice) Contact email - mauritz.draimund@gmail.com Website address - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/uraloutside