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About Krant

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  1. What? Where does the Invasion 44 mod gives aways "Swastikas"? If you dont know what you are talking about SHUT THE FUCK UP. I have been a model airplane enthusiast for nearly 15 years, I know the german law concerning "historical correct markings" IN AND OUT. And I can tell you that having swastikas on model planes and plane models in free games or free mods for games are NOT A PROBLEM. So stop spreading panic and stupid rumors. I just want him to shut up. For a german its as like someone would turn up "HELLO IM FROM ANDALUSIA AND ANDALUSIAN LAW REQUIRES ALL PLANES MUST HAVE PINK BUNNYS ON THEM OR WE WILL GET IN JAIL FOR 10 YEARS SO REMOVE PLS?????!!!!".
  2. Read my text -_- Your example is from a RETAIL game.
  3. Incorrect. Swastikas for historical accuracy, especially in non-profit environments like a mod ARE NOT A PROBLEM. Im german by the way, please stop spreading these rumors. EDIT: To make it more clear for all the guys who are spreading this stupid rumors: Lets take an example from model airplanes. In germany you are not allowed to buy swastika stickers for your model airplane. BUT: YOU ARE ALLOWD TO BUY TWO HALFES OF A SWASTIKA STICKERS (yes model shops have them) and put them together on your model plane as a sticker.
  4. Hello? These planes are the main reason I was wating for the mod, but after the Czech Forces Mod lured everyone with their MiG-29 which was never included Im a bit careful.
  5. Is the Me262 and the FW 190 included?