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Posts posted by jacknorrisuk

  1. I do think this is set ambitiously far in the future, but I am very appreciative of the modest technology. Just look at Blops 2: set much nearer the present day and with totally stupid AT-AT Walkers plodding around town. Seeing as the game is set in a fairly degraded and isolated location, there should only be hints of the latest technology. Just go visit some little mountain village and tell me that augmented reality and 3D printers are just spewing out of the windows! BI don't even need to design a futuristic civilian car...if they just take a 2012 design and make it look old and rusty, i'd believe it would be parked outside a farmhouse in 20 years time.

    And who knows, BI have probably added lots of new technologies that they don't want to reveal yet. Probably things that won't even be revealed until halfway through the game.

  2. Sorry for the late reply,

    Ah, I can't remember if it does or not...I think it *should* but I always used CLY's group remove empty group script here:


    It does it easily and well.

    That's all well and good, but I have to admit, one of my favourite things about Charon's zombie apocalypse is discovering a town absolutely littered with dead bodies, burnt out cars and debris. What the hell did I miss here...? Some of these calm moments speak volumes more than the actual combat scenes...

  3. Okay, so I bought a big RC helicopter a few months ago, and seeing as I want to avoid any expensive crashes as I am learning, I invested in a simulator program as well as the following piece of hardware:


    It's basically a fake (USB only) radio transmitter. It's exactly like a real one - all the mouldings and technical parts are the same, it simply doesn't have any radio equipment. It comes with a CD for the driver, and I had no problem at all installing it (on 64bit Win7).

    After playing with the sim for a while (and enduring what must be several thousand pounds worth of virtual RC chopper damage), I decided to check it out in Arma.

    It is automatically recognised as a joystick. After configuring the controls, I gave it a whirl with a chopper around Takistan.

    It works really well! You can set it up to run just like an RC aircraft. It has an un-sprung throttle lever, and trimmers for all 4 lever functions, so you can get super-detail movement if you fancy that.

    I suppose in the editor you could set up a camera to look at your chopper from the ground, as if you're remote controlling a real heli....

    The main disadvantage is the fact that the controller inevitably demands the use of both of your hands - making looking around, commanding and other tasks rather tricky in certain situations!

    Still, bit of a bargain at £17. If you like flying - but perhaps fancy something different to a joystick - try this!

  4. I know technology wise it's not groundbraking by any means, and that the ability to do this kind of thing has been around for awhile, but the fact that it is actually HAPPENING NOW, after all these years is what I find so special.

    I agree. I think what we've got coming up with Tesla is an Apple-style ability to repackage existing technology as something darn sexy. Electric car technology has been around pretty much since Victorian times, but...they didn't have the business sense and they weren't as badass as this!

    It's a bit like stereoscopic 3D (but hopefully with much more future potential), which is a totally Victorian technology that was exploited and reinvented by Mr Cameron.

  5. I was doing some undeadding the other night, and remembered how much I enjoy hearing the radio message from a soldier on your side turning into a zombie. It really is quite creepy when you get like 10 in a row...

    So I was thinking. If you had access to some good voice recording, and can trigger radio messages from other certain events, could you implement more of these? It would be awesome if, as soon as a soldier is infected, he has a chance of saying on the radio, 'Holy shit, one of these crazy guys just took a chunk out of my arm!' And a few other variations...some could be generic but tactical-sounding - 'We're got an unknown threat down here, requesting support from other available units...'

    And the 'turning' moment can have variations too...perhaps a desperate scream, and a sleepy-sounding drunky moan...

    Maybe even, after a while, some morale-destroying messages from surviving soldiers who have had most of their teammates noshed (not sure how you'd detect that), exclaiming 'We're all gonna die! We've gotta get out of here!' etc.

    It makes no difference to actual gameplay, but it would add a ton more outbreak-beginning fear and atmosphere...

  6. Need for Speed most wanted was released in 2005; Star Wars Battlefront in 2004. And you call them oldschool? Damn youngsters.

    How about Doom, Steel Panthers, Duke Nukem 3D, Apache Longbow, Rainbox Six? :p

    DANG! That's a tasty lineup right there. These were all favorites of mine, especially Duke 3D. Okay, so I was only 7 when it came out, but my dad still let me play it!

  7. I think perhaps an answer closer to the interaction you wanted, would be for me to tell you that Source is a totally different engine, with a completely different way of working, including a strong emphasis on physics and only featuring content from...well, Half-Life spin-offs, and thus would never work with Arma - and even if by some incredible miracle it did work, no one would be particularly interested anyway, because Arma fans who want to make films are clever enough to make amazing videos using the game itself, and don't need to rely on highly accessible software that rarely produces anything more than surreal Team-Fortress-My Little Pony clips.

  8. The new version contains "smart" civilians to be enabled with a module, that will make them run away from undead upon witnessing them killing another civilian nearby.

    If they are male, they will then either pick up a dropped weapon from a human corpse or try to enter the nearest free vehicle to use to drive off to another town (without exiting it of course).

    If no free vehicle is available they will run around in panic hehe.

    AMAZING! Can't wait to see that.

    BUT...let us spare a thought for our undead friends...will they be smart enough to stand a chance against such a clever clogg human resistance!? Will you be giving them enough of an AI makeover to remain a serious threat?

    If our humans can get in a vehicle, flee, and remain in said vehicle - zombies will have to be able to swarm and infect/destroy ordinary vehicles with ease...

    And if civilians can arm themselves, the zombies will have to have some sharp pathfinding and quick attack to prevent them all being mowed down...

    Maybe the infection system could be more intermingled with your fleeing civilian idea. I would LOVE to see civilians that get infected, and THEN flee to another town by car, only to get out, go meet their buddies, and then...you know the rest.

  9. What looks odd is if zeds don't attack a gunner that is freely exposed on a vehicle such as Hummer MG.

    Only solution i see now is to make an array of vehicles that have the gunner really "exposed" or not reachable, i always prefer "generic" solutions though, but it seems

    impossible to find that out via script for any kind of imaginable addon/mod vehicle.

    Was playing around with zombies last night, and tried playing as Humvee MG gunner position with AI driver. Interestingly, I noticed that when zombies surround and attack the vehicle, my character shakes and wobbles around on his axis a bit (as possible per Operation Arrowhead's vehicle-riding g-force effect) - it actually looks quite good and makes it harder to shoot, as if the zombies are reaching up and pulling you about. Not sure why it happens, it might be because the driver is getting confused and can't decide where to drive. Anyone else get this, or just me?

  10. I'm hoping all that spare money the Oculus Rift guys have picked up by now will mean we get a seriously awesome screen when the the final product hits the market, having that great resolution allowing for more precise longer range engagements, an awesome FOV for situational awarness in first-person, head tracking so I can stop using/rebind that alt key, and 3D just for plain immersion factor, this is what Arma has been begging for it's whole life!!!!


    I have to say, there are times even with the lame old Vuzix 45 FOV low res glasses that it felt immersive playing Arma. Flying a chopper with a joystick and looking around is pretty good. With these ones, it could be AMAZING.

  11. I usually find that the things that need fixing are due to the core Arma 2 actions of units (the way they react, move etc.)

    I would love to be able to put down just one 'infected dog' at an unknown location on a fully populated map, and see what happens. Usually, the spread seems to get stunted by zombies standing around not sure where to go next, especially when civilians run into their houses! Also, we need civilians to get scared enough to actually migrate across the map, by foot or vehicle, to help spread the virus!

    By the way...I actually loved the way you could actually play as the zombies in the Armed Assault mod after you died. I don't think it was intentional, and it was hella buggy, but it was so cool to be resurrected and eat your fellow soldiers. Anyone else?...

  12. Sounds great - I can't wait!

    Perhaps all you non-DayZ zombie modders should form a little club. I think it would be fairly easy to capture some of the DayZ fans with just a bit of cohesion - perhaps a dedicated website, some noob instructions etc.

    I made an animated film to celebrate DayZ having 1 million users. Charon, just let me know if you think a trailer like this could be useful to your next release!
