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Everything posted by jacknorrisuk

  1. jacknorrisuk

    The Undead Mod

    Sounds great - I can't wait! Perhaps all you non-DayZ zombie modders should form a little club. I think it would be fairly easy to capture some of the DayZ fans with just a bit of cohesion - perhaps a dedicated website, some noob instructions etc. I made an animated film to celebrate DayZ having 1 million users. Charon, just let me know if you think a trailer like this could be useful to your next release!
  2. I'll be honest with ya guys. I'm a massive geek. And I like making stuff too. I was wondering if anyone else round here uses up any of their spare time making/doing nerdy little creative things that might be appreciated here? Seeing as DayZ is on the rise, and I've been able to spend more time lovin' Arma 2, I'm tempted to try and make some cuddly Chernarus-themed thing. Any ideas? I just finished my Minecraft bean bag and thought I'd share it. http://i.imgur.com/a1PJk.jpg I also turned my desk fan into a Plants vs Zombies Sunflower! http://i.imgur.com/tGFTh.jpg And I drew some pictures of Duke Nukem when I was 7 years old! http://i.imgur.com/oRkiXl.jpg Come on peeps. I'm sure some of you have made some lovely things.
  3. jacknorrisuk

    Geekery and gaming: Art projects, homeware, fan creations etc.

    Sorry about that, DARNNIT I just paste pictures everywhere out of habit. I'm like a 5 year old with some blue tack. Thanks for the feedback! Man, that ammo case PC is cool! Is it not potentially dangerous building a custom metal PC case?
  4. jacknorrisuk

    Steam discussion

    True dat. My enjoyment of Skyrim was easily halved by this painful situation. Hell, I'm just gonna get the Mega Drive out again.
  5. jacknorrisuk

    Steam discussion

    Man, this is crazy stuff. Personally I can't stand Steam. Now I'm extra glad I don't use it at all. Physical copies are nice, and they look good on your shelf.
  6. Hah, just found this too and saw your post! It really does look badass. The field of view and head tracking look amazing. Time to bin my Vuzix? Is anyone thinking of getting the developer kit? $300 ain't that much for this. Pretty sure we could get it talking to Arma 2 in no time.
  7. jacknorrisuk

    The Undead Mod

    Hey Charon, I can't wait! DayZ is great and everything, but actually...I prefer your mod. The most interesting aspect of a zombie apocalypse for me is the outbreak and human resistance. I love watching the infection spread around the country as civilians get infected then flee to another town... DayZ captures a story where the war has already been lost, months down the line, whereas your zombies are perfect for creating that initial outbreak carnage. As far as I am aware, this is the biggest element of the zombie genre that is totally missing from all other games. Carry on!
  8. jacknorrisuk

    AI Voices

    I think the voice acting is more important than we give it credit for. A vast amount of atmosphere and tension can be created with your comrades' voices and radio speak alone. The BAF voices definitely seemed to be a technical improvement, but they all sounded a little weird to me - accent/pronunciation wise.
  9. OH MAN this looks badass, and quite cheap too! I was in Brighton just last weekend! It would cost me another £40 to get back down there now...
  10. jacknorrisuk

    Arma Memes...

    ---------- Post added at 16:04 ---------- Previous post was at 15:58 ----------
  11. This. I think we'd be surprised how many people haven't heard of Arma and yet would love to play it. We all know Arma's potential customer base is probably like 100 times its current size. After demonstrating just what can be done with this game (for example, DayZ), people will buy it. If there was enough coverage of the comprehensive vehicle simulation, we'd probably win the audiences of those cheap "[VEHICLE NAME] Simulator" games. And believe me, there is a strangely large audience for them. Seriously, I think there are thousands of people out there who would jizz their pants if they only discovered this hidden gem.
  12. jacknorrisuk

    Graphic Anomalies

    Wow, looks a bit like that Red Faction cover art... I had something similar last year, but it turns out it was my graphics card. It could be something completely different in your case.
  13. jacknorrisuk

    Giving back : promoting Arma3 on social media

    Hmm, a bit dodgey. Has anyone heard of the War and Peace show in Kent? http://www.warandpeaceshow.co.uk/ It's the biggest military show in the world. BIS should absolutely have a marquee there for marketing, well, ALL of their games.
  14. Completely true, but I think we need to give BF and COD fans a little more credit. I don't think they're ALL arcadey-shooter fanboys out for a quick bit of satisfaction. I would say that at least a quarter of BF/COD regulars become quite interested in actual military/war technology and tactics etc, and would look to discover the next level of this interest. This is where Arma 3 should plug the gap in the market. BF3's marketing strategy actually focused on being more tactical, dynamic and realistic than COD. It drew on the military interests of COD players. Arma 3 should be saying, 'Hello there, modern war enthusiasts...if you think you can handle it, why don't you try the next one up?'
  15. jacknorrisuk

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (In the future)

    I read this. It made me angry. Have you ever read anything that reeks so badly of a fat payoff?? I don't have to explain to you guys how totally stupid it is saying that we will basically have AT-AT Walkers in LA in 10 years time... I seriously doubt that even the author believes most of what he is saying. Maybe he has a gun pointed at his head. (an inaccurate, low-poly gun at that). I think we should all register on IGN just so we can flame the comments with corrections. ---------- Post added at 14:51 ---------- Previous post was at 14:48 ---------- Yes, I instantaneously remembered this exact same moment from the Battlefield 3 trailer.
  16. jacknorrisuk

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (In the future)

    I lol'd at the mechs and the horses... It looks terribly thought-out. 2025? Basically one decade away. That level of technology is either 2050+, or just never. I'm just so glad that BIS didn't envision the near future to be SO DARN CAMP. And cliche. I haven't played any COD games since the first one, which I got for Christmas and completed by Boxing day; was left thoroughly disappointed!
  17. jacknorrisuk

    DayZ as a Standalone game...?

    I checked out this Dead Linger thing, it seems surprisingly successful...and yet, they are extremely ambitious with very little material to show, and real fleshed-out ideas...either they're very secretive, or they're conning thousands of zombie fans out of $130,000? Surely something like DayZ could fill the big hole in the middle of such a standalone game, better than any from-scratch project?
  18. jacknorrisuk

    Underwater element. What is the point?

    Whilst I am really looking forward to the feature, I also agree with this. One of my favourite things about Arma is that the basic situation is usually so straightforward: big land, loads of clever troops. And the genius comes out of that. I always prefer that to the 'special' stuff. It does feel a little bit CODdy. HOWEVER, what I'm really looking forward to is this just being part of the game engine. I don't care too much about the missions associated with it, I simply want the satisfaction of knowing that I can drive a car into the sea and it will probably kill me in a much more realistic way than the previous games...
  19. jacknorrisuk

    Crysis 3

    This looks proper boring and rubbish...How many more painfully linear and shiny FPS games can we put up with? I thought Crysis was pants from the start, nowhere near as good as FarCry (1). And yeah, what the hell is up with the future-bow-and-arrow thing?? They're really trying to push it on that. I've seen a billboard with him holding it. Seriously?? Has he got a cyber-radioactive spear too?
  20. jacknorrisuk

    Voice recognition for AI commands for Arma 3

    I used Glovepie with Windows' built in voice recognition software, and it actually works quite well. I downloaded someone elses' Glovepie code (thanks, whoever made it), and then changed and added a bunch of lines to suit an Essex boy like myself - (just a lot more 'OII!' and 'GET YA BLUDDY ARRSE IN THAT...') Its quite experimental, and you need to give the software time to learn your voice. I had no problems breathing certain little commands and getting a really good response from the AI, but some things just didn't work very well. For some reason, it always had trouble hearing me say 'three.' My girlfriend would give me the weirdest looks as I spoke to my computer: "Three, get in the chopper. Three. Get in. Three. Three. THREE!!!" By adding your own dialogue to be recognised you can make it quite nice and personal. I made mine recognise "okay, ladies..." and "alrite geezers..." to select all soldiers...
  21. Gonk has got the new Sony one - thread here I have the Vuzix 920 VR - bought it back in 2008. I picked it up new on ebay for £150. I have to say, there are pros and cons with this particular model (which isn't even produced anymore) as well as the whole idea: Pretty cool things Quite comfortable and light You can still see the keyboard if you look down Works well with Glovepie When everything does just work, and you're still comfortable, and you are flying a helicopter with a joystick and surround sound, and you're looking down at your feet and at the land all around you - it is amazing, and truly immersive. [/b] Darn nasty things It gets really hot at the front Makes you look like a plank to anyone else who's around The screen isn't fantastic resolution The screen is quite low quality and low contrast The gyro head tracking movement is utter sh*te and has never worked properly as long as I've had it Becomes uncomfortable to look at the screen in about 30 mins If I can try it before buying, and it's good, I think I would get the new Sony one. As long as it works well with head tracking, it must be very good...
  22. jacknorrisuk

    Using ARMA to improve English Language proficiency

    Lol! Agreed, the method of talking in Arma is a bit ropey. I can see where this guy is coming from, but it would be a huge amount of work to make something effective out of it... ALL, FORM ON ME! All, stay alert!...etc etc.
  23. jacknorrisuk

    [TvT/FFA/CO-40] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox

    This is a really good mission, and popular too. I just hosted a game for myself to try it really, and I had about 15 people come and go...who all knew what they were doing, and set up a base and stuff! Unfortunately, I encountered a strange problem that rendered the game unplayable. I'm not sure if it was just me (host), or if the other players got it too, but the frame rate dropped suddenly to about 1fps. It didn't seem to be connection related or graphics related...it even slowed down the menus. As soon as I ended the mission, everything went back to normal...I'm playing on standard Arma 2.
  24. jacknorrisuk

    West-Kent Map UK WIP

    This is -AMAZING-. Well, I'm from Essex, so my invading army on this map will always be from the North! Is it too far West to be able to reenact the War and Peace show at Tunbridge Wells? The roads are real nice too. Loving the double yellow lines, phoar. Someone will have to retexture the ol' bus as a First company bus...
  25. This looks amazing...didn't someone make a whole Lego-themed mod back in OFP? (Not that it had anything to do with actually building things)...