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Everything posted by ChickenWinger

  1. I think we're using an older version (1.42) but looking at the changelog, that shouldn't make much of a difference. We're not running a dedicated server if that makes a difference. EDIT: Tried a dedicated server. I don't think we set it up right, but there weren't any guidelines we could find for setting up a dedicated server so we winged it. Still didn't work, although in this case we didn't even have a team leader (the host has always been team leader/admin in the past).
  2. I'm having the same issue. A couple buddies and I are LANing it and only the host/admin is getting any sort of mission advancement - everyone else is just a mercenary and does not get any mission updates. I can't seem to find any troubleshooting of any sort in the manual or in this thread. We've confirmed that it's an open server (although we've tried using admin select) and we have double confirmed that everyone is on the same team when the Admin checks the managed team. Any idea what's up? Anything in particular we should be looking at? Thanks //CW