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Everything posted by McSpeed

  1. ok well i been reading and looking for answers but i just cant get it. so hopefully someone can help me out here. i try to get my mission to accept the time of day i set in the lobby prior to mission start. my description ext reads as follows respawn = "BASE"; respawndelay = 4; disabledAI = 0; class Params { class DayTime { //paramsArray[2] title = "Time Of Day"; values[] = {0,16,8}; texts[] = {"Dusk","Midday","Dawn"}; default = 16; }; }; #include "mission_settings\dialog\common.hpp" #include "mission_settings\dialog\mission_settings.hpp" #include "R3F_revive\dlg_attente_reanimation.hpp" #include "=BTC=_Logistic\=BTC=_Lift\=BTC=_Hud.h" According to this i should get the options to set Dusk , Midday or Dawn in the lobby and that is the case. However, when the mission starts the time is always as set in the editor. any thoughts here? what am i missing?
  2. nice one, i did notice last night we had some issues with night time on some clients even though it was day :) thank you muchly indeed :D
  3. THAT did it. you , sir , cured a headache i had for nearly a week now:) thank you very much!
  4. hmm, i figured it might be an init issue. here is what i have in mine: [] execVM "player_respawn.sqf"; // Execute the mission settings script [] execVM "mission_settings\init.sqf"; execVM "R3F_revive\revive_init.sqf"; _logistic = execVM "=BTC=_Logistic\=BTC=_Logistic_Init.sqf"; skiptime (paramsArray select 2); i saw the same thing on ofpec. but when it comes to code it takes me a while to make sense of maybe 50% of whats in there :) as things stand the mission always starts at 10.30 am (as set in the editor)...
  5. much obliged. will read up on it.
  6. Hi, I finally decided to host a ded server after years of playing and so far its all good. however, i came across one problem. i wanted to be able to have a scenario with flexible day/night pattern (to be selected in the game lobby) i managed to have the options listed , including view distance, terrain and such, but whatever we set is not being applied. i tried it on various missions i built to no avail. i have a feeling the server "forces" a read only state to the files and so it cant be set, is this true? if so, does anybody know a way to accomplish this in another manner?