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About Benbone

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    ArmA and RC model aircrafts
  • Occupation
    IBM Employee

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  • Biography
    I am a husband and father of a boy
  1. Dear Myke, I use TrackIR 4 with software version 4.1 and a custom profile, which I use for all the games alike. It works fine with all other ArmA games. But your hint is valid, I will update the TrackIr software from Naturalpoint, maybe this helps. Thank you for your reply :-) ---------- Post added at 02:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 PM ---------- Dear Myke, I updated my version 4 software from TrackIR to the version 5. Now everything is working. Thank you very much for your post! It may help others who run into the same thing as well. Thanks a lot!
  2. Dear Gentlemen, In the new ArmA3 Alpha, we can enable the TrackIR device in the control options. In the bindings under "View" I can see the assignments by default already configured for "analogue look" (left, right, up, down, etc). But unfortunately, I can not make it to work in the game. Is thisa feature to be implemented later or am I doing anything wrong ? As in ArmA 2 I start my trackIR software before the ArmA game. In the trackIR software I can varify that all TrackIR funktions are working. Is there anything else which I have missed to turn on ? Thank you very much for your help! Benbone from United Nations Army Clan
  3. Thanks a lot for your answers, Demonized. Now I know that what I intented to do is not possible as such. Sorry for asking twice more or less the same thing, I just did not expect a thing like that to be quite impossible, but the explanation you gave is conclusive. Maybe in the next ArmA game they will untie a bit the relation between a vehicle and the side. Thanks again ! Benbone - www.united-nations-army.eu
  4. Alternatively you could start the above siren script right int the init statement of the stuka unit or even in the init.sqf. Greetings Benbone
  5. Hello Magnus, if I understand your question correctly, then you want a way how to automatically observe the planes angles at all times. The answer to that was given above. You need to start a script (e.g. as soon as a aircraft is airborne) which is running in a loop and constantly checking the conditions to either turn on or turn off your sound. You could use a simple trigger object, place it on the map and name it checkSiren, for example. In the condition field, remove the "this" and replace it with your starting condition. For example *getPos myStuka select 2 > 100;* just as a simple starter now. So this will fire the trigger once your aircraft myStuka has reached 100 meters above ground. In the onAct field you have to start your control script sqf. From now on the loop is running and constantly checking the planes angles and, if required, turn on the sound. Maybe this in combination with the above posts help you understand the mechanics ? Good Luck ! Benbone
  6. Thanks for your reply, Demonized, even though it was not what I wanted to hear, but this is not your fault :-) So if this is a standard problem and there is no propper solution for this, is there any workaround ? Is there a way to put the vehicle to a side that is enemy to everybody ? How can this be controlled if not using the side ? Is there any alternative way within the given framework of the game ? Thank you very much for your kind answers ! Benbone
  7. Hello LockJaw, have you tried yet to assign the ZSU a waypoint with "fire at will" ? If they still do not fire, maybe they can not see the aircraft ? Put a player role beside the ZSU and observe from first person perspective, if the aircraft can be seen and attacked from where the ZSU is. In addition you cound demand them directly to target and fire using commands like doTarget and doFire with explicit reference to that aircraft object. Greetings
  8. Benbone

    Scripted WP issue not working

    Dear Psvialli, ok, as far as I see it you did a mistake in the addWaypoint command. Try this: _wptest1 = _grp1 addWaypoint [[12604.7,9837.15,0.214798], 0]; followed by the rest above. The mistake you made is, that the arguments for the command is an array of things. You just gave a position, but the command expects am array including a position. You understand ? The 0 as the second parameter is the index for the waypoint. So you could add a waypoint also in between other existing waypoints. The zero (0) means, that this is the first waypoint in the queue which the unit has to go to. Please try and tell me if you succeded. Here is the link to the docs in case you don't know: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addWaypoint Kind Regards and good luck ! Benbone
  9. Hello Demonized, thank you very much for your answer even though it was not what I wanted to hear :-) But this is not your fault. So if this is a known issue and there is no real solution to change the side of a vehicle, how do you walk around this problem ? Do you use propper vehicles for both sides, like west only A10 and east only frogfoot ? Is there any best practice to get at least as close as possible to a solution using a work around or "dirty" trick ? Any idea ? Thank you for your kind answer ! Benbone
  10. Dear James, yes there is ! There exists a function called *worldToScreen* which does what you may require. At the moment you call this function it will return to you the 2D coordinates of where you are looking in the 3D world. Imagine you are a soldier walking in the 3D world on Utes. Now you point with your gun to a place e.g. the big hangar at the airport or to a vehicle parked on the street. When you call this function, it will convert the x-y-z coordinates you are pointing at in the 3D world into a x-y coordinate on your screen. The top left corner of the screen has x=0 and y=0 and the bottom right has x=1 and Y=1. So the center of the screen would be x = 0.5 and y=0.5. There is also a reverse function *screen to world*. If you pass the center of the screen to it (x=0.5 and y=0.5) it will return the coordinates x,y,z where you are actually pointing at in the 3D world. I think you can use that, e.g. if you want to direct artillary fire to the place where you are looking at. Did this help ? Greetings !
  11. Dear Experts, I searched a lot but without success for a solution to this problem: I have an empty vehicle on the map, let's say a chopper. Now a player of either east or west is taking over the vehicle by entering it as a driver. What I want now is, that the vehicle would appear on the rader in the propper colour according to the side of the player who is occupying it. E.g. if a western player is taking the controls of the vehicle, it should appear for all western players as green and for all eastern players as red on their radar. And vice versa, if an easten player gets into the vehicle, it shall appear green for all eastern players adn red for all BlueFor. Instead, it always appears relative to the vehicles "origin" in the basic cfg. So if the vehicle is a AH1Z, it will always appear green to all western players and red to all eastern players. This means, that a western player can not get a lock onto the target, even though the vehicle is controled by the other side. How can I get around this problem ? Have you ever had the same requirement ? I seached for keywords *** change side vehicle *** but no results. Thank you very much for your kind support ! Benbone, from UNA Clan - Eagle Squad Leader