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About blackout_2022

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I just honestly think if this is done it give a lot of opportunity for various outcomes to the future of the way arma is played or at least i can hope but thank you for the input ( and there are alot of other reasons i would like to see it work maybe one day a full on arma MMO server would pop up and it would be nice to have the client server stage where teams group up and then go to various islands on the host server to play with other teams that randomly connect or against and a in game way to browse such features but hey as i said a dream )
  2. OK 1) immersion in the mod mission selection ( which a lot of people "that i have played with" find a bit tedious. 2) Allows players to set up gear in first person so they can mix and match weapons gear according to there team and not taking time away from ongoing missions 3) Give's team a safe area to train new members prior mission launch ( for new players ) a lot of teams have had new people run with them when they are recruiting whom are just learning 4) "this point kinda work together with point 3" help to learn or how to use add-on controls if any eg: ace tfar etc... 5) and last but not least if ever fully functional with in game mods switching and if possible server selection from base island ( this works if during loading you can switch various servers selected during base mission ) then the possibility of making it into a proper mmo environment which will bring extra players that like that genre All in all i just want to bring this all to life to make mission / mod selection more fun for those that are not selecting and have to wait while the team works it all out
  3. Hello all i would love if people could get on board with this and i believe if this works it would bring a lot more players as they style of the game would be a closer dynamic to MM O style game this will happen as of now in 2 phases as BIS is still working on getting mods to be switched without restarting game. OK lets start: Phase one is to make a mission where up to as many players ( numbers are server used specific ) could go onto a home base island EG. Stratus and select mods and mission on island using altered scripts from http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29895Downloads / Arma 3 / Editing / Scripts / Multimedia Interface System script "credit to Aylas" to send selection to launcher (either BIS PWS or A3 Launcher or a new one of makers choosing ) then final script to signal all launchers to close game and restart game with mods connecting to server which also resets (thinking at this point to put slight delay in clients as server would need to restart and be up for clients to connect ) OK next phase. Phase 2: (this Phase depends on if BIS can get mods to be switch in game ) so in this phase we would use the scripts from above to launch the mods / missions in the game and to have all server and clients add those mods while switching in flight using http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27261Downloads / Arma 3 / Modules / Cosmos Engine "credit to John Autko" So if there are any that would be able to help make this happen please do thank you
  4. Hi Ace3 team great job congratulations and thanks for this release. on another note playing with ace3 there is an issue that i ran into explosives i can get them into hand but when i try to place explosive ( with left mouse click ) my gun will shoot and i am not able to place explosive, at this time this is the only thing i have noticed that i had any issue with i dont feel i am doing anything wrong self interaction menu explosive menu demolition block option then i see the block in front of me but cannot put on ground i reopen menu to rid block in front of me and continue attacking since i cannot lay the charge ( i am also using tpw realisum mods shack tac mods eg. h.u.d eg. stamina bar, eg group indicators, eg interaction, blastcore tracers, blastcore a3, cup and caf aggressors ) these mods work fine with AGM and i have not seen any conflicting errors displayed other then that i have not seen any issues as of yet Edit : upon further review i have found that the issue i am experancing is one that is conflicting with the mission i am tring it on and the mod i was tring to use ace with battlezone and that is when i experanced the issue on vts works perfectly thanks for all the hard work
  5. blackout_2022

    Mod List

    When i Open arma 3 a file keeps getting added to my mod list @curator which then causes my Arma 3 to not load into maps like it is getting hung up on (only a thought ) it hanging on tring to load 2 zues on mission load where a zeus module is placed .... if i remove said file and verify and repair mods i can then play fine after it fixes 12 files ( do not know how to pull the list on files through steam verify and repair ) then it will play one time fine and next time opening will be back to curator being in mod list any help please
  6. ok again you can see the figures of people or running vehicles but as for anything else you see nothing ok best way to explain is in normal without vts running you can see the streets and trees in thermal night or day but whith vts you see nothing other then things are red hot
  7. Ok hi i dont know why or what the exact problem is but when we use vts and turn the time of day to night ( the latest vts used and the problem persist ( the problem being thermal mapping ) this seeming only to have occured since the last hotfix prior zues being introduced as it still is there even after this last update today i at first thought maybe a server side issue but the problem is when we play on vts mission and also when i tried to play on local vts mission i have then tried to check if the issue would occure when i used the zues mission and changed time to night but there was no issue without vts so could it be a confilct in vts scripts and thermal mapping we ( as i speak for most of my team ) love your vts use it alot but really would enjoy having thermal mapping working ( by thermal mapping i mean the land aspect of thermal is not working we can see anything hot but that is all eg cannot see lights, vehicles that are not running, and no out lines of anything ) we thank you for your splendid mission and tool and hope to continue to use it
  8. about the tel-ported / ejected issue i have myself experienced this issue but i had noticed that when it happened to me 1) it happens more frequently on vts based missions 2) seems to happen more often then not when there is a lag spike occurring so not sure what the issues is exactly but these are the surroundings that were going on when it happened to me or others in my unit
  9. blackout_2022

    Swimming Issue

    OK i Don't know where else to post this have looked around for a clue but have not gotten one when i try to swim across a lake ( noticed since the last update ) if i do not move sideway or look around i am fine but if i turn or look around while swimming i start seeing the screen get fuzzy and then die as if i was under water no matter how hard i try to push to the surface ( even though the whole time i am above) i don't know what to do i tried to dive then return to the surface but that changes nothing i still die once out of air why can i not breathe when i surface or while on the surface of the water ?? is there a fix could it be a bad config file what can i look at or post to show the problem ?
  10. Oh i am sure he will i used six updater and now i cannot get the components to back date it that is the only reason for urgency in my case i have a op tomorrow night i just hope it to be fixed prior that starting
  11. I am having the same issue cannot use radio buttons other then volume any suggestions ???