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Everything posted by Twigg

  1. @DruidicRifleman no mod at all as its just a script enabling you to use the dynamic loadout in game.
  2. twigg_jet_load_out = "Land_JetEngineStarter_01_F"; is in custom.sqf which is my object to run the GOM script, thanks, IL see how i go
  3. Been trying to get it working with GOM script, which works when i had it to a pre placed object on the map still been trying to get the object which Ive added to the build menu to to run it in its init field, this is where my lack of knowledge is letting me down maybe some one could have a quick look at where im going wrong. ive added this in line 307 in do_build.sqf switch (_classname) do { case FOB_box_typename: {[_vehicle, 3000] remoteExec ["F_setMass",_vehicle];}; case "Land_Medevac_house_V1_F"; case "Land_Medevac_HQ_V1_F": {_vehicle setVariable ["ace_medical_isMedicalFacility", true, true];}; case "Flag_White_F": {_vehicle setFlagTexture "res\kpflag.jpg";}; case "twigg_jet_load_out": {_vehicle _this spawn GOM_fnc_addAircraftLoadoutToObject}; case KP_liberation_small_storage_building; case KP_liberation_large_storage_building: {_vehicle setVariable ["KP_liberation_storage_type", 0, true];}; default {}; and this in line 203 save_manager.sqf if ( _nextclass == "twigg_jet_load_out") then {_nextbuilding = this spawn GOM_fnc_addAircraftLoadoutToObject}; ;
  4. @DruidicRifleman i have had luck with it by just adding it to a init in a object placed on map, I'm trying to get this working by adding a service object, running into trouble trying to do so, via do build.sqf and save manager.sqf, but i kind of suck at scripting
  5. Hi looking to add a custom init to one of the buildings like the air tower, not to sure how to go about it is it as simple as modifying the object in scripts\custom.sqf ? KP_liberation_air_vehicle_building = "Land_Radar_Small_F",_add = this spawn GOM_fnc_addAircraftLoadoutToObject; ?? also can the same be done for the vehicles to change the default pylon loadout ?
  6. thanks for the quick reply sorry about the wall of script, i thought it would of been pretty simple. i was just unsure if i would break anything thing else further down in the script ( trimmed it up :) ) Edit- tried you line. no luck is not coming up in the deployment menu at start, yes i named the marker fobhere (vari name) any ideas ? Mp mind you if that makes any diffrence
  7. Hi looking to set a fixed place for the starting fob, is there a way to set it to a map marker from what i can see its random ? mind you im no way knowledgeable in scripting only ever figured stuff out by reverse engineering it you could say im guessing you change this in "startgame.sqf" and it probably something simple (just not for me). any help ? _spawnplace = _potentialplaces call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; [markerPos _spawnplace, true] remoteExec ["build_fob_remote_call",2];
  8. Twigg

    ARMA 2 Free - For Combined Ops Lite

    :confused: what do i do with that ?
  9. Twigg

    ARMA 2 Free - For Combined Ops Lite

    how do i join the two versions to make lite ?