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Posts posted by magnus28

  1. hey guys, can't say enough about the mod..


    have you played it yet??

    My wife already HATES the mention of I44!

    A few points from me if you don't mind :-)

    I was going to mention something about the Swastikas, but i'm not trying to stir up a debate! I wanted to merely point out that there should be more in the game ( purely for historical accuracy - the ss often had swastika armbands and i'm a stickler for detail and immersion). but not sure if they only war the armbands in garrison? Still would be nice to see a couple more on a few vehicles.

    Flame throwers! Glad these have been fixed in 2.6.. but I noticed there range is only about 10m? Very, very close range, is it possible to increase range a little bit? I was running around mp and couldn't hit anyone even guys rounding houses.

    and to the guy who posted about the ai gunners not engaging/engaging wrong munition type: You can switch from mg to main cannon with ctrl+f, and order them to fire main cannon with ctrl +left mouse click. But ai gunners in other gunnery positions i.e radio operator loader (when turned out) commader (when applicable) will not fire their mgs at anything! I have come to terms with this, and have accepted that this is a bug on arma 2 side, and also happens with BTRS and T-xxx's



    2. Anyway to stop your gunner in a tank from following the enemy planes all around the sky? I hate it when I expect to encounter Shermans and realize my tiger gunner would rather follow the various enemy air assets rather than concentrate on the tank 300m to my front.

    thanks again for all your hard work

    This! +1

  3. lucky for us that Helicopters didn't exist in '44 hey Goss?

    The AI can't navigate worth a shit in Chernarus either. And AI gunners in tanks don't work well either. You ask a co-driver in a T34 to engage a target, and the ai will do nothing.

    We are held ransom by the limitations of the engine, I just can't believe that after 2 years, and with the recent fix of 158 tweaks they haven't addressed some major config issues like gunners not engaging at will, or not engaging at all.

    anyway, that's another thread....

    BTW Gossamer, where abouts in Ontario are you? I'm stationed in CFB Petawawa ...

    Badger, thx for the Cudos! I look forward to seeing you play with us. You know I44CO 2.6 is just around the corner, and i'm also working on a Variant of the Stuka that I hope to see in future versions.

    These guys do an awesome job with the mod, and every day I see more new faces on the server.

    Cheers! and bring your mates!

    Tonight is our squad night (I guess Sunday morning for you guys) so stop in and say Hi!

    My in game name is .d.a.Death_garde

  4. hey BadgerDK, to answer your question, We do have both Chernarus and Takistan.

    The thing you have to realize is that I44CO Warfare BE Doesn't run as well as regular Warfare BE.

    For starters, the current Warfare BE 2.071 is a huge file with hundreds of scripts running in the background, on top of that you have the I44CO mod, which adds many more hundreds of scripts. So trying to run this on the client side is a massive hit on your system resources. To give you an example, I can run vanilla Warfare BE for an hour and still get 60fps on high settings. On our I44 Warfare server, It usually drops to 30-35 fps after an hour.

    Takistan runs A LOT more smoothly than Chernarus. If you think Takistan isn't an appropriate setting for Warfare, you are wrong. The entire Africa campaign was fought in a desert with the Afrika Corps vs. The Desert Rats.

    In our server it is the Americans vs. the Germans - a perfect setting. That's not saying we don't ever run Chernarus, just that until the new version of I44 comes out in the next few weeks, Tak seems to run nicer.

    Hope to see you on the battlefield!

    edit: most of the german armor already has Desert Cam!!

  5. i didn't say it won't let you on if you have those expansions enabled, just in the past we were having issues with people getting booted off. I also said that the server doesn't use either of these expansions, so no point having them enabled.

    as per how many users are on at a time, it varies. usually from 4-10 seems to be the norm.

    The whole reason for posting this thread is that 90% of the pubs that join us getting kicked off by the server for not having the proper addons installed. I was merely pointing out what people need to do in order to stay connected in an attempt to boost the amount of players we have on every night.

  6. Greetings !

    Not sure if this should have been posted here, or in the User Missions section - as it contains elements of both.

    As some of you are aware, the I44 team has been hard at work putting the finishing touches on the latest version of this magnificent mod. No word as of yet as to the release of 2.6, but i'm sure we are excited to see it's debut.

    In the meantime, those of you who need to satisfy your Invasion '44 itch, feel free to drop in and join us on the only dedicated I44 CO warfare server. Just plug in teamdeadly into your filter, and you're in business.

    We are having such good success with the I44 CTI mission, that we have dedicated a server to run it almost 24/7. There are so many servers out there running vanilla Warfare BE 2.071, that we thought it would be beneficial to the gaming community to offer something different and readily available. Each night at our peak we get about 8-10 players on at a given time, which is not bad, but we could do a lot better. Most of the reason our server isn't at capacity on a daily basis is so many users have a hard time connecting to our servers. This is usually to do with a missing addon, or an incompatible expansion. Each night I see 20+ users connect, and then get kicked off by the server because the were missing something.

    Here I will provide a checklist to ensure you stay connected to the server:

    1. Our server is Combined Ops, you won't get to play with us unless you are running in CO mode.

    2. The two addons required to play are @I44CO : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?117585-Invasion-1944-v2-5-(CO) (.exe installer) or here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?117585-Invasion-1944-v2-5-(CO) (.zip reccomended for steam users or people who install addons through folders) and @CBA: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6231

    3. Our server sometimes doesn't like the expansions BAF and PMC, so if you have those installed, uninstall them , besides they aren't used on our server anyway.

    easy as 1,2,3, !

    We have boatloads of fun every night, and we usually run Takistan map, as it is a little easier on client side resources (I44CO+Warfare BE is intense on fps).

    hope to see you there, and if you see me in game say hi!


  7. sorry if there is a better sub forum to post this in, I figured editing/scripting would be the appropriate place.

    the vectordir doesn't seem relevant to what i am asking if it could be done.

    I was thinking for now maybe something that could simulate a steep dive, and trigger the siren would be if two criteria are met:

    for example,

    -if throttle is set to zero + altitude decreases 100m then activate siren.

    a dive bomber would apply the dive brakes to slow the decent, seeing on how Arma doesn't have dive brakes, setting the throttle to zero would slow the dive.

    so essentially once those two parameters have been met, the siren would activate.

    and of course once the two parameters were reversed, the siren would turn off.

    again, I don't know scripting, but i'm thinking a code could be constructed to simulate this.

  8. no one is getting personal or getting into a troll/flaming war.

    as for staying on topic, I assure you it is very much so.

    It was argued that the 50 was not used on the aforementioned aircraft,

    I proved the first time that it was,

    Then it was posted that I made a mistake about what I was referring to, so I posted again what I originally linked to - in greater detail.

    The whole time I have been talking about P-51 mustang, the armament used, MG131, Rates of fire, etc. This is all relevant to this thread, and the I44 mod.

    Keep note, that I haven't called anyone any names, i've been very careful what I wrote.

    You can allude to what you will, subjective to your own personal ethics, and interpretation.

    I have not, nor will at any time stray from the topic when it comes to this mod.

    ---------- Post added at 11:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 AM ----------

    Almost forgot, a few of my friends have asked me to invite everyone that plays the I44 mod to come on our server to play Warfare with us.

    We run the server 5-6 days out of the week, the other 1-2 days we switch to regular warfare.

    So I cordially invite you all to come play with us on the teamdeadly server!

    see ya on the battlefield!

  9. Sorry, bud. Those are links for the M2, not the AN/M2.


    Since you like wikipedia so much:


    I'll even quote you a portion:

    Emphasis, mine.

    wikipedia is not the best, but meh whatever.

    sorry, man not trying to make you look like an idiot, however you do need to learn how to read beyond the first 3 sentences.

    I will post it again, this time for your convienience I will copy the quote.

    The M2 machine gun was widely used during World War II and in later postwar conflicts as a remote or flexible aircraft gun. For fixed (offensive) or flexible (defensive) guns used in aircraft, a dedicated M2 version was developed called the .50 Browning AN/M2. The "AN" stands for "Army/Navy", since the gun was developed jointly for use by both services (unusual for the time, when the delineations between the Army and Navy were much stricter, and relations between armed services were often cool, if not down-right hostile[citation needed]). The AN/M2 had a cyclic rate of 750–850 rounds per minute, with the ability to be fired from an electrically operated remote-mount solenoid trigger when installed as a fixed gun. Cooled by the aircraft's slip-stream, the air-cooled AN/M2 was fitted with a substantially lighter barrel, which also had the effect of increasing the rate of fire. The official designation for this weapon was Browning Machine Gun, Aircraft, Cal. .50, AN/M2 (Fixed) or (Flexible).

    Don't know where you would get the notion that P-51's ever used .30 cals, but not since the prototype was a .30 cal ever mounted - and then it was called "NA-73X". Later it was totally changed and re-designated "P-51A"http://www.mustangsmustangs.com/p-51/p51variants/P-51A.shtml


    Never ever did a mustang mount a .30 cal period.

  10. The MG151/20 was a low impulse cannon with a low muzzle velocity. The MG151/20 should actually have a muzzle velocity of 800m/s.

    low muzzlevelocity compared to what? I stand corrected on the muzzle velocity, I typed that in by mistake. It's actually 805 m/sec which is lower than the hispano mk. II, but has a hell of a lot faster rate of fire. the MG131/20 also had a faster rof than the MG FF. Still 800 m/sec isn't considered "low" and I don't know what you mean by "impulse" weapon, this isn't star wars, it was a "kinetic weapon" sounds better.

    The AN/M2 is a 30 calibre machinegun.


    The AN/M2 stands for "army/navy"

    and M2 is standard designation for all browning .50 cal HMG.

    The AN variant was a lighter barreled version with a heavier bolt and higher RoF that was usually mounted on airframes. Due to the lighter barrel, RoF was theoretically 750-850 rpm users would fire weapons in quick,short bursts as to not warp the barrels due to overheating.

    here are a few quick and dirty links.



  11. first of all I have next to no experience with .sqf or .sqs

    Me and my mates play I44 CO mod,

    and there is a plane (JU-87 "Stuka") That I want to add the Jericho Siren too.

    The author of the plane was kind enough to provide me with the .pbo for another project I am working on (modelling) and I noticed that the sound file for the dive siren is already in there. I checked another config file and it was assigned a class name and such, but seems like it was never implemented.

    I would like to create a custom script or trigger that would turn on the siren when the plane goes into a steep dive (60 degrees or more) and turn off when the dive breaks out past 60 degree angle.

    I want something more than just an option to turn on in the mouse wheel, it should be triggered by the dive.

    although I have inexperience with scripting, I would be willing to learn and research at least how to do this.. just looking for some suggestions to try or in what area I should be looking into...

    If I had a more specific question to ask I would - this is not a "make this work post", i'm just clueless how to even begin this task.

    ty in advance

  12. B17 gunner positions are easy to get into - once you do it a few times. Just mouse over every part of the gun and turret until you get the crosshair icon.

    A few mates of mine expressed a wish to be able to change positions inside the plane, as this would inspire us to make a BOB mission, or at the least promote 3 or 4 of us to co-op a B17.

    Not that it is a priority or anything, but is it complicated to create a script to switch from gun to gun? Just wondering because I have next to no experience with coding.

  13. hi all,

    I'm playing the I44 mod and I didn't like the MG34 sound.

    I unpbo'd the i44_sounds_w.pbo and noticed there were 5 sound files affiliated with the MG34.






    I decoded these and had a listen....

    the burst4, burst6, and burst8 files are all respectively 4 round burst, 6 round burst etc...

    the shoot 1, and 2 are single shot with different echo at the end of each one.

    I spent hours combing the net for a pure, fast sounding mg34 with the right amount of echo, and nobody talking or interfering sounds with it...

    I used an audio editor to cut this audio clip into repective 4,6,8 round burst clips, and also a single shot.

    I then used a mp3-wav converter and compressed sample rate.

    finally I used WSSFileConverter.exe to convert the files back to .wss

    renamed the files to exact files as original, then repacked the .pbo

    After I converted the files (and even lowered sample rate) to .wav, they sounded great! In game all I hear is a single shot sound and the rest is almost mute..(sounds like someone dropping plastic beads on carpet).

    Now at first I thought I found the problem - sample too high, so I progressively lowered quality from 44k down to 16k

    no change

    then I thought maybe convert into mono and tried again

    44k -mono


    no change

    anyone have any thoughts on what the problem is?

    (i've tried both command line and gui versions of wss encoder)

    files sound great in wav and mp3 but I can't get them to play in game!!!

    really bummed out, 'cause I was very proud of myself for spending hours searching and mixing and cropping sound files..

  14. yes, but I don't suggest playing with files if you don't know what you are doing.

    cpbo is what I use.

    you just download it and make a 'copy' of the file you want to unpbo, then put it in a directory that is easy to remember - i.e. C:\1

    Then you you move the .pbo file (copy) that you want to explore into C:\1

    go start/run type cmd and hit enter

    once in the C:\1 directory, type cpbo -e (filename).pbo


    to pack it all up

    cpbo -p (folder name)
