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Posts posted by magnus28

  1. Rocket, as Celery mentioned, disabling all aide channels would make communication more difficult - yes, but let's just pretend this is a simulation of a real life apocalypse.... If you were cut off from civilization, had no cell phones, radios, etc.... If you didn't know how many people were left alive... Wouldn't your only form of communication be by mouth? Think of it this way. People can ask "anyone in Cherno?" If someone says "yeah, me and a friend" The person asking might avoid going there, or a bandit might decide to stalk them. There should be no god mode where all these people can communicate telepathically through side chat. Make it direct only so if people want to talk to others, they are going to have to go out in the world and find them! If people want long range communication, then spawn radios as loot so guy (A) and guy (B) could find radios and communicate. This would be awesome if they could set private channels as well!

    I just think side chat and global are immersion killers in this mod. Nothing ruins it for me role playing a bandit when some arse that I just killed announces over side chat to watch out for me! Dude, you're dead and shouldn't be able to warn anybody! This totally kills roleplay, and I hope you see that Dean...

  2. no Celery.. what he, I , and 100 other arma users want for this mod is to change the size and transparacy of the chats like side. maybe give an option to have a little x in the corner that you can hide it completely.

    You know what ruins my game immersion the most? people spamming side chat with random chatter, or such and such has connected, such and such has disconnected, or such and such kicked (battle eye not responding).

    Not trying to sound rude, but as far as I can tell, 90% of the players don't care to see this, and would like it removed. At least give us the ability to hide these messages. I hate having a 3rd my screen taken up by all these messages.

    Don't say this can't be undone, or hidden.

    You guys as devlopers should listen to what the community wants!

    With respect sir.

  3. I agree, it is quite annoying. What's more is it tells you to go to a character selection screen to continue, but no amount of keyboard mashing has gotten me there.

    THIS +10.

    Most annoying bug to date. Should be top of list to fix on next patch.

    BTW is there any explanation on why vehicles were taken out?

    This game already doesn't have side missions, and hunting people gets boring fast. At least if vehicles were put back in we would have something to do...

  4. you need to update your files man.

    I downloaded the latest build (code is ver 1.2.20)

    and says i'm missing the addons dayz_weapons, dayz_code, dayz_vehicles, dayz_equip.

    I redownloaded those files from mediafire.com/dayz and still same problem.. says i'm missing those files.

    -DL entire folder.

    -Unzipped to temporary file

    -Unzipped all the rar files

    -created folder @dayz

    -created sub folder addons

    -moved all the files into addon folder.

    -set launch properties in steam (CO) to include -mod=@dayz

    something i'm doing wrong?

    the 30 other mods I have installed before worked without a problem. same installation method - creating @folder and pointing steam to use that mod.

  5. Hey gnat any chance you'll be working with the I44 team to add your FW190,I like that model [/Quote]


    ..and I took off to reach the High Altitude bombing point at 9150Meters Up (= to 30,000ft ) and No matter how hard i tried to baby it I cant get it above max Altitude 8,800 Meters...

    Maybe lower your expectations to 3048M (10,000') This was they typical bombing alt of a B-17.

    Pac, Very Sexy photos of the Panzer II ! To me it was like seeing a shiny new bike under the Christmas tree when I was a kid! Panzer II Love!! TY so much!

    Also Yac nice job on the M1 - nice and grainy with the wood.

    Snorri, You've impressed me with your textures for years! Maybe if it's not to much trouble, and you have some time, could you throw up a texture and UV unwrapping tutorial?

    Great job guys.....

  6. sorry if this is in the wrong thread, didn't know where else to put it.

    I am trying to apply a hotfix for the mil-24 hind that a BI dev said can be applied via six updater.


    Devs said use the hotfix in SU for the hind only.

    I've searched this on google, but couldn't find an answer.

    I just want to verify and repair the folder that contains the hind info, but all i can seem to 'verify and repair' in SU is the actual mod folders.

    thx in advance!

  7. Eaglezero,

    I'm not sure which mission version you are playing of I44, but on CTI the ammo truck won't rearm the B-17, nor will bumping into the service point. This is the only plane in the game like this. I usually buy a repair,fuel,ammo truck and set them up close to the runway with their backs towards the tarmac. When I complete a bombing run, I simply land and taxi the plane towards the rear of the truck. A few seconds, and i'm refueled and rearmed. The only way I have been successful in rearming B-17 is through the tactical menu, and by choosing service point. But again thats just in CTI.

    I'm sure things will be quite different in 2.7

  8. So they should just change the whole story completely, right? And change the island too, since it's not Middle Eastern? We aren't in Takistan anymore...

    I wouldn't say that. But maybe make sure Blufor gets a western tank, and get rid of that garbage L-159 which is basically a Cessna on steroids with a few missiles, and maybe replace it with a more suitable 'Jet fighter' like the Pak Fa T-50. considering they will enter production in 2015/2016, it totally makes sense that this next generation multi-role fighter could fit the storyline to a tea. Russia LOVES exporting it's aircraft to India,China, and a few other big player countries.

    another perk would be if the Iranian forces got a small transport helo considering Blufor has the MH-6 and the AH-6.

    To the developers:

    This is not a flame or dig, as I respect your quality work and enjoy your quality games, but please re think this platform entirely before release.

    Sound to me like Arma is heading in the direction of CoD - with the exotic island and expeditionary force sent to stop the current regime from total takeover.

    I think the story line could work, but some players need things to make sense, and the units and factions the way they are set up absolutely doesn't.

    I'm not asking for a Battlefield scenario where every unit has it's counterpart, but it seems a little one-sided right now. And i'm pretty sure 15-25 years in the future from now the 'Merkeva' and 'L-159' are not going to be the best that these factions have to offer.

  9. Just my .002 worth:

    why does the opfor have the L-159? Grant it - it's Czech made and I appreciate supporting something 'home grown', but it's counterpart is the F-35? Are you kidding me? Why not give the Opfor an old Russian Bi-plane!

    These planes are not even comparable! From page 1, you listed 6 aircraft for Blufor, and only 3 for Opfor?

    I like the storyline, but I think it will have major balance issues. I think maybe it would be a good idea to re-visit choices made for BOTH factions vehicles. Are we to believe that both sides will use the Merkeva? Because i'm sure the LAST tank coalition would use in a future war would be an Israeli or Russian made tank. Why not the Abrams, Challenger, Leopard, or Leclerc tank? Makes more sense to go with a western tank than an eastern one.

    It is also more sensible to change the 'Coalition' to maybe an Israeli or middle eastern conflict.

  10. hey spotter, if you don't care much for realism or details, and you adopt the "looks good enough for me" attitude, then why don't you go play modern warfare and leave the realism sim for the big boys okay? Because you only speak for yourself, and lots and lots of people playing these games give a f*** about it .

  11. you have a point Messiah, and despite me being in the Armour Corps, I would have to agree that the "tank" is outdated. You could have someone blow up a tank with the press of a button from a laptop - from about 100 miles away.

    That being said, Arma 3 is still a game, a War game. And people always put tanks in combat sims no matter what. So if a "Tank" should be represented on the Coalition side, it should be some modern Western tank, not some israeli piece of crap. Don't get me wrong, not trashing the Merkeva, but compared to the Leclerc,Abrams,Challenger,Leo,T90, it's not even in the top 5 - nor should it be.

  12. You know the only thing that bothers me so far about this game is both MBT's for opfor and blufor is the Merkava. Granted there's some other tank with a railgun mounted on it but I don't like the idea of both main factions sharing weaponry, particularly armor with the same thermal signatures, silhouettes and all (yeah there's a camo difference but in some conditions that could be hard to identify). I have a hard time believing NATO couldn't adopt (assuming BIS is tired of the Abrams) the Challenger or the Leopard, esepcially the Leopard which gets no love these days from games :( .

    Yes The Leopard 2 is by far the most sophisticated and deadly MBT on the battlefield. They used to share the exact same gun, and turret as the Abrams, but now the only thing in common is they fire the same gun (made by the same German Manufacturer), However, the Leo 2 has a far better targeting system, and doesn't get bogged down in marshes like the M1 does. The Leo 2 A6, is also a newer design, has better suspension, and a better Power to weight ratio. These are not only facts, but coming from a guy still active in the Armour Corps who has done more that just compared the 2 together on paper.

    where is the F*Ing Leopard 2 Love BIS?

  13. Celery.. Fantastic Series.. I've only played part 3, i've just downloaded the other 2 parts..

    My only one complaint is that the zombies zig zag to avoid your bullets. I can kinda see them running at you instead of the typical slow shamble, but Zombies in every movie I have seen come at you in a straight line - whether they are running or not. Is there a way we could edit a line of script making them just run at you straight? This is the only game breaker for me, other than that one point, I think it's the best zombie mod yet.

  14. beagle, I just tried pasting what your sensitivity was for joystick - no change.

    If I mess with the in-game joystick sensitivity, it messes up my other axis'.

    I just want to increase the Bank sensitivity so i can do barrel rolls fast like when i use the mouse. I have no idea what sensitivity to change to influence this axis only.

    any suggestions?

  15. no Mike.

    I converted the texture in paint.net. It gave me a checkbox for RLE compression which i unchecked. and another option for 24 bit or 32 bit. i checked auto for that.

    I renamed the texture from texture01_co.tga (gave errors) to texture01_no.tga (for normal map).

    chose face properties, selected tga file and applied (hurray no errors!).

    Got buldozer working propely (reinstalled).

    when i went into the viewer, I noticed the model still had no texture applied... so I packed .pbo anyway to test in the editor. Still no texture. :butbut:

    when I looked into the data file for the old gun (mg15) i notice a bunch of .paa files for the mg15 that were in the data folder. they were all textures.

    do I have to make a copy of my texture file and stick in the data folder? as far as I knew the texture is packed into the model, and uv mapped already, but do I still need to include my texture01_no.tga in a data folder?

    Basically what I did was replace the old mg15 p3d model with mine, packed it up so i could see what it looked like in game (ju87 model).

    but all I want to accomplish right now is to make my gun model textured in game, and hand it over to the mod makers and they can configure the scripts needed to make it function in game.

    I don't want to just hand it over and say "needs to be uvmapped and textured" when i've already done all that hard work!

    Should I try and convert the .tga file to a .paa?

    i'm lost.. I don't know what I need to do in order to make this .p3d use the texture work on the model!
