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Posts posted by kmossco

  1. Sad to see that the major distributor of mods and addons is now being deprecated, but understandable considering how much it costs hosting this data for very little profit or return. But great to see the community rallied around saving this data! Is there anything I can do to help?


    I am currently helping OFPEC fixing the tag system and the news publisher to ensure it stays up for a long time to come, and I'd love to work on a mirror of ofpr.info in the very near future. I was hoping I would have more time (maybe early next year) but if we can get a torrent of all the files, I can start working very soon in that mirror to try and avoid any data loss, and in the mean time having that being seeded for everyone else as well.

  2. I just tried to play the mission and I keep getting an error about a missing ww4ext_weaponry addon. Did you have anything like this when testing?

    I also noticed that it needs the mi2no addon, so perhaps you can edit the first post to alert other people about it. ;)

  3. Not wanting to meddle in this, but shouldn't you guys be discussing this by private messaging?

    Also, bear in mind that being right or not, Arnchy is the owner/administrator of the server. You may be wrong, or not, but if he banned you for some particular reason, it is up to him to accept your return, so posting it on BI Forums won't really help your cause.

  4. I got the whole FDF repo plus missions I got from CiA, ShackTac, Cossacks, Pulverizers collection etc...

    For the most part I only have the SFP4 demo missions and maybe a few others, not that one

    Hey :) if you can, can you send me then the FDF missions you may have from CiA and others?

    Also, do you have that mission from HotShot for the SFP4 mod? Thank you so much!

  5. Hi,

    Looks like I've got them all.


    I have a large number of WGL and FDF missions if you need more.

    Hey Zulu1! :yay:

    I had a gut feeling you would have these! Thanks a million for this, was going crazy looking for them.

    I have downloaded the full FDF mission repository, is that group of missions you mention extra? Maybe something you got from CiA or other servers?

    While we are at it, there was a really good SFP4 mission made by Hotshot in cat_afghanistan. Do you happen to have it? Can't remember the name, just that there was a part of the mission where you had to de-mine a road. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

    Thank you once again. I owe you one.

  6. Hey community! I am looking for a few missions that I had before, but somehow ended deleting them :(

    Lost Platoon by HurricaneJim using the WGL5 mod and Leudersheide.

    Squad Level Hasty Ambush by CrashDome using the WGL5 mod and Phoenix Island.

    Mechanical Problem by Rune using the WGL5 mod and CAT_Afghanistan.

    The Pass by Igor Drukov using again the WGL5 mod.

    Airport Crisis by Igor Drukov using the WGL5 mod.

    If you have any of these please let me know. Even if the version non-ported to WGL. Kiitos!

  7. I rarely play these days, especially considering I have to use a Wine wrapper (playing on linux). But I have the following list:

    - FDF complete collection

    - VTE + Jungle Fever

    - Swedish Forces Pack

    - DMA Lybia

    - ww4 + extension

    - a few assorted islands and units

    It is enough to play most missions I want :)

  8. I just find so strange that beside the standard call from Obama/Merkel and diplomatic announcements, no country left a finger. Austria and Switzerland didn't mention about Russian money, England doesn't mention the money getting in the country (in house/car/business purchases) from shady origins. And now Merkel says Putin is not in touch with reality. I just think that Putin knows Europe won't lift a finger for Ukraine and has leverage enough to do whatever he pleases. That to me is being in touch with European reality. Money is more important than Ukrainian lives.

    Also, I find it strange that the european union was so eager to accept the new government instituted by the Ukrainian riots. That opens a big precedent in my opinion. Not long ago Turkey was in the brink of something this magnitude, would they have accepted the government there too?

  9. There are a few ways you can play CWA using a Macbook Pro. Depending on your version you may have some problems with drivers using a few of these options.

    Option 1: Bootcamp

    Install Windows side-by-side your Mac OS X installation. This gives the best performance and worked okay in my computer until I ran into issues with the WiFi and soundcard.

    Option 2: Linux/PlayOnMac

    You can either install Linux side-by-side your Mac OS X, or install Wine/Winery to emulate Windows under a Linux environment. Tested it but I grew tired of tinkering with it every time I wanted to make some changes. PlayOnMac is good but again, too much fiddling around.

    Option 3: Virtual Machine

    The option I am using now. Installed Parallels (proprietary software - 15 days trial) and everything works flawlessly. It integrates seamlessly with your Mac desktop and it runs OFP perfectly fine. In my case even helped as there was no need for drivers and both WiFi and sound work fine. Just need to fix the MP that makes the game crash when pinging the Windows Firewall for access.

    Regarding the mods with .exe files: you can open those using some programs like 7zip and Winzip (or variants for Mac) that allow you to extract contents without running the installation.

    Regarding the mods with .bat files: In any of those three options they will run perfectly fine. You just need to open .bat under Wine but straight from inside the emulated c: drive, not from your desktop or downloads folder. It should work out-of-the-box.

    In any case, best of luck getting OFP working! :yay:

  10. Everyone will hate me for what I say, but ....

    Please do not add too many things or this project will turn into another FFUR SLX ... :j: :oops:

    I agree with you, too much can spoil the addon/mod.

    What I would recommend is to keep/make it modular. So you can add or not the vehicles or add or not the units.

    This way you can make the addons as you please and the final user only installs what he needs.

  11. I have been able to download perfectly fine. Have in mind that you can only have 3 simultaneous connections to the FTP server, so you may get errors if using a download queue program.

    But knowing what are the addons you are having issues with would be very helpful.
