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Everything posted by jacmac

  1. Why don't you set up a delay that shows you the delay so you can tell for sure when statements are being executed: _c = 0; while {_c < 6 } do { sleep 10; _c = _c + 1; systemChat ("_c=" + (str _c)); }; If you put that in place of your sleeps and can see other actions in the same script block executing before it's completed, then there is something weird going on with the script processing.
  2. Can you explain where _x comes from in these statements? To me, these look like they would evaluate to something like: _Opfor = ({ alive nil and ( side nil) == east)} number of elements in array returned from _trigger); So for example 5 elements in the array: _Opfor = ({0 and 0 == east} 5); _x below is obvious: But I don't get where _x comes from in the other lines above.
  3. It returns an array of strings and the array is unsorted. It appears to me that the array returned is in the order that the markers were created, but I did not test that.
  4. You need a PBO utility to unpack the mission files. Then you can do the search and replace. Then you can pack the files back up. Keep in mind that if these PBO's are multiplayer, everyone needs the strings replaced, so it is likely that updates to missions will be coming out rapidly. PBO View
  5. What type is returned? An array of map marker names (strings)?
  6. The dialogs look good in that. I don't have that kind of knowledge right now, but it's something I'll be working on over time.
  7. Sorry, the download link should work now.
  8. If I have this define: #define OLIVEDRAB '#6B8E23' How do I get '#6B8E23' into a string, for example: _staticmsg = OLIVEDRAB; hintC _staticmsg; does not display '#6B8E23', instead it displays 6B8E23. Wrapping quotes around the constant results in the constant not being replaced with the #define, so I get OLIVEDRAB instead of '#6B8E23'. Are my defines bad for what I'm trying to do or is there a method to get the whole defined constant (including the ' 's) into a string variable?
  9. Unfortunately str (OLIVEDRAB) doesn't work either. It produces 6B8E23 missing both ' and #. It also appears that # causes some issues. I tried removing the ' from the #define so that the define looked like this: #define OLIVEDRAB #6B8E23 What str (OLIVEDRAB) produces in that case is simply 6. A #define is not handled as expected if is a string with ' and # also causes issues with preprocessing. As a side note #define OLIVEDRAB "'#6B8E23'" does work, so I added a whole set of new #defines with RGB_colorname "'#xxxxxx'"
  10. I like the str(OLIVEDRAB) idea, I had not thought of it and will try it out. #define OLIVEDRAB "'#6B8E23'" Wouldn't work out because there are a number of situations where the constant does not need to go into a string variable. I could have two versions of the define, one with and one without the quotes, but I would like to avoid that if possible.
  11. jacmac

    Help with Array and Marker

    You need to work on how you write, your syntax is probably what is going wrong. Here is what it looks like when written out a little better: _ALL_markers = ["base1","base2","base3","base4"]; _notCaptured []; { if ((getMarkerColor _x) != "ColorBlue" then { _notCaptured = _notCaptured + [_x] } } foreach _ALL_markers; You're missing a semi-colon, and you have a missing ")".
  12. Maybe they will help somebody besides me. Tabbed on 4 spaces. #define HTMLCOLOR_ALICEBLUE "#F0F8FF" #define HTMLCOLOR_ANTIQUEWHITE "#FAEBD7" #define HTMLCOLOR_AQUA "#00FFFF" #define HTMLCOLOR_AQUAMARINE "#7FFFD4" #define HTMLCOLOR_AZURE "#F0FFFF" #define HTMLCOLOR_BEIGE "#F5F5DC" #define HTMLCOLOR_BISQUE "#FFE4C4" #define HTMLCOLOR_BLACK "#000000" #define HTMLCOLOR_BLANCHEDALMOND "#FFEBCD" #define HTMLCOLOR_BLUE "#0000FF" #define HTMLCOLOR_BLUEVIOLET "#8A2BE2" #define HTMLCOLOR_BROWN "#A52A2A" #define HTMLCOLOR_BURLYWOOD "#DEB887" #define HTMLCOLOR_CADETBLUE "#5F9EA0" #define HTMLCOLOR_CHARTREUSE "#7FFF00" #define HTMLCOLOR_CHOCOLATE "#D2691E" #define HTMLCOLOR_CORAL "#FF7F50" #define HTMLCOLOR_CORNFLOWERBLUE "#6495ED" #define HTMLCOLOR_CORNSILK "#FFF8DC" #define HTMLCOLOR_CRIMSON "#DC143C" #define HTMLCOLOR_CYAN "#00FFFF" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKBLUE "#00008B" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKCYAN "#008B8B" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKGOLDENROD "#B8860B" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKGRAY "#A9A9A9" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKGREY "#A9A9A9" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKGREEN "#006400" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKKHAKI "#BDB76B" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKMAGENTA "#8B008B" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKOLIVEGREEN "#556B2F" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKORANGE "#FF8C00" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKORCHID "#9932CC" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKRED "#8B0000" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKSALMON "#E9967A" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKSEAGREEN "#8FBC8F" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKSLATEBLUE "#483D8B" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKSLATEGRAY "#2F4F4F" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKSLATEGREY "#2F4F4F" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKTURQUOISE "#00CED1" #define HTMLCOLOR_DARKVIOLET "#9400D3" #define HTMLCOLOR_DEEPPINK "#FF1493" #define HTMLCOLOR_DEEPSKYBLUE "#00BFFF" #define HTMLCOLOR_DIMGRAY "#696969" #define HTMLCOLOR_DIMGREY "#696969" #define HTMLCOLOR_DODGERBLUE "#1E90FF" #define HTMLCOLOR_FIREBRICK "#B22222" #define HTMLCOLOR_FLORALWHITE "#FFFAF0" #define HTMLCOLOR_FORESTGREEN "#228B22" #define HTMLCOLOR_FUCHSIA "#FF00FF" #define HTMLCOLOR_GAINSBORO "#DCDCDC" #define HTMLCOLOR_GHOSTWHITE "#F8F8FF" #define HTMLCOLOR_GOLD "#FFD700" #define HTMLCOLOR_GOLDENROD "#DAA520" #define HTMLCOLOR_GRAY "#808080" #define HTMLCOLOR_GREY "#808080" #define HTMLCOLOR_GREEN "#008000" #define HTMLCOLOR_GREENYELLOW "#ADFF2F" #define HTMLCOLOR_HONEYDEW "#F0FFF0" #define HTMLCOLOR_HOTPINK "#FF69B4" #define HTMLCOLOR_INDIANRED "#CD5C5C" #define HTMLCOLOR_INDIGO "#4B0082" #define HTMLCOLOR_IVORY "#FFFFF0" #define HTMLCOLOR_KHAKI "#F0E68C" #define HTMLCOLOR_LAVENDER "#E6E6FA" #define HTMLCOLOR_LAVENDERBLUSH "#FFF0F5" #define HTMLCOLOR_LAWNGREEN "#7CFC00" #define HTMLCOLOR_LEMONCHIFFON "#FFFACD" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTBLUE "#ADD8E6" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTCORAL "#F08080" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTCYAN "#E0FFFF" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTGOLDENROD "#FAFAD2" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTGRAY "#D3D3D3" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTGREY "#D3D3D3" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTGREEN "#90EE90" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTPINK "#FFB6C1" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTSALMON "#FFA07A" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTSEAGREEN "#20B2AA" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTSKYBLUE "#87CEFA" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTSLATEGRAY "#778899" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTSLATEGREY "#778899" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTSTEELBLUE "#B0C4DE" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIGHTYELLOW "#FFFFE0" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIME "#00FF00" #define HTMLCOLOR_LIMEGREEN "#32CD32" #define HTMLCOLOR_LINEN "#FAF0E6" #define HTMLCOLOR_MAGENTA "#FF00FF" #define HTMLCOLOR_MAROON "#800000" #define HTMLCOLOR_MEDIUMAQUAMARINE "#66CDAA" #define HTMLCOLOR_MEDIUMBLUE "#0000CD" #define HTMLCOLOR_MEDIUMORCHID "#BA55D3" #define HTMLCOLOR_MEDIUMPURPLE "#9370DB" #define HTMLCOLOR_MEDIUMSEAGREEN "#3CB371" #define HTMLCOLOR_MEDIUMSLATEBLUE "#7B68EE" #define HTMLCOLOR_MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN "#00FA9A" #define HTMLCOLOR_MEDIUMTURQUOISE "#48D1CC" #define HTMLCOLOR_MEDIUMVIOLETRED "#C71585" #define HTMLCOLOR_MIDNIGHTBLUE "#191970" #define HTMLCOLOR_MINTCREAM "#F5FFFA" #define HTMLCOLOR_MISTYROSE "#FFE4E1" #define HTMLCOLOR_MOCCASIN "#FFE4B5" #define HTMLCOLOR_NAVAJOWHITE "#FFDEAD" #define HTMLCOLOR_NAVY "#000080" #define HTMLCOLOR_OLDLACE "#FDF5E6" #define HTMLCOLOR_OLIVE "#808000" #define HTMLCOLOR_OLIVEDRAB "#6B8E23" #define HTMLCOLOR_ORANGE "#FFA500" #define HTMLCOLOR_ORANGERED "#FF4500" #define HTMLCOLOR_ORCHID "#DA70D6" #define HTMLCOLOR_PALEGOLDENROD "#EEE8AA" #define HTMLCOLOR_PALEGREEN "#98FB98" #define HTMLCOLOR_PALETURQUOISE "#AFEEEE" #define HTMLCOLOR_PALEVIOLETRED "#DB7093" #define HTMLCOLOR_PAPAYAWHIP "#FFEFD5" #define HTMLCOLOR_PEACHPUFF "#FFDAB9" #define HTMLCOLOR_PERU "#CD853F" #define HTMLCOLOR_PINK "#FFC0CB" #define HTMLCOLOR_PLUM "#DDA0DD" #define HTMLCOLOR_POWDERBLUE "#B0E0E6" #define HTMLCOLOR_PURPLE "#800080" #define HTMLCOLOR_RED "#FF0000" #define HTMLCOLOR_ROSYBROWN "#BC8F8F" #define HTMLCOLOR_ROYALBLUE "#4169E1" #define HTMLCOLOR_SADDLEBROWN "#8B4513" #define HTMLCOLOR_SALMON "#FA8072" #define HTMLCOLOR_SANDYBROWN "#F4A460" #define HTMLCOLOR_SEAGREEN "#2E8B57" #define HTMLCOLOR_SEASHELL "#FFF5EE" #define HTMLCOLOR_SIENNA "#A0522D" #define HTMLCOLOR_SILVER "#C0C0C0" #define HTMLCOLOR_SKYBLUE "#87CEEB" #define HTMLCOLOR_SLATEBLUE "#6A5ACD" #define HTMLCOLOR_SLATEGRAY "#708090" #define HTMLCOLOR_SLATEGREY "#708090" #define HTMLCOLOR_SNOW "#FFFAFA" #define HTMLCOLOR_SPRINGGREEN "#00FF7F" #define HTMLCOLOR_STEELBLUE "#4682B4" #define HTMLCOLOR_TAN "#D2B48C" #define HTMLCOLOR_TEAL "#008080" #define HTMLCOLOR_THISTLE "#D8BFD8" #define HTMLCOLOR_TOMATO "#FF6347" #define HTMLCOLOR_TURQUOISE "#40E0D0" #define HTMLCOLOR_VIOLET "#EE82EE" #define HTMLCOLOR_WHEAT "#F5DEB3" #define HTMLCOLOR_WHITE "#FFFFFF" #define HTMLCOLOR_WHITESMOKE "#F5F5F5" #define HTMLCOLOR_YELLOW "#FFFF00" #define HTMLCOLOR_YELLOWGREEN "#9ACD32" #define COLOR_ALICEBLUE {0.94,0.97,1,1} #define COLOR_ANTIQUEWHITE {0.98,0.92,0.84,1} #define COLOR_AQUA {0,1,1,1} #define COLOR_AQUAMARINE {0.5,1,0.83,1} #define COLOR_AZURE {0.94,1,1,1} #define COLOR_BEIGE {0.96,0.96,0.86,1} #define COLOR_BISQUE {1,0.89,0.77,1} #define COLOR_BLACK {0,0,0,1} #define COLOR_BLANCHEDALMOND {1,0.92,0.8,1} #define COLOR_BLUE {0,0,1,1} #define COLOR_BLUEVIOLET {0.54,0.17,0.89,1} #define COLOR_BROWN {0.65,0.16,0.16,1} #define COLOR_BURLYWOOD {0.87,0.72,0.53,1} #define COLOR_CADETBLUE {0.37,0.62,0.63,1} #define COLOR_CHARTREUSE {0.5,1,0,1} #define COLOR_CHOCOLATE {0.82,0.41,0.12,1} #define COLOR_CORAL {1,0.5,0.31,1} #define COLOR_CORNFLOWERBLUE {0.39,0.58,0.93,1} #define COLOR_CORNSILK {1,0.97,0.86,1} #define COLOR_CRIMSON {0.86,0.08,0.24,1} #define COLOR_CYAN {0,1,1,1} #define COLOR_DARKBLUE {0,0,0.55,1} #define COLOR_DARKCYAN {0,0.55,0.55,1} #define COLOR_DARKGOLDENROD {0.72,0.53,0.04,1} #define COLOR_DARKGRAY {0.66,0.66,0.66,1} #define COLOR_DARKGREY {0.66,0.66,0.66,1} #define COLOR_DARKGREEN {0,0.39,0,1} #define COLOR_DARKKHAKI {0.74,0.72,0.42,1} #define COLOR_DARKMAGENTA {0.55,0,0.55,1} #define COLOR_DARKOLIVEGREEN {0.33,0.42,0.18,1} #define COLOR_DARKORANGE {1,0.55,0,1} #define COLOR_DARKORCHID {0.6,0.2,0.8,1} #define COLOR_DARKRED {0.55,0,0,1} #define COLOR_DARKSALMON {0.91,0.59,0.48,1} #define COLOR_DARKSEAGREEN {0.56,0.74,0.56,1} #define COLOR_DARKSLATEBLUE {0.28,0.24,0.55,1} #define COLOR_DARKSLATEGRAY {0.18,0.31,0.31,1} #define COLOR_DARKSLATEGREY {0.18,0.31,0.31,1} #define COLOR_DARKTURQUOISE {0,0.81,0.82,1} #define COLOR_DARKVIOLET {0.58,0,0.83,1} #define COLOR_DEEPPINK {1,0.08,0.58,1} #define COLOR_DEEPSKYBLUE {0,0.75,1,1} #define COLOR_DIMGRAY {0.41,0.41,0.41,1} #define COLOR_DIMGREY {0.41,0.41,0.41,1} #define COLOR_DODGERBLUE {0.12,0.56,1,1} #define COLOR_FIREBRICK {0.7,0.13,0.13,1} #define COLOR_FLORALWHITE {1,0.98,0.94,1} #define COLOR_FORESTGREEN {0.13,0.55,0.13,1} #define COLOR_FUCHSIA {1,0,1,1} #define COLOR_GAINSBORO {0.86,0.86,0.86,1} #define COLOR_GHOSTWHITE {0.97,0.97,1,1} #define COLOR_GOLD {1,0.84,0,1} #define COLOR_GOLDENROD {0.85,0.65,0.13,1} #define COLOR_GRAY {0.5,0.5,0.5,1} #define COLOR_GREY {0.5,0.5,0.5,1} #define COLOR_GREEN {0,0.5,0,1} #define COLOR_GREENYELLOW {0.68,1,0.18,1} #define COLOR_HONEYDEW {0.94,1,0.94,1} #define COLOR_HOTPINK {1,0.41,0.71,1} #define COLOR_INDIANRED {0.8,0.36,0.36,1} #define COLOR_INDIGO {0.29,0,0.51,1} #define COLOR_IVORY {1,1,0.94,1} #define COLOR_KHAKI {0.94,0.9,0.55,1} #define COLOR_LAVENDER {0.9,0.9,0.98,1} #define COLOR_LAVENDERBLUSH {1,0.94,0.96,1} #define COLOR_LAWNGREEN {0.49,0.99,0,1} #define COLOR_LEMONCHIFFON {1,0.98,0.8,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTBLUE {0.68,0.85,0.9,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTCORAL {0.94,0.5,0.5,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTCYAN {0.88,1,1,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTGOLDENROD {0.98,0.98,0.82,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTGRAY {0.83,0.83,0.83,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTGREY {0.83,0.83,0.83,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTGREEN {0.56,0.93,0.56,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTPINK {1,0.71,0.76,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTSALMON {1,0.63,0.48,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTSEAGREEN {0.13,0.7,0.67,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTSKYBLUE {0.53,0.81,0.98,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTSLATEGRAY {0.47,0.53,0.6,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTSLATEGREY {0.47,0.53,0.6,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTSTEELBLUE {0.69,0.77,0.87,1} #define COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW {1,1,0.88,1} #define COLOR_LIME {0,1,0,1} #define COLOR_LIMEGREEN {0.2,0.8,0.2,1} #define COLOR_LINEN {0.98,0.94,0.9,1} #define COLOR_MAGENTA {1,0,1,1} #define COLOR_MAROON {0.5,0,0,1} #define COLOR_MEDIUMAQUAMARINE {0.4,0.8,0.67,1} #define COLOR_MEDIUMBLUE {0,0,0.8,1} #define COLOR_MEDIUMORCHID {0.73,0.33,0.83,1} #define COLOR_MEDIUMPURPLE {0.58,0.44,0.86,1} #define COLOR_MEDIUMSEAGREEN {0.24,0.7,0.44,1} #define COLOR_MEDIUMSLATEBLUE {0.48,0.41,0.93,1} #define COLOR_MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN {0,0.98,0.6,1} #define COLOR_MEDIUMTURQUOISE {0.28,0.82,0.8,1} #define COLOR_MEDIUMVIOLETRED {0.78,0.08,0.52,1} #define COLOR_MIDNIGHTBLUE {0.1,0.1,0.44,1} #define COLOR_MINTCREAM {0.96,1,0.98,1} #define COLOR_MISTYROSE {1,0.89,0.88,1} #define COLOR_MOCCASIN {1,0.89,0.71,1} #define COLOR_NAVAJOWHITE {1,0.87,0.68,1} #define COLOR_NAVY {0,0,0.5,1} #define COLOR_OLDLACE {0.99,0.96,0.9,1} #define COLOR_OLIVE {0.5,0.5,0,1} #define COLOR_OLIVEDRAB {0.42,0.56,0.14,1} #define COLOR_ORANGE {1,0.65,0,1} #define COLOR_ORANGERED {1,0.27,0,1} #define COLOR_ORCHID {0.85,0.44,0.84,1} #define COLOR_PALEGOLDENROD {0.93,0.91,0.67,1} #define COLOR_PALEGREEN {0.6,0.98,0.6,1} #define COLOR_PALETURQUOISE {0.69,0.93,0.93,1} #define COLOR_PALEVIOLETRED {0.86,0.44,0.58,1} #define COLOR_PAPAYAWHIP {1,0.94,0.84,1} #define COLOR_PEACHPUFF {1,0.85,0.73,1} #define COLOR_PERU {0.8,0.52,0.25,1} #define COLOR_PINK {1,0.75,0.8,1} #define COLOR_PLUM {0.87,0.63,0.87,1} #define COLOR_POWDERBLUE {0.69,0.88,0.9,1} #define COLOR_PURPLE {0.5,0,0.5,1} #define COLOR_RED {1,0,0,1} #define COLOR_ROSYBROWN {0.74,0.56,0.56,1} #define COLOR_ROYALBLUE {0.25,0.41,0.88,1} #define COLOR_SADDLEBROWN {0.55,0.27,0.07,1} #define COLOR_SALMON {0.98,0.5,0.45,1} #define COLOR_SANDYBROWN {0.96,0.64,0.38,1} #define COLOR_SEAGREEN {0.18,0.55,0.34,1} #define COLOR_SEASHELL {1,0.96,0.93,1} #define COLOR_SIENNA {0.63,0.32,0.18,1} #define COLOR_SILVER {0.75,0.75,0.75,1} #define COLOR_SKYBLUE {0.53,0.81,0.92,1} #define COLOR_SLATEBLUE {0.42,0.35,0.8,1} #define COLOR_SLATEGRAY {0.44,0.5,0.56,1} #define COLOR_SLATEGREY {0.44,0.5,0.56,1} #define COLOR_SNOW {1,0.98,0.98,1} #define COLOR_SPRINGGREEN {0,1,0.5,1} #define COLOR_STEELBLUE {0.27,0.51,0.71,1} #define COLOR_TAN {0.82,0.71,0.55,1} #define COLOR_TEAL {0,0.5,0.5,1} #define COLOR_THISTLE {0.85,0.75,0.85,1} #define COLOR_TOMATO {1,0.39,0.28,1} #define COLOR_TURQUOISE {0.25,0.88,0.82,1} #define COLOR_VIOLET {0.93,0.51,0.93,1} #define COLOR_WHEAT {0.96,0.87,0.7,1} #define COLOR_WHITE {1,1,1,1} #define COLOR_WHITESMOKE {0.96,0.96,0.96,1} #define COLOR_YELLOW {1,1,0,1} #define COLOR_YELLOWGREEN {0.6,0.8,0.2,1} #define COLOR_HALF_BLACK {0,0,0,0.5} #define COLOR_HALF_BLUE {0,0,1,0.5} #define COLOR_HALF_CYAN {0,1,1,0.5} #define COLOR_HALF_GRAY {0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5} #define COLOR_HALF_GREY {0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5} #define COLOR_HALF_GREEN {0,1,0,0.5} #define COLOR_HALF_MAGENTA {1,0,1,0.5} #define COLOR_HALF_RED {1,0,0,0.5} #define COLOR_HALF_YELLOW {1,1,0,0.5} #define COLOR_HALF_WHITE {1,1,1,0.5} #define COLOR_TRANSPARENT {0,0,0,0}
  13. It works great. Use it like this: _type = typeOf _object; _vehicleName = _type call ISSE_Cfg_Vehicle_GetName;
  14. OK so TheMan was simply a variable, thanks.
  15. #loop @TheMan distance TheFlag < 50 ManIsHere = true; publicVariable "ManIsHere" @TheMan distance TheFlag > 50 goto "loop" I tried searching, but it's pretty hard to search for "@" and get meaningful results.
  16. Those routines look good, but where would they typically be placed? I assume that the functions would be called as needed.
  17. I see this operator and I think bitshift, but I know that can't be what it means. I can't find mention of it on the wiki. _config = (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "Turrets") select _i;
  18. The Xkeys device does not show up as a controller in Options-Controllers. It really isn't a controller, it is a type of HID (human interface device) and acts more like a keyboard, however I don't believe it generate scan codes in the same way that a keyboard does. I have seen this type of problem with other games, it usually ends up being that the developers altered the method of capturing keyboard input.
  19. I have an XKeys programmable keypad that works quite well with Arma 2, but in Operation Arrowhead, no input what so ever is registered. The only logical reason I can think of is that OA is intercepting keyboard input via some method that is not compatible (kernel mode?). Does anyone know of a work-around for this problem?