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Everything posted by shoomfie

  1. I can confirm Rich_R's solution along with some further details Spoiler contains spoilers
  2. I'm working on a shoothouse for a training course and I want it so that only the shoothouse targets stay down until reset. I'm using this procedure here and it works great... mostly The problem is that I also have some firing lanes that I would like to have automatically popup as if "nopop=false". The nopop command seems to function globally regardless of trigger area or if it's placed in a specific objects init. What I want is some way to have certain targets stay down until reset, and certain targets to automatically return to their up position. Thank you,
  3. shoomfie

    Removing gear from opfor

    was there something that changed at release in regards to removing NVGs? I can't seem to get them to remove. this's exactly what I'm using in the AI's Init file (per unit as I want some with NVG's): this unassignitem "NVGoggles"; this removeweapon "NVGoggles";
  4. I like it. I'll have to try it out ASAP. One question though: can this be set up so that only specific unit can access the GUI (like engineers)?
  5. shoomfie

    Future Price options for ARMA games...

    although I voted for "keep it the same" (because I'm a cheapskate), In reality, if the game holds to the "ArmA feel", and is just that much better than A2, I'd probably pay upwards of $70US for it.
  6. shoomfie

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    As with anything, every time you put something into a game, it takes more to get it back out (processing, graphics, audio drivers, etc.). But at the same time, I'd really like to see some improvements in A3 over A2, such as light not shooting through opaque objects, and light fade over a distance. The A2 flares and NVG effects, as well as it's post-processing effects, I found to be quite good as they were, but a few tweeks here and there would be an incredible improvement in night-based OPs.
  7. shoomfie

    Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???

    Full gore: Pros: more realistic for that true "milsim" feel, Medics can run a triage assessment more quickly (the guy with no limbs is probably going to be dead.), If you call in arty, you can assess the damage easier, provides a "shock" factor especially in a PVP situation where your teammate just torn to shreds, in theory you should be able to determine direction of enemy fire (assuming directional hits are being used), could lead to a very interesting medic system. Cons: might cause multiplayer lag issues, probably cause client-side processing speed to drop, although having a quick options setting to change the level of gore some people just prefer to keep it more "game" like, Having it as a setting might cause conflicts with other peoples settings (where the ragdoll lands might cause conflict online, although this is a problem with online gaming and ragdolls in general) That's my two cents at any rate.