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Everything posted by ratszo

  1. ratszo

    [Template ArmA 3] for file "squad.xml"

    Hold on. you don't need a new squad.xml --i just rename the existing logo, like logo.paa1, and upload the new logo.paa. [edit]..., or just delete the the existing logo since it's buggy, and u/l the new logo.paa -or what you named it in the squad.xml --doesn't need to be named logo.paa.
  2. ratszo

    [Template ArmA 3] for file "squad.xml"

    Ok, took another kick at the can to get these logos to show correctly. They work!.., But only resized square, as in 256x256. Didn't try 128x, but it should work too. Here's my step-by-step: - resize the .tga 256xsq. I'm using gimp. - "save as" --the important thing here is to uncheck compression if it's checked. then, -drop it into texview. -"save as" --the important thing here is to type the file extenstion --.paa--. Here's a quick way to view it ingame: If you got a mod like CBA or something, swap your logo for their's. Start the game. If the logo is working, it will show on the selection screen.
  3. ratszo

    [Template ArmA 3] for file "squad.xml"

    Yeah, wasn't planning to use the a2 logo. Any new one i made was as you say, a dark spot. I stopped trying to figure it out, since the old a2 one works.
  4. ratszo

    [Template ArmA 3] for file "squad.xml"

    My paa from a2 still works in a3 on mp servers. Yet it's not working in sp as it did work in beta sp.
  5. ratszo

    Throttle problem

    I'm using both analog and keys. The up/down keys are under my thumb and analog -/+ is on the twist. Pedals are on my rudder pedals. When flying analog just zero throttle, by releasing the twist, and press either key to neutral the collective. The twist self-centers. So for normal flight, i just rock my thumb on the up/down buttons. When i need the quick analog response, like for nap-of-earth flying, the twisty is a load of fun --real 'white knuckle' flying. Interestingly, was reading up on helos, and some do use a 'motorcycle like' twist throttle for collective, if i read right.
  6. I do fine on a i5 650 3.2GHz/450 in MP. Just keep screen resolution low..., say 600x900 or 1024x788. Vsync on --screen tearing makes for bad gameplay. Thru nvidia control panel try "adaptive half refreshrate". At 75hrz that's a very steady 37fps. Read my post above for other settings. Did you sweeten your voltage for the oc? Good luck!
  7. ratszo

    what is headless client?

    HC ai play as they were coded to perform. It's a whole other ai when freed from server calculations. They will flank your position once engaged. Here's a youtube vid, "ArmA 3 Alpha: Headless Client AI performance test with 500 AI!":
  8. ratszo

    Speed Of Sound

    Thank you so much for this great sound mod. Decided to try this mod because the [EUTW] teatime server allows the key, along with sthud. So, if you're looking to hear this mod in a populated MP server, try there. Server info: http://arma3.swec.se/server/data/24861
  9. On my low-end gts450/i5 650 stock, my key setting run like this for PvP play: -600x900 rez. -Object Detail = low. -Vsync = On @75hrz. -AA = 8x -Mouse dpi 500. Nvidia Control Panel settings --so it doesn't look like a jaggy mess: -8 or 16x Anisotropic filter. -32x AA (CSAA) "enhanced" or over-ride. -8x super-sampling. Obviously, I'm not concerned about high fps --I'm concerned about steady frames under load in a firefight. I'm thinking "Fillrate" is the culprit for flooring people's frames. Be worth a look at Tom's to compare fillrates across cards. Here's my quick fillrate benchmark: Go prone in a stand of grass with a rangefinder. Zoom rangefinder at the grass. Check fps -- this is fillrate saturation. I'm getting 23/25 frames. On a side note, when i play 'Cliffs of Dover', my 450gtx throttles up like a vacuum cleaner in my case. A3 never hits that load.
  10. "What do the buildings need to get a NY vibe? They are modelled after real buildings." Steam rising from manhole covers at street level.
  11. Oh boy! The old cadre is gonna play the piss outta this mod. On a side note --My butt looks really good in a wet-suit. [just thought i'd put that out there for mission makers] Cheers and Good luck!
  12. Tweaking another game, Cliffs of Dover, i jacked nvidia settings to 16x Anisotropic, and tried it in Arma 3. Seemed to really smooth out Lod detail and calm the visual, more 'fixed' surrounding. Purely subjective, can anyone else give it a try and comment? Didn't see a fps drag either.
  13. ratszo

    Any old farts playing Arma 3?

    Didn't Tim Leary invent the wheel back in the '60s..., or was that the unicycle?
  14. Don't think a screeny would show the effect. Like when panning or moving thru grass. It effects shimmer or jaggyness in movement, not fixed view. Crank it up and tell me if you notice a change.
  15. ratszo

    Any old farts playing Arma 3?

    56, flight siming got me into gaming in the mid '90s, cfs 1 & 2 --flying "Cliffs of Dover" right now. WWiiOL? ..., what a game at its height. Air Warrior..., both 56k online. "America's Army" got me ground-pounding in '02-3. --upgraded from a TnT to a Ti4200 gfx. (still using the ti4200 in a pc for web-browsing). Back then, i thought we'd be in a pc combined-arms online Nirvana by now.... Alleast Arma is still working towards the dream. I'll be pc gaming til they pull my joystick from my cold, dead hand.
  16. Try 600ms. 600ms is 6/10th of a second. Put some zeros behind your ms., 25ms. is 25/1000th of a second --do you see a problem?
  17. Did you see this thread?: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?96773-ARMA-2-and-VAC-(Voice-Activated-Commands)&highlight=Voice+Activated+Commands+vac and, http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150814-Voice-Activation-for-Arma-3-via-VAC-Builder-Profile-and-other-software&highlight=voice Also, if anyone wants a profile for GlovePie, pm me.
  18. I'm using GlovePIE. Assigned a mouse button for push-to-talk -- "Microphone.Enabled = Mouse.Button4".
  19. 64. I joined at 62/64, very little join/disconnect scrolling. Seemed like server got full and people stayed in.
  20. Just finished 2+ hours on your server..., near full and silky smooth gameplay. Helos were tracking perfectly, not a hint of lag-spiking. Saw very few 'Null' kicks. Is this 'Ram-disk' magic?
  21. Like to see your specs since your problem seems to be client-side. Hard-drive thrashing? Cpu/gpu overheating? Small page-file?..., cycle your router lately? Some rogue program running in the backround? Delete the temp file cache? Turn off windows firewall? Reinstall DirectX? Hey, try using 'GameBooster 3' -- it shuts down many backround programs and reads out temps. Good luck! [edit] --oh, and uninstall AV..., it's a resource hog.
  22. ratszo

    Vehicles need gears

    Hydrostatic transmission allows for locking gears..., normally low gears. Also, Hydrostatic allows for "locked differential" in lowest gear --where torque is locked to both wheels of each axle. Standard tranny on wheeled heavy equipment, like scrapers, buggies.
  23. As i understand, BE will still ban regardless of filters. Sable is the best person to explain how BE works with filters.
  24. Most players don't read the forum. 128 slots sounds great. Build it and they will come. Good luck!
  25. So BE does work to force cheaters to buy new cd keys..., at full price from Steam.