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Everything posted by ratszo

  1. The red no answer message? That's having no packets recieved at all. Can cycle your router? What AV are you using?
  2. Running antivirus software? Dwarden recomends 'avast8': http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159930-BattlEye-makes-ArmA-3-completely-unplayable/page3&highlight=zonealarm Also need to watch your temps.
  3. Lol, even a 133t b4 player could play well in arma pvp.., but the pace is slower. Movement and maneuver is where arma pvp shines --not something found in scripted corridor shooters. And endlessly repeating missions til every square yard is known may lend a sense of 'skill' to a player, but there's little skill involved in meta-gaming. Arma AI can be suprisingly challenging with the right mission and ai mods/tweaks. Combined with a Headless Client, ai seem to come to life. But to a pvp player, even a tough, smart ai is..., well, ai. Keep an eye out for this mod: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?163550-Tactical-Battlefield-A-PvP-Gameplay-Modification Open beta is coming soon.
  4. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Fillrate saturation. Texels i think they're called. Can use that scene as a benchmark. Step-down resolution til frames reach over 30fps, then step-up sampling to sharpen the scene.
  5. ratszo

    Crash to desktop on boot

    Having repaired .NET client profile, did you run DXsetup found in a3 folder?
  6. ratszo

    [SP/MP] Bobs Armory on Altis

    I just ran it in lan play; works for me. You got it in mp folder?
  7. ratszo

    FPS Drops and Texture Problems

    Ok, took a look at clocks: Base is 822mhz core / 1644 memory. MSI is 880mhz core / 1760 memory. http://www.hardwarecanucks.com/forum/hardware-canucks-reviews/40552-nvidia-geforce-gtx-560-ti-roundup-asus-evga-gigabyte-msi-4.html
  8. ratszo

    FPS Drops and Texture Problems

    Ram failure is tricky sometimes to track down. So memtest can't hurt. An other idea is to down-clock the gpu core and/or memory using msi afterburner, or some other prog. Some card brands 'factory overclock'. So you can compare base clocks to your brand's setting. What brand is your card? [edit] oh, i see, msi.
  9. ratszo

    FPS Drops and Texture Problems

    So, just to be clear, the game suddenly freezes to 1-3 fps after a certain amount of play time? ..., And temps are good? Does it happen in other games, like arma2? Ya know, it could be a bad ram stick. Have you tried stress tested your rig? Try Memtest: http://www.memtest.org/ Or the old school way to find a bad stick is to pull then replace one stick at a time. Good luck!
  10. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    It's in the most recent spotrep: http://dev.arma3.com/spotrep-00015
  11. ratszo

    PhysX3_x86.dll Crash

    Since i don't have this major bug, gotta wonder what's different between our systems: Do you have win7 KB2670838 update installed? I don't, and KB2670838 did cause crashes in another game, 'Cliffs of Dover'. Another tweak from Clod is to repair " NET Framework 4 Client Profile ", restart, then run DXSETUP executables from arma3 folder. Just spitballing some tweaks here, so, TWEAK AT YOUR OWN RISK!! http://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1806&highlight=dawg http://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3528 Good luck! [edit] --be sure to set a restore point before tweaking!
  12. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Changelog has: "â– Merged from OA / DayZ: Small MP optimization related to simulation precision" Seeing better frames in Helo's Altis benchmark from 34 to 37 steady. I also use 'Bob's Armory' for benchmarking since it strains my rig at spawn in. Seeing a 5-10% there too. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?162385-SP-MP-Bobs-Armory-on-Altis&highlight=armory
  13. Doubtful. You can prevent an update by disabling auto-update in steam.
  14. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    And this thread is a sticky in the 'troubleshooting' forum --where players help other players optimize their gameplay. What's your problem? Post your specs, maybe we can help. Sorry, i don't see any "Bis, fix your game." stick anywhere, so you might be out of luck here.
  15. Na, while you're playing this great game, others would rather whine and troll on the forums. The 'self-entitlement' is strong in this thread. Bis has produced a game with near photo-realistic graphics AND open-ended settings. Welcome to pc gaming --as Old Bear said, "adapt". It's a new game. Bis is patching up every workday of the week. CaptainObvious enjoys the game and so do i. I play "Cliffs of Dover" too --that game, photo-realistic graphics AND open-ended settings, will bring any rig to its knees if rez and setting are pushed. When a game is 'cutting-edge", the knife cuts both ways.
  16. ratszo

    Multiplayer not in playable state

    Hi Gal, another aspect of an ideal mission may be optimizing how players 'join-in-progress', JIP. Missions run much better when a full server is locked..., seems the JIPs suck bandwidth spawning in. Maybe Bis can look there for improvements.
  17. ratszo

    Multiplayer dying fast??

    Euro primetime seems the busiest. Take a look 'round noon mountain time. And yeah, the browser is wonky. Can try filtering by game mode. Also, here's a server list: http://arma3.swec.se/server/list I see 28 servers with 10 or more players at past midnight eastern time.
  18. ratszo

    8 Gigs of Ram Not Enough?

    I do. It doesn't hurt and it did help in old flight sim games when our gfx cards only had 64 or 128mb ram. Does it help Arma? No idea.
  19. ratszo

    8 Gigs of Ram Not Enough?

    Page file? Got mine set min/max to 10545mb having 7gigs ram. 10545 is the windows recommended max size. Setting min/max to the same size is an old tweak from other games.
  20. Can get a slow walk left/right by leaning at the same time. [edt] just tried it..., didn't work, sorry.
  21. ratszo

    Double your FPS

    I'm a big fan of v-sync=on. Also like: GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; To me, it ain't about high fps; it's about steady frames in a busy moment..., like a fire-fight. I find MP very playable --because i'm not screen-tearing from 80 to 10 fps when i'm shooting. Plus, i'll say a high dpi on mouse with low frames will make it hard to aim. I'm under 500 dpi.
  22. ratszo

    Weird problems

    Battleye has had problems with AVG in the past. Do you have an anti-virus program running?
  23. ratszo

    Multiplayer not in playable state

    Played a nice long 3 hour CTI session yesterday, 40-60 players. Frames were steady and no complaints from other players. I've played the same server before without problems. What are you running on your server?
  24. ratszo

    Novice in need of help

    I've been playing the [EUTW] teatime server lately. Capture-the-island, CTI, is the mode. Good maps, Attack & Secure style gameplay. http://arma3.swec.se/server/data/24861 They allow the SoS sound mod and sthud. Keep an eye out for an upcoming mod called "Tactical Battlefield": http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?163550-Tactical-Battlefield-A-PvP-Gameplay-Modification I'm really looking forward to this release.
  25. ratszo

    Novice in need of help

    First, welcome to arma. The important thing is to note the name of the server you're on so you can find it again and others like it using the browser filter. Then you can find more server info here: http://arma3.swec.se/server/list The group running the server may have a website, teamspeak, and allowed mods. You'll figure the modes out as you play. Good Luck!