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Everything posted by ratszo

  1. Yeah, don't want Hollywood, just want to hear direction of gunfire [mono] good 'olde mono. Don't wanna hear someone changing mags 300m. away from me --do want to hear the door next to me open/close. Direct chat carries 70m. ..., yet there is no way to find the speaker from his voice. If it ain't mono, it ain't traceable --and distance is another attenuation missed arma3. It's not like correct sound is impossble in a fps --it's been done before --it was done in EUX, fCs. Bis needs sound to make us proud. Proud of this game. If Bis payed any money for the sound they got --they got ripped-off.
  2. ratszo


    Well that's the thing: 1 grid point defines quadrants --how basic is that? 1st@1av is the grid point. That's why Canadians always know the shortest route to the bar. [whispers: it's a system]
  3. ratszo

    A Complete Arma 3 - Not That Far Away

    Fair comment. Are they held back? The week-day changelogs, every day, seems to me like alot of out-put for a dev team ..., shall i say 'post release'. I'd like to point out, Bis polished A2 for many years past prime --then netcode v1.60 came --then Dayz was possible. Imagine a 4 year old title being *1 seller on steam for many months. To me, this shows well how Bis runs. It's called, "Track Record". I got pet peeves; I still play.
  4. Server does have to wait for packets to sort & sync. All mp games have to deal with how packets are sorted. Too 'loose' the packets, unsynced; Too 'tight', cpu thrashes waiting for all packets to sort via timestamp. Corrupt packets need to be resent, or timedout.... ..., And then the server has still got to have the power to run the game. So, netcode is a series of tradeoffs. Try Dwarden's betas. Oh, and busy servers are restarted often, some every 2 hours.
  5. ratszo

    Is this color normal?

    What? Gamma/brightness doesn't work? Different times of day changes intensity. Sun low on the horizon..., glare, long shadows. Those pics look right to me. Too bad the ingame sunglasses don't work. Also, keep in mind low humidity adds to the 'dazzle' effect..., along with the placid Aegean Sea acting as a mirror. Great back-lighting for filming movies --with gamma correction. [adem] Forgot to mention color saturation on the pics..., the way i like it. OP using 'sweetFX'?..., looks it. Desaturate color, thru nvidia CP, will tone the high detail stuff down. Fek, is the OP for real?
  6. ratszo

    BattleEye Corrupted Data #3

    Have you gone to the BattleEye site?
  7. ratszo

    A Complete Arma 3 - Not That Far Away

    Yes. As it must be --does Ford still make parts for the Model T? When you buy a game title, do you expect development years after the release date? Did you hear what happened to the "Cliffs of Dover" dev team? --They were all fired the day after the release date.
  8. "Sadly disabling the 6620G GPU doesn't worked ...." Did you disable the crossfire? Run a dx report using the 7670 only. RMA? --is it still under warranty? Did you update the cpu chip-set? Fan? I use MSI Afterburner. It can force max fan speed. [EDIT] --MSI can force the gfx card fan, but not the cpu --the 6620G is on the cpu.
  9. ratszo

    ARMA 3 Crashing

    "file: KING OF HILL V_0.9 (__CUR_MP)". Maybe try deleting offending missions in MPmissionscache ..., steamcache too. Search: %APPDATA%\..\local\arma 3\
  10. ratszo

    A Complete Arma 3 - Not That Far Away

    The game will be "complete" when the staff are reassigned to new projects. That's the long & short of it. Saying, "They should do this now and not do that." That's saying, fire the moddelers to hire more programers; then fire the programers to hire moddelers. Not a plausable business plan. Not for a small studio in a small country. They have staff; they have work-flow. When the changelogs stop, the project is complete.
  11. The 6620G is an intergrated chip on the cpu --hence, it runs off the cpu chip-set drivers. Looking back at the gb dx report, arma3.exe errors off 'aticfx32.dll' driving the 6620G chip. "Naam van module met fout: aticfx32.dll, versie:, tijdstempel: 0x4e95ba4e" I'd like to see you running just the 7xxxM card. Because intergrated chips are not for demanding games --that's why we buy gfx cards. But still, update the chip-set drivers to get aticfx32.dll updated/replaced on the 6620G chip.
  12. ratszo


    In Canada, all prairie towns follow a numbered grid --Avenues, East/West; Streets, North/South. From a single intersection: 1st ave/at 1st street, the grid is quartered --NE, NW, SE, SW. Any intersection can be found by counting from a single point --say, se corner of 6av & 4st NE. Railway percision.
  13. "1- I have never played with mouse + keyboard in any FPS, I even don’t know how to do it. I ever used a PAD for FPS. Do you think Mouse and Keyboard are mandatory for Arma 3 and do you think that a 40 years old guy who never played mouse and Keyboard can manage to play this game ?" I came to infantry play from flightsimming..., still use JS+pedals+mouse. My js has a trigger + 5 buttons + 4-way hat and the X,Y,Z axis'. [additional buttons on the base.] Using 'middlemouse button' keyed to 'space' as a modifier [space+button] --that's 20 key commands on the stick, not including 6-ways XYZ. --all without moving your hand off the stick. Not to mention some cool macros..., and the pedals. I fly my Infantryman like he's a Focke-Wulf. It's cute how the KB guys press W to make their guy move forward.... GL!
  14. ratszo

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Like you to repost this over at: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147391-Will-my-PC-run-Arma3-What-CPU-GPU-to-get-What-settings-What-System-Specifications/page202 This thread is for posts like, "Answer: not a single system can run Arma3 in this way how you dream or imagine it. It´s the engine of the game. You can buy 4 GTX Titans or whatever, the disappointing face is for free then." --a cesspool of nihilism.
  15. ratszo

    Arma 3 and pagefile

    I ran no pagefile flightsimming in xp, never a problem. If a game is thrashing the hd using the swapfile, no pagefile will end the hd bottleneck. I don't see hd thrashing in arma tho..., maybe in jets you'd see it.
  16. One loose screw can unseat the card. Is the 7720M detected thru hardware manager --if it's detected but not enabled..., there is the problem. Just enable it. But more likely, it's not slotted properly. Atleast you know.
  17. Good. "0301 - Card Name : AMD Radeon HD 6620G" The 7720M card is not detected. Humm..., had this happen years ago..., think i reslotted the card. Or maybe enable the card thru hardware manager? Any chance the card unseated itself from the slot? This may be the problem.
  18. ratszo

    ArmA3 performance survey

    The point of vsync is to limit 'frame tearing' --a drop from 110 to 70 frames then back up 30 frames will 'tear' the image; hence, frame limiting via vsync.
  19. Oy! At this point..., need to see specs --a DXDIAG showing 'Display devices'. For all we know you're running on an intergrated gfx chip. Let's see if the 7720M is detected and the driver version. I think gamebooster can write a report, copy/ paste the 'display devices' portion. My gb calls this portion, "video adapters" just to be clear.
  20. ratszo

    Customize field of view!

    Is why it's called a 'first person shooter'. Man, its sad a long-time PvP player would just discover 1p: only. As to fov, nah. We have 3 settings now --any further zoomed-out is fish-eyed; any further zoomed-in is an exploit without optics. A slider to default the current fov range would be handy.
  21. Did you update the gfx driver recently? Maybe rollback to a previous driver? A clean install.
  22. The OP is trying to make some point --building up infractions on the way to a ban. Tho this is the Troubleshooting forum --where people seek advice based on specs & settings mostly. Arguing here is like 'kissing your sister'..., nobody wants to see it.
  23. ratszo

    ArmA 3 Review (Critical)

    Shilling for Crytek, really? This is not a review; it's a proposition --biased, with an agenda.
  24. I've settled on 1000m. VD as an infantryman. Tho, in MP it's often a server setting --this is why some servers are unplayable with 3000m. hardcoded VD. Hence, after a year of a3, most servers have VD/OD options.
  25. High/high. but if the server is under load, low frames, object detail to low will give an instant frames boost. Haven't needed to set 'object' to low in awhile tho. Depends on server frames. I've cut VD down to 500m in urban settings, on the fly, when i was red lining frames. So much depend on the server load. A good server with a clean mission rarely craps-out the frames.