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Everything posted by WildFire6

  1. WildFire6

    Stuttering on Stratis and Altis

    It is most likely the engine writing a bunch of bs to the rpt file. Happens a lot. They mentioned something in the dev branch about it a couple days ago, im sure they are already on it.
  2. WildFire6

    New static turrets with AI?

    In the editor open the cfg/function editor and look up BIS_functions. The standard BIS_function defend is used for this. After creating a group, whether by script or in the editor you can add the line to the leader of the group, again by script or in the editor init. This function will tell the group to man all static defense items within range of the parameter. The function has been around for years, you just gotta find it. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_taskDefend Keep in mind that the vanilla version of the game, the bis_function tasks are probably the best functions they have. They have one for a random patrol that is highly useful. However for patrolling an urban area or garrisoning houses your going to want to use add-on scripts.
  3. They already go back into buildings after they are done. The question is how to get them to stop from leaving their building in the first place..
  4. So it works in beta for the most part, pretty much everything that it is programmed to do. The problem I am encountering is the AI still leave their buildings to engage most of the time. Is this intentional? If I use an observer view I can watch as multiple enemies come out of houses to converge on my position and once they have killed me they all run off to houses. Im not sure if they are going back to the house they came from or picking a new one. Its funny to watch... A bunch guys surrounding my house, then I die. About 2 minutes later the area is clear... Like a ghost town.. lol. So my question is there a true garrison method that keeps them in their house?
  5. WildFire6

    Night is too bright after 0.55 dev

    I played with random weather on my server one night a couple weeks ago. It was heavily overcast. I couldnt see shit. I turned off my NVG's and got instantly totally disorientated. I have lived in a desert my whole life and the weather is usually great, nights with some moon and no street lights are pretty bright and have a blue hue to them. Not as much as arma but I also know having a blue day and a dark night with active lighting is a balancing act that they are doing quite well. They are still tweaking. Honestly though the nights are far more realistic now then ever. We used to walk around in the desert at night in pitch black. Hardly ever was it dark enough to be completely black. Most of the time once your eyes adjusted you were safe walking around and you could see the ground pretty easily. It does get really dark out there sometimes too but it has to be no moon, overcast with no stars. It is rare. But it happens that way in game too. It all depends on the atmosphere conditions, the stars in the sky, clouds and moon and your distance from a big city. So what the devs at arma are seeing can be 100% different from what you see. Either way you can trust they are making it as realistic as they can from what they are seeing and observing, not that its some arcade settings that they think is right. My opinion is that they are right on with where I live, and its half a world away from where this is set. And I know different places will look different. Keep in mind its all a compromise.
  6. I dont see setskill anywhere in your script, so im calling thread fail. After you use spawngroup use this: { _x setBehaviour "AWARE"; _x setSkill ["aimingAccuracy", 0.3]; _x setSkill ["aimingShake", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["aimingSpeed", 0.6]; _x setSkill ["endurance", 0.6]; _x setSkill ["spotDistance", 0.2]; _x setSkill ["spotTime", 0.25]; _x setSkill ["courage", 0.5]; _x setSkill ["reloadSpeed", 0.1]; _x setSkill ["commanding", 0.8]; _x setSkill ["general", 0.4]; } foreach units _grp; Adjust values as needed. Shake affects machine gunners heavily, accuracy is pretty exact meaning .3 so around 3 out of 10 shots are pretty accuracte, its pretty close too. Spot time is the time within view they will actually see you, anything above .3 is really fast even at 200+ meters. Spotdistance has no effect so far ive seen. General affects everything and ramps up everything else very fast.
  7. WildFire6

    MK18 Mod 1

    I noticed in Sham's M16 and RH's pdw they both give init speeds for the ammunition in the config. There are also other values that they have that this pack is missing. Kind of wondering if that is where this starts. Wish I knew more about config stuff.
  8. WildFire6

    MK18 Mod 1

    I noticed again when looking at the config it seems the ammo is only defined for silenced weapons? I'm not sure if Im seeing right, but there is no initial velocity defined and a lot of stuff I'm seeing is not defined. This is really the first time I've taken a look at defining mod classes, so I'm new to this. I took a look at robert hammers pdw cause as I know from A2 his stuff is always locked down and relatively perfect. So I took a look at the config he included in the pdw and it seems a bit different as compared to sham's m16 and this mk18. His config has a bit more stuff defined and its defined for standard magazine class. But maybe that is because it uses its own ammo and he had to define all that stuff. Im not quite sure how the config changes in this mod affect the stanag's included in the game, if it overwrites that data or what. That gets a bit confusing when your talking about modifying standard game magazines. Im not sure what is already defined and what must be defined, and what is specific for this weapon. :confused:
  9. WildFire6

    MK18 Mod 1

    Brain was correct as we are on my insurgency server. The mission is completely custom, all AI and spawns are done by script. I programmed the entire mission myself with some addons like helmetmod, and sync weather and the old vehicle script. The AI are spawned in groups and while their difficulty is all custom modified the enemy themselves have no enhancements. In a bit of experimenting we opened up sham's M16 config and checked out the values and then copied them over with a very slight power decrease. We threw it all back together and Brain tested the package in my server without a server restart or anything that would degrade the test. We found that his statement is true. The config file needs to be adjusted as the M16's config was far more realistic as far as you would expect at 100 to 200 meters. 2 shots were typical at that range where with the unmodified version I was using would take 3 or more, almost always more. Also we are reporting an issue with the optics. I am poking around the config trying to find out what is off with the sights. It seems they are not zeroed and bullet drop is ridiculous. Although Brain reported being able to adjust the sights for 100-300 or more(?), I didnt try, I was watching him show with some insane drop. Im trying to find why the aim is adjustable and how to disable it and how to adjust the zero point so it is zeroed at 300 like all the other assault rifle class. Other than these 2 issues, the model and sounds are top notch. I intend to be using this mod for a very long time, that is if we can work out the issues, as I am sure we can. Top marks on the top mounted PEQ, I really love the mk18, you've done us a great justice by pouring your time into it. We very much thank everyone involved for this wonderful piece. ---------- Post added at 08:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 AM ---------- Sniped.
  10. WildFire6

    =BTC= Revive

    Giallustio, Still getting an issue with vehicle respawn. The vehicle respawns correctly and shows on the map, all the hints (mhq deployed etc..) show up correctly, however still not getting the addaction back in the box/flag/whatever. Also to the poster above me, yes its normal. The script takes time to get the player position, set a marker and move the dead player back to that position. It also starts the animation for the body, wounded animation and adds the gear back to the units inventory. It takes a few seconds to do so. Its not controllable, so there is nothing he can do about it I believe.
  11. WildFire6

    AI speed settings

    _wp1 = _grp addWaypoint [_mk2, 0]; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; Notice they will run in a line without any formation. In careless or safe behavior mode they dont pay attention to formations and they stick to moving along roads. See: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mission_Editor:_Waypoints .. To be fair Kylania was correct, as he usually always is.
  12. WildFire6

    Weapon Sway Tweaking

    I have been taught to shoot while breathing and walking. There is a reason U.S. military guys have a ton of upper body strength. Although your right about tensing up, IRL you dont realize you are tensed up. After you've shot hundreds of rounds and are completely used to a certain rifle, stable comes easy. I would compare it to being totally relaxed but my muscles tell me otherwise after a day of shooting. See an experienced shooter feels relaxed while they are shooting, and they are taught to control their breathing. Don't get me wrong I sway while standing. So much that I can hit a torso sized object at 300 meters while standing up and moving slowly while just about rapid firing an M4 with a red dot. But yeah I sway. Its just about completely unnoticeable. The sway is more like realignment after each shot rather than me walking around drunk like in arma. Anything more than about 1 to 0.5 inches of sway in relation to your sight picture is ridiculous. If I'm standing and relaxed and breathing correctly I can fire all day at 300 meter objects with ease. If I move the entire world changes and your argument becomes extremely valid. The figure 8 with a half foot of motion is a bit much but whatever. Standing still though, in any position, it doesn't hold its water. I can hit that target with that gun walking towards it with one hand, firing slightly faster than that video shows. I'll need about 500 rounds to get used to how the weapon handles first though. However your video does show weapon sway, its just the guy shooting it probably can shoot a lot better than that, rather faster. Its hard to take video like that in the first place. Also rifle stability is ridiculously higher than pistols and you should know that. Honestly. Thats why rifles are zeroed out to high range while a pistol is not expected to be. Its like comparing apples to spare tires. Ridiculous. The weight and balance of a rifle is built in such a way to aid stability while a pistol is built to point and fire within 10 meters. Furthermore there should be two completely different models for firing pistols and rifles. This is why in real life some people honest to god hate firing pistols, or hate firing rifles, because they are in fact two completely different beasts. Also that manual is not in the form of an official document or anything thereabout. This is a good example of a real document. I've read A LOT of these... http://doni.daps.dla.mil/SECNAV%20Manuals1/5510.36.pdf Your looking for something with seals, watermarks, or otherwise officiating images that only the real military uses, not some handy dandy graphic that looks like my sister made and says U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit. Furthermore you state something about the "shooter" in the video. I.E. not you. I checked the info on the armed defender academy that video is from, I am not impressed, ask any veteran with combat experience, if they would like an air force vet to teach them weapons training. I'll laugh my a@# off. So with your lack of real documentation and the fact that you provided what you think IS a real document with no references, a video of a really bad shooter, who isnt even you, and the fact that you compared shooting a rifle to shooting a pistol Im gonna have to say- refer to my first post. Although I think your heart was in the right place when you started this thread, and for that I do thank you.
  13. WildFire6

    Weapon Sway Tweaking

    This thread has beautiful promise but fails to deliver. Arma is a simulator. Sway is shit. unless your moving if you standing still that needs to go away in every position. "I think this and I think that...." is wonderful for freedom of speech and sharing one's opinion however its not based in reality and is not helping dev's produce a game that is realistic. Im sure there are a lot of people like me who could care less how fast we can kill an enemy. We just want weapons to act as they do in RL. For anyone who has put rounds down range, knows full well that rifles act a bit differently in RL. We also know that popular opinion is winning this fight, it has already shown true on the feedback tracker. People who think they know how weapons react outnumber those with actual combat and shooting experience. Those who should be regarded as experts in the field are being outposted and argued with by others with no experience. Im not sure of the outcome of this and who will eventually win, however I know that BIS is dedicated to providing a realistic experience so I have faith. I cant comment on combat myself, but I shoot and have shot thousands and thousands of dollars worth of ammunition in as many rifles as the military and civilian markets would let me put my hands on. Almost all the friends I have kept in contact with since highschool(~15 years) have combat experience besides me, but not me. I claim to be no expert. I want to hear from the guys who's job is to be shot at. What I want from this game is exactly how they describe firing under pressure, in the dirt and mud and with the heat, and there's not going to be a single opinion here that should be higher regarded IMO. You dont hire a huey pilot to program a A-10 simulator, I would hope they dont use popular opinion to program a realistic shooting model.
  14. Just a couple tips.... createVehicle for soldiers doesnt work, AI spawn correctly but are devoid of any action, command or anything, basically dummy units. Spawngroup must be used even if for just one soldier. Also if you put the opposite at the top of your script this will work: if (!isServer) exitWith {}; Checks to see if it is the server, if not the entire script exits. Easier than putting everything in an extra bracket.
  15. WildFire6

    Persistent servers?

    WildServer, my server runs coop insurgency on persistent. Its not hard to do, just a config file entry, its not like a big deal. MSO was by and for the public and was second to none as far as real world persistence. I still have databases set up on my computer to log server data from my A2 dedicated even though I've been running A3 since it dropped and I stopped A2.
  16. Nice video. I agree there is room for improvement if you caught inside an artillery strike. Shrapnel effects, random chance of dying within perimeter of hit, amount of hit damage taken (not necessarily instant death) and definitely greater smoke effects. Mostly smoke not really too much explosion it seems like in vid. Hopefully they get to it. As for heaney the devs have said plenty of times in recent YEARS that they intend to make the most realistic simulator they can. However not everyone can program everything. It is possible that someone freelancing might do a better job, such as WAR FX which was second to none for effects. Either way perhaps a feedback ticket is in order for the arty effects. I'd vote for it but I wont imagine it will be a priority until everyone has game in hand and can run it on their pc (post full release). But we can try.
  17. WildFire6

    -E3- Units (new camos)

    Seriously great mod. I use one of these uniforms every time I play. Everyone on my server is using it as well, thank you. My question is there any way you can create a new model or possibly build a true USMC patrol cap? That round cap airforce thing is lame in comparison. You master the true patrol cap I'll consider this the perfect uniform mod. Thank you again.
  18. WildFire6

    long distance optics needed.

    I'd actually prefer they dont implement too many long range optics just yet. Im actually having a super hard time trying to show people they can survive with an assault rifle at close range. If im not actively commanding them and telling them to move forward they are usually on top of a hill 300+ meters away sniping. This simulation is so much better when your in the thick of it, down on ground level. And if you can get the rest of the guys to put the sniper rifles down for ten seconds you'll find that with a few AI tweaks the combat can be intense and assaults can be downright legendary. Ditch the optics, grow the balls. I wont vote no on your feedback, honestly they'll implement it all in due time, I'm just popping in to let you know there's a whole lot more to this game than sniping. Check out WildServer sometime, and good luck-
  19. Hey, Brain and myself played with the 416's on my server today, I actually want to retract a previous statement. I really like the firing sounds, the volume is good. Although the reload sounds was still a bit high, but Im wondering about that too, as we heard some AI reloading at a pretty decent distance as well.
  20. Still louder than anything currently in-game. I like how the shots actually echo, as they do in real life. Its extremely realistic and exactly how shots sound IRL. However I think its impossible to turn up the volume loud enough to hear footsteps and not receive noise complaints from my neighbors. Its just extreme. Love the 416 though. Great job on it.
  21. Thank you for this. Sounds are on ridiculous though. Having a friend shoot the benelli next to me just about blew my speakers. I could also hear him reload and empty round click up to 100 meters away. Turns out both weapons are really high and can hear sounds ridiculously far off. Otherwise great mod, if the sounds come down I'll be using this one quite a bit. Thank you.
  22. You so lost. Me. Your asking if this insurgeency is like the old insurgency, even though its named insurgency? ?? Anyhow yes its full insurgency, no hints, 5 different caaches spawn in different locations each time. Its awesome.
  23. WildFire6

    =btc= co 35 'sides patrol'

    Couple things ive noticed. Random patrols everywhere ROCKS! At the end of any hostage/rescue mission, remove ai unit from group. Groom task failure success conditions. As of now tasks go completed even if we arent on the right side of map. Guessing they are attacking fob and leave objective area. Other weird task success/failure stuff happens. Love the ai difficulty settings/parameters.
  24. This mission I think was overlooked quite a bit. Its still by far the best insurgency type mission, and still works too. I've continuously updated it, Ive got it updated with VAS, E3 units, RH mp7, USP, R3f_Armes, and FHQ_M4, running daily on my server. You really should update this, and throw it up again. I really think it needs some attention, it really is a kickass mission, and I really love how the caches spawn randomly at different spots. Thanks a lot. If for some reason you feel like bringing it back to life, I would ask a couple features: 1) more random locations for supplyd1-5, make sure you fix the win trigger as now it looks for supply1 dead, and its supposed to be supplyd1. You missed the "d's" on all five in that trigger; 2) btc sides patrol has a badass function that spawns patrols close to your location as you traverse the entire map, its super dynamic and pretty cool. If you could add something like that, although I know his mission is tough to read, the btc guys are very-skilled-no-format-whatsoever programmers; 3) varying enemy difficulty, based on day/night. I have settings for all ai skill settings etc.. spotting, distance, courage, shake... everything. Either way, it still rocks. Thanks a bunch. I'm sorry so many people missed it, by far the best insurgency map to date.
  25. WildFire6

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    How do you operate the LR? ***EDIT*** Btw your mod rocks. Thank you so much!