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About Aardman55

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  1. Aardman55

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    Hello first! So, after some time, ArmA 2 has become a little boring to me from the combat aspects (ejecting out of helicopters that are 200km up the sky and on fullspeed and flying over ramps and smashing soldiers is still fun, though.) Also sorry if this is the wrong topic / forum / site. Now, after some time of looking at all kinds of stuff from VBS2, scripting info, wiki sites, youtube vids etc.. I decided to get some money and buy a SEAT Academic liscense. Im not searching for opinions, Im not a fan of mp since I mostly spawn in when most of the battle is done and I dont care if its hard or such im ready to go through the pain whatever it shall be. So, first off, can a normal civilian (and I mean normal, someone whos spends his time buying food and drinks, games, playing computer games like hl2 payday the heist etc, your average dude.) buy the academic lisence? I saw many normal civies on youtube playing it and saying they've got a academic liscene but I need to be sure. Also, I'm in germany right now, and since its 500 dollars in the store, can I buy it for 382 euros (atleast thats what it shows as of 16th march), or do I HAVE to pay it in dollars, and am I unable to pay with euros? Then, when I buy it, do I instantly have it and does it take the money from my bank account / paypal or can I chose what payment method I want, and does it get shipped as a cd or can I instadownload it? Then, are Arma 1 and 2 addons compatible with vbs2? I mean like can you use units maps modules scripts etc from arma 1 and 2 and use them in vbs2? And lastly, does a academic license differ from a normal seat one, or is it just because the military companys are forced to pay more? Sorry for the bad english!
  2. Hello first! So, after some time, ArmA 2 has become a little boring to me from the combat aspects (ejecting out of helicopters that are 200km up the sky and on fullspeed and flying over ramps and smashing soldiers is still fun, though.) Also sorry if this is the wrong topic / forum / site. Now, after some time of looking at all kinds of stuff from VBS2, scripting info, wiki sites, youtube vids etc.. I decided to get some money and buy a SEAT Academic liscense. Im not searching for opinions, Im not a fan of mp since I mostly spawn in when most of the battle is done and I dont care if its hard or such im ready to go through the pain whatever it shall be. So, first off, can a normal civilian (and I mean normal, someone whos spends his time buying food and drinks, games, playing computer games like hl2 payday the heist etc, your average dude.) buy the academic lisence? I saw many normal civies on youtube playing it and saying they've got a academic liscene but I need to be sure. Also, I'm in germany right now, and since its 500 dollars in the store, can I buy it for 382 euros (atleast thats what it shows as of 16th march), or do I HAVE to pay it in dollars, and am I unable to pay with euros? Then, when I buy it, do I instantly have it and does it take the money from my bank account / paypal or can I chose what payment method I want, and does it get shipped as a cd or can I instadownload it? Then, are Arma 1 and 2 addons compatible with vbs2? I mean like can you use units maps modules scripts etc from arma 1 and 2 and use them in vbs2? And lastly, does a academic license differ from a normal seat one, or is it just because the military companys are forced to pay more? Sorry for the bad english!
  3. Aardman55

    Gore Mod / Wound effects

    Any release dates for us, already? :) Cant wait to finally get some more realistic gore than always the same charred torso and 2 feet!
  4. Yeah, i checked that, but i dont think itll get released, and also as much as i know its only the russian soldier. Also, i suggested almost the same, but rather it will be more realistic. Instead of arms and legs being perfectly "sliced" off from its torso, id be into for a more realistic part of a limb missing from the body.
  5. So, after failing a "gore" thread (and thinking about how silly and unrealistic it would be to have small chunks everywhere after a ied) i though the whole night about some more advanced / easier and optional script mod(ule). My idea is to have a unit intialization script of advanced wounding. Note before reading though, it would be a "mod only" script, as from what i heard you cant edit the vanilla units (with exception of a russian example soldier) so you'll have to stick it into mods, either asking permission to release or keeping it for yourself and no one else. Back to the ideas I thought about 2 options: 1, Lets say i'd use the UNSUNG vietnam war mod. Id chose a US Marine, and edit its model, i.e. removing one or more limbs, and put flesh / blood on it (optional for better simulation and what i actually mean to do this mod for), and then save that model and put it into Empty > Advanced Wounding > UNSUNG > Marine (left half leg), which will then be the model of a laying dead marine with half of his left leg lost. Now, we make this object spawn / trigger when a explosion happens to badly hit the unit, but to have gore on that unit, we have to add a script into intialization (since i want it to be optional in case you dont want to use it anymore / want to make a mission without requiring anymore than the vanilla mod). Lets say the unit is Marine 1, which would be something like "setAdvWnd_Lefthalfleg Marine1;" or make it auto intialize and search for gore groups on the unit which would be "intAdvWnd_Lefthalfleg this;", which would then make that unit (Marine1), if hit by a explosive, remove /make it invisible, and then spawn a object at where the last position of the unit was, which will then make a marine with half of his leg lost. or option 2, Same as above, but instead of a object, it will be a unit (for better simulation of wounded without limbs), which will also spawn at it, but then it will get instantly wounded, which then brings the con of if it gets healed, it will stand up and just fight and sprint with a half leg lost making it totally unenjoyble (and so making me rather chose option 1). I know most of you will now say this will be added to the vanilla gameand so it wont be able to get sold (Some people may know who i mean. Yes, you.), so saying it again, This is a mod. And even in the mod, it will be optional and only for some units and not all. And those who got bored half through, i can understand that you dont want to read all (im known for that :) ) so heres a short version: Option 1: A new object of a unit without limb will be created when a script gets added to the unit which gets hit by a explosion. Option 2: Same as 1, only instead of a object a wounded unit will be spawned. Also, im not a sadistic / perverted / brutal / insane dude who loves and enjoys seeing human flesh flying around. Im willing to enhance the games experience. So now all i need is a scripter, im not a 3d modeller but i guess with enough will and patience ill (hopefully) make it to finish a unit. And i tried learning 3 different scripts, and failed at all (aka im not born to be a scripter.)
  6. Aardman55


    Many have misunderstood me cause of a fail, i ment Gore MOD. Sure, the devs wont add any gore to the game and thats why we have all the modders to do it, and i didnt say about arma 3 needing it at all -_- sorry really but sometimes even mods fail at reading. And also, i guess i do have the right to post my own idea of gore other than just saying "We need gore like this *link* !!!" or something. I saw about a gore mod being developed by icewindo, but dont know when exactly it gets released. If you think gore is unnessecary, then its fine, but there are many people out there who want more realism in their game and not just someone running into a ied and having a intact corpse after a large explosion. Im sorry, but i cant take bombing serious if all that happens is me falling down with a red screen, same for the enemy. AND Soldier of Fortune 2 in example would be a unknown long buried game if it didnt feature the gore system. Everywhere you go about sof2, one of the things on it is its gore system. I do not need or want a that complex gore in it, but a soldier losing a part of his leg at a explosion would add to some realism.
  7. Aardman55


    I agree, and no it would suck if it would happen each shot with a pistol, but when im flying iwth a lets say A10 and bomb a house and a infantry man would come in and suddenly see a civilian / insurgent without arms and / or legs lieing there motionless / begging for help, heck id feel like in real war!
  8. Aardman55


    ^ 0:20 4:21 Terrain modification would also be epic! ( 7:15 ) Id really love to see gore in this game. Either i throw or shoot something explosive at someone and he just lies there with nothing but a amount of blood on him (Vanilla) or I get to see the same old white torsor with missing legs and 2 feet next to it (SLX Mod), id really love to get more realism, e.g More variations (lose legs in ied, lose leg / arm in grenade / lose arm legs and head in bombings) or atleast a more charred corpse other than a white torso. It would not only add to realism, but also to the war part of the game, as in real life if someone would get hit by a ied being RIGHT under it he wouldnt just lie there with blood over him, atleast not 90% of all the time. Any opinions? :)
  9. Hello everyone! Im getting a strange error which i didnt have when i still played the retail version of the game. Everytime i try to start ArmA2 CO on steam (i bought it there) andtry to play with unsung nam mod and vietnam the experience, both dont show me any units. When im in the editor, and go to the categories (UNSUNG and BLUFOR > VTE USA, same with the OPFOR and Independent) it shows me only the stationary units, and jets cars planes etc, but i never see any units (USMC US ARMY NORTH VIETNAMESE). So i tried to play a UNSUNG mission (night defense post with patch 1.1 from unsung) and as soon as i start i get a sunny jungle day and the text "Well done. Enemy forces were defeated." Can somebody help me please? Thanks in advance. Edit: Sorry! I didnt see the Steam thread cause it was hard for me to :/, please move it there if you want.
  10. Thank your VERY much. You deserve a cookie. And i guess i should post in the link you shown me as that might be the answer why i got only one reply in 1 day.
  11. Just before you start - I checked the arma 2 and arma 2 oa and arma 2 co editor forums and found no Questions things, so i guess im posting in the right section. Tell me if I'm not :) Hello all. This is my actual question, how cna i change the ambient light? I'm using the "The Unsung Vietnam War Mod" and playing on some night missions. First, i wanna know if/how i can change ambient lights? I mean, like in the beginning of the movie "Platoon", you see when the U.S. Soldiers patrol the jungle, in the morning its a slight blue ambience, and its also more colourful. In the normal ArmA2(OA), you just get a black, uncolourful (though realistic) night/morning - But i want it SLIGHTLY blue and colourful. How? 2nd Question: How can i trigger my soldiers ONLY attacking when the enemy walks into the triggered area? It kinda sucks in my opinion that i cant set ambushes or get ambushed as my men and the enemy men always attack you 200 meters away. I would like to do it like that: Me and my men im commanding are sitting and preparing to ambush a group of vietcong. They wont attack them and stay stealth and unseen UNTIL the Vietcong enter the triggered area. Then, they will attack and keep fighting until every vietcong is dead. And i want to do the same with my men, only that the enemy attacks us first when we enter their triggered area. 3rd Question: How do i get a bomber bomb/attack a unit and attack just the ground? I dont like always having to switch to the bomber, then inaccurately bombing a area and then quickly want to switch back to my soldier just to notice he didnt take much cover and got shot down. Thanks to everyone for posting ;) :D - The aard.
  12. Ok thanks, Aldo15! :D I will see if it works.
  13. Hello everyone, So its like that, i have the latest OFP version (Resistance and version 1.96) and the Vietnam the Experience addon (wich i wanna recommend you and enjoy very much). Now i'm tricking with the waypoint and trigger system since like end 2010 and im kinda getting sick cause in the manuals i have there are all sorts of things BUT how to make a Jet bomb a specific point. I am going to make a Campaign, the first mission is where you are scouting a base and then 2 hueys come and shoot the Base, when the explosions come the units (US Army) charge the base while the nva deal with the dead tanks and ammo crates and barracks. I tried every thing of the waypoint but script and talk. I use "Destroy" "Unload" and "Unload Transport" but nothing happens. The only thing i got was that i should click a unit i wanna bomb/shoot but the problem is that the helis/jets in the campaign will mostly just bomb the middle of a base or village, not any houses or units. In the second mission, i focus on apocalypse now, you start in a landing zone, 2 helis land and the 2 groups enter, while the helis destroy a village while landing. I dont know how to make them move to the village, destroy it AND land so the units get out. Please help me, i appreciate every answer. WBR Aardman55