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Posts posted by SuicideCommando

  1. Just tried this mod out, and i must say really impressed by the quality of the weapon models. Though i do have some feedback points,

    1: Small typo: all SCAR's with the GL say : SCAR-H/L EGML and when the EGLM is selected as weaponmode is sais the correct word which is: "EGLM" .

    2: All "normal camo" SCAR's are supposed to have that tan look, but they look more like a very light OD color, same goes for the tan holosights (+ magnifier), maybe those tan magazines aswell (but is not really a must have)




    Other then that, its an amazing weapons mod!!


    foxone, that's an airsoft rifle. The real steel looks different.





  2. Is there anyone making mods/addons out there?

    I would be interested in some Norwegian uniforms and gears, paying for it. Drop me a PM (if possible).

    Ps. I already know about the Norwegian units pack, but it's outdated and doesn't meet my requirements.

    road runner just made a mod that features Norwegian uniforms for some milsim group. He might be able to help out, try dropping him a PM.


    You can view the uni's here:




    Just scroll down a bit.

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  3. They're part of a repository where Toadie stores all release versions of his content - both public and sometimes private included. Before they're pushed here/Armaholic and the Workshop. So yes, it's official.


    Sometimes (and that's a bit of an understatement :D) Toadie will forget or break something in his Twitter releases though, so if you want a guaranteed up to date version, wait before he posts it elsewhere.

    Yeah, I see what you mean about toadie breaking his releases. He's already had to re-upload the AK portion of his mod twice now. :D I'm grabbing them anyway for the hell of it.

  4. I've noticed the same problem as well. It is odd in appearance when it happens. Great mod though. I really hope you can get cleggy's Ridgeback MRAP updated and in the game. His port doesn't seem to work currently as I get shot through the glass by small arms fire and the M2 doesn't fire.

  5. CPC

    Doesn't Cunico have one already made. No sense in reinventing the wheel so to speak.


    I'd like to see something that's currently in-use that hasn't been made by anyone yet.


    Maybe and LV-MBAV with LoVis MBAV Detachable Chest Rig.







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