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About ludiol

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  1. Hi, I use this little piece of art as my collective: Its phenomenal, and handbuild in Austria. My cyclic is actually a modified X-52, but I think I'm gonna buy the Warthog joystick and modifiy the springs.
  2. Bohemia do something for us. We bought your game at crappy simw.com store and they are not even capable to deliver full download version. Never again simware
  3. Well thanks for your replies, but 50% sensitivity didn't work out. I tried this out. If I look in my system prefs the axis shows a correct calibration, the red bar being at the bottom at throttle pulled full back, 50% at 50% way and 100% bar at the end of the throttle way. Its fully linear. So my X-52 works correctly. Anyway I have to cope with this for max one week, when my oe-xam Bell Pitch Lever will arrive and hopefully be compatible with this great game.
  4. Hi, I can't get my x-52 throttle to work correctly with TOH. At the Customization Page in the Controls Menu when the throttle is pulled full back it shows me a calibration value of 100. This value doesn't change until the throttle is pushed up to +/- 60% of the total throttle way and then changes rapidly from 100 to -100. This makes the usable throttle way very small and unprecise. The ingame sensitivity has been set to max and null deadzone. The same for hardware settings in the system preferences. The throttle works 100% in FSX. Anyway next week I'm going to get a high-end Bell Pitch Lever replica from a little Austrian factory which is used in the Dodosim for FSX. Hopefully this one is going to be fully compatible with TOH.
  5. Hi I have a major problem with my x-52 throttle. I cannot use the whole throttle way. TOH only recognises a small part of the throttle in the custom menu when the parameters are shown the sensitivity is at -100 from the back end and doesn't change until more or less 60% of the way and then increases rapidly to +100. Sensitivity is set at max with no deadzone. In the x-52 preferences menu the sensitivity has also been set to max as well as a null deadzone. Sorry for my english :-). Hopefully my new Bell 206 Pitch Lever (http://oe-xam.blogspot.com/) which I ordered recently (for FSX DODOSIM) will be compatible with TOH