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Posts posted by SavageCDN

  1. If you're expecting DCS-level simulation in Arma then.. well... no. Arma is not a flight sim.

    With regards to the editor you are either trolling or haven't taken more than 5 minutes to learn anything about using it.

  2. What's this error and why am I getting it? I know "reason 10" is when there's no artillery available, but I don't know what reason 2 is :/

    "Call arty support [East] aborted - reason 2"

    #2 = number of units in Target-Group insufficient

    see page 23 in the PDF manual

    to adjust this setting in your DAC_Config_Arti look at:

    _set0 = [20,[b]2[/b],0,30]

    the 2nd (bolded) number is the setting you'll want to change - Min. number of units in Target-Group for strike to be executed

    I gave up on AI breaching and clearing buildings ( :P ) but I'm hoping there's other things that will make me happy ditching MCC GAIA for DAC.

    Not sure if it's still being developed but Zorilya's Garrison Script did a good job of getting guys into building positions and not being retarded. Perhaps check it out and see if you can integrate it with DAC - for example you can release units from DAC after spawning them and run a custom script on them.

  3. Pugs maybe try a stock BIS map (Stratis) and work out the kinks first... check out a demo mission or Grubes tutorial (see my sig). I've lost count on how many times I've been blown up by civs while testing :p

    AFAIK there is no way to force greater hostility to certain areas. There is talk of having an option to start the mission with a full-fledged insurgency already running (instead of having to build up recruits) but this won't happen until post 1.0. Try setting only Extreme hostility towards you (BLUFOR) perhaps they'll all go for you then ;)

  4. -EDIT: I've been conducting small tests to get an idea of how the AI behaves with DAC. I was expecting AI to breach and clear buildings, especially when they know your position after shooting at you inside a building for a while. Do I need to change some setting for that? AI difficulty is set to 4 and ASR AI is on default settings.

    They don't really 'breach and clear' in the way you are thinking. DAC has a setting for building checks but I don't think it forces AI to check a known player-held building (I could be wrong here).

    In DAC_Config_Behaviour check the _setBldgBeh variable:

    _setBldgBeh = [2,50,120,600,1]

    Here you determine how much infantry groups can occupy buildings.

    If you don't want to use this feature, you need to set the 1st value to 0.

    1st entry = maximum number of units from the group, which can occupy a building

    2nd entry = radius of the building detection

    3rd entry = time how long the units stay in a building

    4th entry = time before a building can be entered again a second time

    5th entry = number of positions, which a building must have at least

    The example above would also mean that 2 units of a group occupy a building,

    if a suitable building with at least one position in a radius of 50 meters was found.

    The units hold it for 120 seconds. Then the building is not occupied for 600 seconds..

    Caution, there are not many buildings / objects which work correctly.

    Buildings which cause problems can be excluded

  5. Anyway I can change the amount of units the Opcom uses for reserves (which I assume is how many it leaves at captured objectives). Default is 4 Attack, 1 Reserve, 5 Defend for occupation. I am looking for more 4 Attack, 5 Reserve, 5 Defend. To promote a more realistic defensive opcom rather then a blitzing opcom.

    None that I am aware of, sorry.

    Feature request?

    8/8 customer support and friendly help thread.

    HH said if we don't treat you right he's gonna beat us (again)

  6. I agree, Leight should really come forward with it - he creates things so you can come out from the cave here and rage. He does it because, as you've put it, he hates you personally.

    hahaha yes what a jerk Leight is :p

    Everyone just put Mr. Facepalm (apt name) on ignore the world will be a better place

  7. Please could someone help me out with the persistance? I cannt for the life of me get it working. When i click server save and exit the console comes up saying that its saving.. But doesnt save and also stays on that screen and doesnt move from it. Really would love to get this up and running but ive been trying on and off for months now with no success at all :(

    PM'ed you

    2 questions:

    1. All of the doors are wide open on the Island Of Takistan when I play with Alive -is there a way to shut them? Makes me house hunt crazy :crazy:

    2. Are there built in 'Win' parameters in Alive or do they need to be placed seperately via trigger/conditions?

    It's not an ALiVE function but there is a module for this in the editor (can't remember where but it's called open/close hatches or similar) - you can set the radius around the module and whether or not all doors/hatches are open or closed at mission start.

  8. Yes size of the zone must be enough big for amoutn of waypoints I had also this problem in few missions.

    There is another way around this problem - you can set the min/max distance for waypoint generation (ie: more waypoints in a smaller area). Check DAC_Config_Waypoints in the manual.

    But how do you change the mortars to heavy artillery?


    Check that file under each case there is a line:

    _set3  = [["O_Mortar_01_F",["M_PG_AT"]]];

    First classname is the actual mortar piece, second is the round itself (not the magazine though, you need the classname for the actual round). You can add multiple ammo type entries here as well (smoke, illum, etc).

    So for BLUFOR artillery it would be:

    _set3  = [["B_MBT_01_arty_F",["Sh_155mm_AMOS"]]];

    Me again...

    I want to add a Killed eventhandler to the spawned Ai...

    this is the trigger init:

    aafspawn = ["aafzoneinf",[1,0,1],[5,2,20,6],[ ],[ ],[ ],[2,2,2,2,0]] spawn DAC_Zone

    my dac_config_events:

    	case 1:
    	_Events_Unit_S =	[
    							[“_unit addeventhandler [“â€Killedâ€â€,{_this spawn AiKilled}]“],

    but no reaction on kill... no error in rpt... whats the cause?

    The create event requires a group as the variable (_group) and you can use _x for the actual unit ie:

    ["{_x addEventHandler [""Killed"", {_this spawn AiKilled}]} forEach units _group"],

  9. I've asked Gienkov and he explained the way the AI difficulty and behavior is handled:

    DAC can set skills but ASR always has priority.



    Thanks for clearing that up.

    So if I use the Alive module that sets skill per faction, ASR will overwrite them?

    Yes that is correct... I would also delete the skill module (or set it to 0%) if you are using ASR_AI

  10. edit: nevermind found them

    yes its take a shit load of time to create missions, but to insult mod maker because his missions are broken is not ok and it is his problem not leigh. im sure a lot of people have to rebuild their mission aswell, and not just him.


  11. How does this work in combination with ACE3 AI and DAC AI? Are they cancelling each other? Complementing each other by doing different things? One overrides the other? .

    ASR_AI and DAC work great together.

    Source: 5 years of using ASR_AI and DAC together :p

  12. But because you changed classnames, Deleted some vehicles - now almost all our missions are broken. THANK U VERY MUCH FOR "GREAT" UPDATE!! U just broke more than 36 missions!!! Good job! And your 1.0 is full of bugs and script errors! Pls stop do mods!!!

    So maybe next time the author can contact you before releasing an update just to make sure it coincides with your schedule?

  13. ^ currently the indexing process has to be done internally, however there has been talk of having map makers provide a static data file to make it easy to index... perhaps in the near future.

    The process does rely on the map having some infrastructure for it to detect - military structures (barracks, HQs, hbarriers, etc), civ structures like houses but also communication towers, sea ports, industrial buildings, etc. I don't think the actual naming of cities would matter (could be wrong here), but without anything for alive to detect it won't be much fun :p
