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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    Patrol Ops?

    I didn't even realize this was being worked on for A3!! Great news!!
  2. You can try messaging Sickboy on PWS forums to request he update the mod on the SU network. I'm sure it will be updated when it's ready :p
  3. hmm.... that is a DayZ pbo file if I'm not mistaken? If I google "CA_Dubbin_Counterattack" I get a ton of results.. most of which point to not starting Arma2OA server as combined operations (A2 plus A2OA). I'd say start A2 and A2OA once to get registry entries but that should not be required for running arma2oaserver.exe
  4. SavageCDN

    Can only join server at second try

    Just a guess but try doing a Steam verify on your Arma 3 files
  5. SavageCDN

    Where is the Inventory Editor?

    Just as an FYI you can also copy/paste the classname from the editor - put down an empty unit you will see the classname top-right of the unit screen - select the text, Ctrl-C, paste it elsewhere. Of course that won't work for weapons or ammo types :p
  6. There are two of them this one is the most recent: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20821
  7. I've only really been around since Arma 2 and my first experience was with ACE/ACRE. It was daunting as hell but I was sooo blown away by the myriad of options and the scale of the game that I have not touch another game since.
  8. SavageCDN

    Where is the Inventory Editor?

    Sorry man he is not the epitome of what is wrong with this community... and that discussion is not for this thread. I didn't know jack shit about scripting two years ago and since then I've been able to pickup on most things. Customizing loadouts is not that difficult but it does require some knowledge and patience. I don't think anyone is saying that having an in-editor loadout thingy would not be great... but that instead there are other areas (even in the editor) that should be improved first.
  9. SavageCDN

    AI on a Dedicated Server

    What do you mean by "AI is pretty bad"? They act really dumb? Check and make sure your server FPS is above 15 (login using in-game admin, type #monitor 2) as low server FPS = dumb AI As you mentioned TPW stuff is mostly for SP.. I would try @WW_AICover (I think that's what it's called). TMR is a client side mod IIRC. Also @ASR_AI is out there (not officially released for Arma 3 yet) which is a great AI addon. http://arma-sr.bzbit.com/projects/ Some addons like @ASR_AI only need to be run on the server (as most AI are controlled by the server).
  10. I would guess the i7 would be best especially if you're only running one A3 server on the host.... especially with lots of AI. CPU clock speed is king with Arma!! Also try disabling HT in your BIOS - Arma usually runs better with it turned off. For best results you could setup a headless client on your LAN host which would give you the best performance in the mission.
  11. This is a long-standing issue with Gamespy and Arma (since DayZ came out IIRC). I thought I read the latest A3 patch fixed this issue though... The problem was the search would only bring back 500 servers max.... and with over 2000 servers out there for A2 it took a bit to get the result you wanted. I assume the same issue is there for Arma 3.
  12. Haven't even tried the other two yet... thanks for cranking these out.
  13. Looks awesome!! Those are some large birds!!
  14. SavageCDN

    10 x Smal CSATl Camp Templates

    Well I might just have to check it out then.. thanks :o
  15. Thanks for this!! Weather stuff was a bit weird in the beta most script packs that included it (ie: F3 Framework) had it disabled. Do you know if it's possible to have thunder and lightning with no or very little overcast?
  16. SavageCDN

    Config help

    I think this is what you are looking for - you need to run it as a server-side addon (clients don't need it). http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150293-iniDB-Save-and-Load-data-to-the-server-or-your-local-computer-without-databases!
  17. SavageCDN

    10 x Smal CSATl Camp Templates

    Gotcha... so you have MSO working for A3 or are we talking A2?
  18. Fata does work with the latest MSO version however you need to disable certain things (at least I did).. I just had the CQB module running for enemy spawns... enemy locations do work, however it will only find 8 or so unless you manually add more. Did not test the Zora groups. Fire me a PM and I can send you what I have... be warned it is an ACE/ACRE version you will need those mods http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?33999
  19. SavageCDN

    10 x Smal CSATl Camp Templates

    Does the 7cmbg run a public server for A3 CAF?
  20. Looks like you got your wish (Razing of...). Crossing fingers for a Road Rage port :p
  21. Guess there was nothing left of Zargabad to destroy :p Thanks for releasing this!!