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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. Do you have Arma 2 as well as Arma 2 OA? It almost sounds like A2 is not loading (Chernarus is part of A2).
  2. Disabling HT is done through the BIOS and accessing that will depend on the make and model of your laptop. Usually it's pressing a key at boot - Del, F2, etc.
  3. Easy solution use less AI or spawn them in when needed
  4. I bought IF when it was released but didn't really play it that much as there were too many issues. A recent community patch has fixed most of these as far as I can tell. You can run it now in Arma 3 with a few downloads and a batch file: https://dev.withsix.com/projects/lib-issue-tracker/wiki/Wiki?version=4 The models, units, etc are very well done.. sounds are just OK. Tanks are awesome!! If you're a WWII buff at all it's worth the $10 or so
  5. Depends on the module. In the OPCOM module the format is: ["OPF_F","OPF_G_F"] In the placement modules the format is without quotes and brackets OPF_F, OPF_G_F Enjoy!!
  6. Just keeps getting better.... thanks!!
  7. you pretty much have it already ;) Put down empty static called gun_1 Put down unit called gunner_A Put down unit called gunner_B In A's init field: gunner_A assignAsGunner gun_1; gunner_A moveInGunner gun_1; Create trigger - condition !alive gunner_A - onAct gunner_B assignAsGunner gun_1; gunner_B moveInGunner gun_1; Be advised the gunners will 'teleport' to the gun not move to it and enter.
  8. (SOLDIER)commandMove(position Trigger_MoveHere); hint "Successfully sent move order to unit."; My uneducated guess is that you can't get a position from a trigger like that? Try using a gamelogic with getPos logic_Name or a marker with getMarkerPos "marker_Name"
  9. I would have to agree with Harzach here.
  10. @mods - perhaps we can just get rid of this thread?
  11. Usually this is due to the required mods not loaded on the server - check your server's RPT file it should tell you if that is the case (or observe the server console window when someone joins if that is possible)
  12. in init.sqf check for anything like enableRadio enableSentences it's also possible these settings are elsewhere in the mission I'm not familiar with CTI myself
  13. The combat speed is actually much better than it was in original release - combat occurs now at a slower pace and takes time to be resolved 'virtually'. Note that motorized, mech, armor units move much quicker than infantry - make sure you are observing INF groups. I"ll keep my eye out for this during testing.
  14. I'm sorry forgot I'm using testing version... yeah the GC item limit option will be there for next release.
  15. SavageCDN


    First you'll need to de-pbo the mission file using a PBO extract utility (search for pboview or cpbo or eliteness). This extracts the mission to a folder just like a zip file. You would then copy/paste the scripts folder from UPSMON download into your mission folder.. you'll also need to add the UPSMON line to the init.sqf file you will find after extracting the mission (or if no init.sqf you can create one). If you are just playing by yourself you can then preview the mission in the editor while it's still in folder format. If you are playing with others on a server you'll need to re-pbo the file before using.
  16. Well he means 8GB total RAM obviously Windows and other applications will make use of some of this memory.. and you could run multiple servers. Arma is all about CPU clock speed when it comes to the server so get the best CPU you can afford.... save some $$ don't bother with SSD drives unless you run a few servers on the same box.
  17. SavageCDN

    spectator slots?

    What about having a civilian slot where the unit spawns in a limited area and you just let them use the Splendid Camera?
  18. Have you seen this? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19440
  19. This looks great thanks for all the work put into it (it's better than the BIS one anway)
  20. SavageCDN

    What's the story behind your username and avatar?

    Great thread idea!! My nick is from way back playing in a Canadian clan for a UT99 mod called StrikeForce. Reggie Savage was a hockey player I used to use all the time on NHL 94 for Sega (lol), so merging the two gave SavageCDN :p Avatar is simply our group's logo - usually I have angry Bert as my avatar.
  21. It sounds like you've done it correctly .... all you should need to do is add those two modules and save (no sync required). If you still don't hear the chatter, then check init.sqf for something that is disabling AI chatter or sounds. Are you using Arma 2 vehicles?
  22. There is a teamspeak server setting you will need to change. Login to your TS3 server (you must be admin), right-click on the main channel (usually right at the top of the channel list), and select edit virtual server. Under the Anti-Flood tab you will need to adjust the settings. I can't remember what the defaults are but you'll need to raise them higher. What's happening is ACRE makes a lot of connections/requests/whatever and TS has built-in protection against this to combat spammers and idiots. If you are playing with 15-20 players I would double whatever the values are there.. more players, higher the values.
  23. Not 100% perhaps a dev can answer this... I have seen the howitzers fire on enemy positions without any orders given but I can't say if that's because they had LOS on the enemy units or not. If the faction in question does not have it's own motorized units you could try adding both factions in the faction field in the module, set to Motorized, and see what spawns. Yeah this is a known issue and should be fixed for next update. ***If you check out the GC module parameters you will see it has a time option (300 seconds) and an item limit option (100). Set either to lower values if you want faster cleanup. Note that you must be a certain distance from bodies/objects for them to be cleaned up unless the hard limit (100) is reached*** (only available next release) With regards to respawn I think if you cannot spawn on the friendly unit it will spawn you back at base but I can't recall if there are any options.. haven't used that module in a while.
  24. Thanks for this wonderful addon!!