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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    What AI mod are you using?

    oops wrong thread edit: thread for A3 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?173430-MP-AI-Enhancement-Mods-(overview-list)
  2. SavageCDN


    I'll take a dozen
  3. Devs will have to respond to that one... I assume it's the closest player that spawns the AI and that they are 'handed' off if that client disconnects. I know there was talk of having server-side options for spawning but not sure where that is currently.
  4. Yes AI in your squad are ALWAYS controlled by your client. If you want those AI to have 'advanced' behaviour from AI mods then the client also needs to be running the AI mod. This also means that any AI skill setting you have applied will only affect server-spawned AI.. the CQB guys spawned on the client will use the clients AI skill settings. As Kremator said avoid FFS I would use bCombat, TPWCAS, and/or ASR_AI
  5. SavageCDN


    Don't thank me yet :p The core issues with converting to Arma 3 are really beyond my abilities to fix unfortunately.
  6. If you're looking for mods, etc to try out I would recommend ACE (for realism), ASR_AI and TPWCAS for AI modifications, RH weapon packs.. really the list is endless. Highly recommend Six-Updater or Play With Six programs to help you download and manage the mods.
  7. Never seen that one before... are you running Arma as Combined Operations and not just Operation Arrowhead?
  8. It doesn't 'affect' the other mods but any AI spawned by the client will not be affected by server-side AI mods.
  9. Giorgy my comment was only a suggestion - you don't HAVE to run those mods client side but just be aware that guys spawned by the CQB module are client-side and as such will not be affected by server-side AI mods. @Undead - no you cannot use more than one CQB module. The 2nd density parameter refers to how close the CQB spawn locations are to each other - set it lower to have CQB spawns 'spread out' more evenly.
  10. Just be aware that in missions where AI are spawned local to the player (ie: in their own squad or CQB guys in ALiVE), TPWCAS will have no affect on them unless the player is also running TPWCAS
  11. I would delete and re-download @A3MP most likely a corrupt install
  12. SavageCDN

    ArmA II ACE Wasteland

    ^ is player1 the name of the group? Not sure about your spawning issues are you sure it's island-related? Try Namalsk I love that map!!
  13. I think it's probably TCAdmin param to assign gametracker port ... probably allows TCAdmin to display stats on the gameservice page.
  14. Great post and thanks for your 1000s of hours of work for MCC
  15. Could it be he has steam ports as 2303 and 2304 when his listen port for the game is 2302? Seems there would be a port conflict there.
  16. SavageCDN

    ArmA II ACE Wasteland

    Agreed Harzach.... I think ASR_AI and TWPCAS are the two best options at the moment.. Zeus does indeed break some things. @LM9 I'm probably the wrong person to ask scripting questions like that.. especially since I've never picked apart a Wasteland mission. I would suggest asking that in a Wasteland thread or if there is a wasteland scripting skype channel or something that is your best bet.
  17. The wiki has a section where you can submit unofficial missions or you can PM them to me with some details and I will post them up. http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Community_Missions Other ALiVE missions are available here: http://www.alivemod.com/missions
  18. SavageCDN

    [A3] Koplic Insurgency

    Looks great will check it out thanks edit: there's a 1.2mb .docx file in EOS folder you could probably remove ;)
  19. Yeah see here for more info: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Script_Snippets
  20. ASUS here with HT disabled
  21. SavageCDN

    ArmA II ACE Wasteland

    I can't really game at the moment my GPU is toast and I'm saving up to get a new system :( You can also try @ASR_AI which is a great AI mod as well. On your server there is no need to run these mods (but do have the bikeys in the \Keys folder if you use signature checking): -JSRS -JSRS_ACE -st_bunnyhop -stmovement I belive both st_interact and st_lb_enhance need to be run on the server (st_interact for sure). Also if you are using the non-beta version of A2OA you need to run all three cbas - CBA, CBA_A2, CBA_OA. CBA_CO is for the beta version of A2OA.
  22. SavageCDN

    ArmA II ACE Wasteland

    I don't think not running ACRE would affect the deafness stuff in any way but worth a try... Have you used GL4, Zeus, etc before for AI? I'm not familiar with Wasteland (might have tried it once a while ago), but using GL4 might be difficult if your AI are being spawned in during the mission. Also there are issues with Zeus_AI (and it's ace version) as it has not been updated in years and might be problematic especially if you are using the beta version of OA. PM me if you wanna discuss. It just so happens we have an ACE server that sits idle 95% of the time (it's running modified ACE MSO on Lingor)... I'd have to ask but you might be able to use it at least for a while.... PM me if you like :p
  23. It will never use 4 cores - 2 are the max. One for AI processing and the other for server stuff. Also you may laugh cause I'm useless in Linux but I don't see the cpucount param being used in your loop?
  24. -CQB units spawn on clients not server -CAS tablet interface -ALiVE menu -all the persistence stuff I'm sure there's more as well....