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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    Help, 05superpowers

    Yeah if you are the MP host don't leave the game or shut down... failing that you'd have to run a dedicated server.
  2. Good to hear. You can avoid these problems by running a dedicated server on your PC instead of hosted which allows you to control what addons players are using. This will also give you better performance especially if your mission(s) have lots of AI involved.
  3. SavageCDN

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Thanks for the update!!
  4. SavageCDN

    [A3] Koplic Insurgency

    Haven't had a chance to try it yet as my gaming PC decided to wet the bed... can never have too many good insurgency flavours though!!
  5. @L3TUC3 Logistics module currently 'respawns' dead groups - nothing to do with supplies, fuel etc. at least not at the moment. Groups will respawn at a controlled MP or CP location. So for your week-long MSO event just avoid placing the Logistics module and dead groups will not return.
  6. SavageCDN

    Jurassic Arma

    Looks really great
  7. Last I checked the Airborne weighting wasn't really working properly and AFAIK was never intended to spawn aircraft (helos and paratroopers). The only time you'll see aircraft spawned is if you have the ambient vehicle option set in your module.
  8. I think it was just the find cover, smoke and hearing options of ASR_AI (this is from memory as my gaming PC is dead) seekcover = 0; throwsmoke = 0; gunshothearing = 0; Also turn this off in MP with bCombat: bcombat_fancy_moves = false; edit: From ASR_AI thread: "I don't know, but I would expect conflicts. For instance, if bcombat uses a customized danger fsm, it would be either that one of the one from asr_ai3_sysdanger that would be loaded." - Robalo
  9. SavageCDN

    ASR AI 3

    Thanks for the response Robalo... is this different than ASR_AI for Arma 2? I was under the impression clients also had to be running the mod.
  10. SavageCDN

    ASR AI 3

    Thanks for the official release!! You can install it server side only however if any AI are handled by the clients they will not get the benefits unless client also runs ASR_AI
  11. I think he's tried that route already and been refused permissions to use it in his mod.. so he has to do his own port.
  12. 4GB is fine for one instance ... rarely do I see usage above 2GB for arma3server.exe. More important is your CPU clock speed.
  13. Thanks for this great idea!! GAIA E.T.A. is this weekend according to the MCC thread. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/56634804/MCC%20GAIA%20v1-1.pdf ASR_AI was just updated on Feb 17th with a download link (in addition to PWS, SU repo) http://arma-sr.bzbit.com/ I can second what serjames has posted - bCombat does work in MP with the caveat that certain animations won't work (perhaps some other minor issues too but nothing game-breaking). ---------- Post added at 12:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 PM ---------- I haven't testing in a while but I found ASR_AI and bCombat together as the most promising... knowing that certain features need to be disabled in bCombat to avoid interfering with ASR_AI (which was just updated so not sure how well it's working now)
  14. ^ as Gunter said or post your description.ext here for us to look at
  15. I'm not sure to be honest.. perhaps you can't with a hosted MP server? I know with dedicated BE is disabled by default you have to add a param to enable it. You can try running a dedi and your client on the same PC instead of hosted.
  16. Allow you to set the range of AI skill applied to units? Not sure perhaps I'm not understanding your question...
  17. ^ very interesting read looking forward to trying it out
  18. ^ all functions are done through the one custom key including Combat Support
  19. Looks very nice will check it out
  20. http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page Check wiki although be aware that the list is only mods that have been 'proven' to work fine with ALiVE
  21. Look here for ASR_AI there are 2 links (Six-updater and PWS) to access the repo http://arma-sr.bzbit.com/