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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. To my knowledge it has always been this way (how the CQB guys are spawned in)... and as serjames mentioned it's a different story if you are teleporting around the map to test (not saying that's what happened but....)
  2. Yes author is German and I agree there are a few areas that are difficult to understand. ACE does include the mod version of DAC, so no need to bother with the script version. DAC_Intern tells DAC to use the default values (no external files required) while DAC_Extern tells DAC to look at the dac folder in your mission root folder (which you have to add). So create a new folder in your mission root called dac (lower case) and copy all the files from the config folder in the script version there, as well as DAC_Config_Creator.sqf. Now add the DAC_Extern module and now DAC will look to that folder for all it's config options. You can also do it another way... add the DAC_Intern module then in the init of that (or any other) module you can change various params from the DAC_Config_Creator file ie: DAC_Marker = 4. This way is more tedious (but does save you manually adding files)... but if you want to change the default units, loadouts, etc it's much easier to do it the Extern way.
  3. Unless you are using custom waypoints lose the last zero in the last array (bolded).. not needed although this was not the cause of your issue If you have DAC_Extern on the map it means you also have the DAC mod loaded (are you using ACE by chance?). I'm guessing the script version is conflicting with the addon version (although I thought the script defaults were the same as the mod ones.. but perhaps not). If I were you I would lose the script version (saves you hundreds of kB in mission size), place the DAC_Extern again and add a dac folder to your mission root with all the DAC_Config_* files inside.
  4. Not yet that I am aware of.. if so it will be added here: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Script_Snippets re: CQB - when spawning in units it seems to do it over a bit of time so that a bunch of units aren't all spawned in at once. If it's a large town it might take a few minutes for all the CQB guys to spawn. Otherwise I would just wait a bit longer before mission start to give enough time for all the ALiVE stuff to finish init. re: tasks - no other options unfortunately... this system was added just to give the testers something to do and if it is ever improved on it will be much further down the development timeline
  5. SavageCDN

    Map Making Help

    I know nothing on the topic but there is a Skype channel for map and mod makers which is probably your best bet: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131825-Skype-groups-amp-other-contact-groups Also there is an A2 version of Fort Benning if you haven't seen it already: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15038
  6. SavageCDN

    "X-Cam" and "DAC" Project

    wow.... just wow.....
  7. Dunno which one is best but to my understanding here's what they do (I'm sure there is more and/or I'm forgetting something): TPWCAS - adds the ability to suppress the AI and for players to be suppressed. Also includes a CQB component and a find cover component (I think) ASR_AI - find cover, adjusts AI group behaviour (comms between AI groups), AI will throw smoke when in distress.. A2 version used to have an AI auto re-arm feature (which was gold) but this does not work yet for A3, function for 1-man group to be disbanded and join another group, group members with injuries preventing them from walking will be removed from group bCombat - author made the bullet detection portion of TPWCAS for A2.. find cover, AI suppression (no player suppression), smoke throwing, morale and fleeing behaviour... more: https://github.com/fabrizioT/bCombat UPSMON - this script is the only one of the four that will spawn AI groups in addition to modifying their behaviour. Features smoke throwing, group behaviour (comms between groups) and re-inforcements.. can't remember if it has a find cover component I don't think so though. Requires some reading and testing of how things work - see the UPSMON documentation for more info: http://dev.withsix.com/projects/upsmon/wiki If you are combining AI scripts just make sure the features don't overlap by disabling it on one or the other (ie: find cover)
  8. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15298 vote that sucker up!!
  9. SavageCDN

    Need some help with BIKeys

    No problem... some providers give you FTP access as well which I would recommend over using TCA's file manager. Also check Terox's dedicated server thread it has a lot of useful info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server
  10. SavageCDN

    Need some help with BIKeys

    In TCA you should have the option to zip and unzip files in the file manager... so you'll have to: 1- zip up the entire mod (make sure the extension is .zip) - making sure the folder structure is already correct (as you cannot change this once uploaded).... so like @Name_of_mod\Addons\all.pbo.and.bisign.files 2 - in TCA file manager unzip the mod to the root of your Arma install 3- upload the .bikey files separately to the \Keys folder 4 - go to your command line section and add the mods to your startup line
  11. I may be biased but yes you should :p I don't think your units work with ALiVE yet... please post in the ALiVE thread and a dev will get you sorted. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169350-ALiVE-Advanced-Light-Infantry-Virtual-Environment Their wiki has more info as well: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Unit_Mod_Config_Standardisation
  12. SavageCDN

    ARMA 3 Startup parameter to start without mods

    I can only think of 2 reasons: 1 - There are mod files in the Addons folder instead of their own mod folder 2 - You have those mods starting up somewhere else (ie: steam shortcut properties)
  13. Great thanks for letting us know!! Be sure to check the wiki for more info on the various modules, settings, etc. http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
  14. SavageCDN

    Need some help with BIKeys

    Client-side - don't load these on server (but do include the .bikey file in your /keys folder): @Blastcore @JSRS @sthud not sure what @mikes is Have you uploaded the rest of your modlist already to the server? If not you'll need to FTP them (your provided will give you details).. TCA has a file manager but it will most likely crap out on large uploads. Except for the 3 I pointed out above all will need to be uploaded. You'll need to adjust your command line parameters in TCA to then have the mods loaded on server startup. The "items restricted" message however does not mean the mods are not loaded but as Pawel mentioned they are probably restricted in the VAS script. To change this you will need to edit the mission file itself.
  15. SavageCDN

    How do I run Battleye on my servers?

    Glad you got it sorted.. I think the problem in your original params is that the quotes weren't around the entire param.. so instead of this: -BEpath="D:\GameSteam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Server\battleye" it should be this: "-BEpath=D:\GameSteam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 Server\battleye"
  16. Yeah doesn't sound like it's anything to do with custom faces or images then. Are you using VAS, VVS or similar script? If so make sure they are the most recent versions (both use dialog boxes and stringtable files)
  17. Thanks Gunter. Can you try firing up the server with just ALiVE and CBA_A3? I'm wondering if there is a mod conflict somewhere...
  18. Sorry Gunter didn't get your PM until this morning - I would try re-downloading the alive files again deleting what you have on the server now. Or try another mission... in the alive download there should be a demo mission (called Foursome).. maybe fire that one up and see if you get the same error. edit: can you tell us where you downloaded the mod?
  19. That error is from your dedicated server RPT file? Do you use a custom face or XML squad logo? Try disabling them if that is the case.
  20. Haha glad to be of service :) Also good to see the guy I'm referencing has now been banned.
  21. Blacklist marker will only prevent group spawns at mission (module) init... they will not affect anything after the mission has started ie: units can always move into a blacklisted area
  22. ^ I don't think this is possible currently. Here's what they've documented so far as far as accessing ALiVE internals: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Script_Snippets
  23. Hmm... not sure to be honest. Is this my Lingor ACE MSO you are using or one of the older 'stock' ones from the MSO wiki?
  24. SavageCDN

    game is slow

    Your CPU is underpowered for Arma and I'd recommend also getting 64bit OS instead of 32bit. Arma is decent with 32bit but I found a performance increase when jumping to 64bit (more related to Windows memory management and pagefile than Arma but hey...)