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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    New to scripting

    It might be best to find a similar mission that uses tickets, etc on Armaholic and de-pbo the files to check them out.
  2. SavageCDN

    web based administration for server?

    if $$ is not a problem you can use TCAdmin software ($15USD license per month) - it's not simple to setup and install but it allows you to do everything you want. It might be overkill for just one server and one instance of Arma however :p
  3. It was offline for a few days over the weekend yeah
  4. M1lkm8n & Smokedog? - check BL is excited? - check Savage subscribes to thread? - check
  5. SavageCDN

    Player Respawns not working.

    add to description.ext this line: respawnAtStart = 1; It's currently broken but will be fixed in DEV or in next STABLE update http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14585#c67923
  6. SavageCDN

    Group Link 5 Special FX Edition

    If you are referring to Zeus AI mod from Arma 2 I would not recommend using it. It has issues even with Arma 2 CO 1.62 so I would imagine that there would be the same or greater problems when using in Arma 3. Of course I have not tried it myself in A3...
  7. I heard there were fresh cookies in this thread......
  8. I would read through the Domination thread here on these forums (or better yet search within that thread for vehicle respawn)... this is probably the mostly commonly requested thing in customizing Domi so I'm sure the answer will be there in the thread. There will be files buried somewhere in the mission that list what vehicles respawn and what is in the ammo box at main base.
  9. SavageCDN

    New to scripting

    Never done that before but check these: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_respawnTickets http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=24433 The 1st link shows a function that returns the number of tickets left so you'd have to have something that checks and when count = 0 ends the mission. 2nd link seems to go into more detail and sounds like what you are looking for.
  10. SavageCDN

    Insurgency: Androkiller Edition

    IIRC in UPSMON there is a line you need to add (ie: to a game logic) to hide the markers in briefing: nul = call compile preprocessFile "scripts\UPSMON\!R\markerAlpha.sqf"; http://dev.withsix.com/projects/upsmon/wiki/Hints_and_Tips Not sure if this is the same for UPS
  11. SavageCDN

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Here's what I have: Africans: "caf_ag_afr" "CAF_AG_AFR_P_SVD", "CAF_AG_AFR_P_AK47", "CAF_AG_AFR_P_AK74", "CAF_AG_AFR_P_GL", "CAF_AG_AFR_P_PK", "CAF_AG_AFR_P_RPK", "CAF_AG_AFR_P_RPG" "CAF_AG_afr_p_Offroad", "CAF_AG_afr_p_Offroad_armed_01", "CAF_AG_afr_p_van_01" Middle East: "caf_ag_me" "CAF_AG_ME_T_SVD", "CAF_AG_ME_T_AK47", "CAF_AG_ME_T_AK74", "CAF_AG_ME_T_GL", "CAF_AG_ME_T_PK", "CAF_AG_ME_T_RPK", "CAF_AG_ME_T_RPG", "CAF_AG_ME_T_AA" "CAF_AG_ME_T_Offroad", "CAF_AG_ME_T_Offroad_armed_01", "CAF_AG_ME_T_van_01" Europeans: "caf_ag_eur" "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_SVD", "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_AK47", "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_AK74", "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_GL", "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_PK", "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_RPK", "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_RPG", "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_AA" "CAF_AG_eeur_r_Offroad", "CAF_AG_eeur_r_Offroad_armed_01", "CAF_AG_eeur_r_van_01"
  12. This is far from complete just what I have managed to put together so far... YMMV Units, weapons, ammo: Some default unit loadouts: VAS config:
  13. SavageCDN

    New to scripting

    Try this in your init.sqf: if (isServer) then { [west,50] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [east,50] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; [resistance,50] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; }; As Androkiller mentioned both the clients and server run the init.sqf file so this should force only the server to run that section of code that adds the tickets (instead of all the clients).
  14. Just to add: use exThreads=1 for server .exe, there is no need for more (3,5,7 are related to rendering on client)
  15. not sure about the other issues but your addBackPackCargo command probably has to be replaced with addBackPackCargoGlobal Check these links for more info on MP stuff: http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-basic-multiplayer-coding/ https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_scripting
  16. "D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\arma3server.exe" -config=server.cfg The dedicated server package (by default) is called Arma 3 Server so perhaps you are using the client install run as a server? **sorry I read this as the path for your provider's server not your own home server ** Perhaps since you are using the client install as your home server there are differences? In Steam the dedi files are called Arma 3 Server I'm sure Terox or I could set you up with a server to do testing if you can't get it worked out with your provider.
  17. SavageCDN

    how do i question

    Harzach ninja Check this website to show a list of all A3 servers: http://arma3.swec.se/server/list
  18. SavageCDN

    Insurgency: Androkiller Edition

    Thanks for this.. we are testing another Insurgency version but I added your mission to our server if anyone wants to check it out: port 2412 ts3.veterans-gaming.com http://arma3.swec.se/server/data/538 PS: I can't join the server at the moment to make 100% sure it's working so if you try and get an error please post it here
  19. What you could do is merge some mod folders... not the best idea for updating etc but it makes it easier to manage.
  20. SavageCDN

    ArmA 2 looks not purchased on steam

    I think you'll have to contact Steam if it's a problem of the game not showing up in your library.
  21. SavageCDN

    how do i question

    Wasteland is not an expansion it is a type of mission. In the MP browser filter for wasteland you should see lots of servers there.
  22. You can have the mod folders anywhere just use absolute path if it's outside of the game folder https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Startup_Parameters#Modifications
  23. SavageCDN

    ogg files not working mp

    Yeah sounds like CBA is not loading at all on your server. I would delete your @CBA_A3 folder and re-download it on the server. server=server - not sure what this line is I've never seen that before You can also check the server's RPT file (should be in same location as the profile or in root of server directory) this will tell you if @CBA_A3 is loading and hopefully give you some more info. I can't recall if CBA has a userconfig file as well but if so make sure that is also on your server in the Userconfg folder.
  24. Yeah you will need to de-pbo the mission file (search for eliteness or cpbo) which is like extracting a zip file. Then you need to open those files in the editor and make changes. Search for Mr. Murray's Editing Guide for more info. Mirek linked the BIS thread on Domination but be warned... making simple changes in a complicated mission like Domination is NOT EASY!!
  25. hmmm... well usually that is what causes dumb AI (low server FPS) - I would check the server's FPS while you are playing during a 'heavy' scene with lots of fighting, etc. When did it start happening (like after last patch?)