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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. Hehe... I AM THREAD MASTOR!! Yeah I know what you mean but using a game logic is currently the only way around areas that are not detected as 'objectives'. You could also use another AI spawn script to handle that particular objective (ie: UPSMON, DAC, etc)
  2. ^ exactly!! Thanks a lot for releasing this to the masses :o
  3. You can also manually place groups at these locations and sync them to OPCOM (or not) so that you have troops defending these objectives at mission start
  4. SavageCDN

    [R3F] Logistics

    Top notch!
  5. SavageCDN


    Excellent work!!
  6. You can also copy/paste the Veteran settings in your .profile to all the other options (recruit, regular, etc)
  7. Thanks.. if you do can you fwd me the custom DAC_Config_Units.sqf you create (or add it here: https://github.com/SavageCDN/DAC_A3)? I don't have any massi units yet..
  8. How so? Using Events.sqf with a custom script?
  9. As far as I know you cannot customize uniforms, etc using the standard DAC config files (you can customize weapons and ammo however using DAC_Config_Weapons.sqf). You would have to write your own script to change the uniforms then apply it to the units at spawn time using DAC_Config_Events.sqf
  10. You only need MCC to create the mission.sqm file... your mission won't depend on MCC to function and players will not need to load MCC :)
  11. With MCC you can export to mission.sqm format - paste it into an emtpy mission.sqm and re-load in the editor.
  12. OHally did you get this sorted out? 1 - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169350-ALiVE-Advanced-Light-Infantry-Virtual-Environment&p=2719299&viewfull=1#post2719299 Note that SP saving is not officially supported and on larger missions it will cause Out of Memory errors. Your best bet is to use a dedicated server. 2 - you can check Armaholic or the Steam workshop for more missions... other than that I don't know where else you'd find them. It's also pretty easy to create your own mission in the editor using the ALiVE modules 3 - Read the ALiVE wiki :p http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page 4 - Open the mission in the editor and add these modules: - Requires ALiVE - Profiles - Admin Actions (optional) - CAS Support then add whatever CAS modules you wish (transport) and sync them to the main CAS module - check here for more info: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Combat_Support
  13. SavageCDN

    MAP FSF Dariyah Released

    Thanks added Kalu Khan as well: https://dev.withsix.com/issues/74734
  14. Excellent work congrats!!
  15. If you want the same DAC zone to respawn or not respawn units depending on another factor/variable I think you would have to delete the zone and create a new one... I don't think there is a way to change the respawn behaviour of a zone "on the fly"
  16. SavageCDN

    Buggy building barracks (old)

    I know there was a similar problem if you go up on the balcony 2nd floor the further down the balcony you go the more you sink into the floor. I think the (new) building fixes this.. or maybe it's the camo one can't recall. I can't check my PC at the moment sorry :)
  17. SavageCDN

    MAP FSF Dariyah Released

    ^ map needs to be added to the @ALiVE index for it to work.. already opened a ticket for it https://dev.withsix.com/issues/74719
  18. https://dev.withsix.com/issues/74719 It's on the todo list :p
  19. ^ very serious... DO NOT F**K WITH THIS MAN's UNICORNS!!!
  20. https://dev.withsix.com/projects/alive/issues You'll need to create an account on Dev Heaven. You can normally just PM me with the details and link to the RPT file but I am leaving town today and won't be able to check PMs until early next week. Spaces or no spaces both should work. I would try creating a blacklist for each module (ie: don't use the same BL marker for 2 or more modules) to see if that fixes it. Remember if you are having strange issues with your existing ALiVE missions please delete and replace any affected modules in the editor.
  21. SavageCDN

    Setting Trigger Height

    This is from a repair trigger which only works for helicopters: ("Helicopter" countType thislist > 0) && count (thislist unitsBelowHeight 1) > 0
  22. There is a limit of 144 groups.. and if you spawn individual soldiers each one is it's own group... I bet you are hitting that 144 limit.
  23. ^ not sure about your 2nd question but for the 1st.. if you want and endless supply of fresh fodder troops you need to add a Military Logistics module (one per OPCOM) and sync it to the OPCOM module.
  24. SavageCDN


    ooooh... .can you add more splosions and/or Michael Bay effects? http://youtu.be/dT0J0rcJTLo
  25. You might be able to add the mod as a requirement in the mission.sqm file under Addons and AddonsAuto but I haven't tried that before. For optional mods yes just place the bikey files in the Keys folder.