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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. ^ did you get this figured out Digll? I can't remember the last time I used choppers with DAC... if you still have issues you could try USPMON which works great with chopppers.
  2. It really depends on the size of the map you are playing on and the number of objectives available. Personally I enjoy setting the number of OPFOR groups fairly low at the start and letting them recruit civs to bolster their numbers. The only real way to find out is to test with debug on and watch the battle unfold. Make sure you use the CQB module synced to the Asym AI Commander as well - this will add CQB guys in buildings that you have to clear.. in addition to the patrol groups. You can even turn on red/green squares like old school Insurgency!
  3. The only way this is possible is if you setup a local dedicated server (or one running on the same PC) and connect to it with your client. You can try saving in SP however this is not officially supported and often crashes Arma (and won't work with war room persistence). AFAIK this is not possible at the moment This is odd I've never heard of this problem.. seems way too specific though.. how do you know it's the transport module causing it? Also is this something new since 1.44 update yesterday? Check your CQB module and see if the spawn setting for helis is set (ie: not zero) - could be those units spawning in that are causing the lag (especially if CQB is set to spawn units on clients).
  4. SavageCDN

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    lol yes that would be helpful I suppose (reaches for more coffee..)
  5. SavageCDN

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    ^ check first post it lists them
  6. It's supposed to be officially supported... seems that is no longer the case if multiple people are reporting the "no faction" error. Will test and open a ticket.
  7. SavageCDN

    Talk to me about ArmA 3 Multiplayer

    Yeah you're right I don't know any better. I hear you can get good frames with BF4?
  8. SavageCDN

    Talk to me about ArmA 3 Multiplayer

    ^ he's probably trying to play Wasteland or similar mission type that is known for poor performance
  9. 2 points Krem!! It's on the roadmap however won't see the light of day until post 1.0 release. http://dev.withsix.com/issues/75385
  10. Had some more time to look... I have no experience with Epoch mod but I would load CBA first in the mod line -mod=@CBA_A3;@Epoch;@EpochHive;@AllInArmaTerrainPack;@mas Bunch of these errors which usually prevent the mission from loading... 11:16:40 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. aia_buildings_config 11:16:48 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. aia_misc3_config 11:16:50 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. aia_misc_e_config Lots of references to undefined vars and other errors with A3EAI - I'm not familiar with this perhaps it is part of Epoch? 11:17:12 File a3eai\compile\A3EAI_utilities\fn_selectRandom.sqf, line 22 Also if your server is generating a lot of RPT errors you can 'stick your head in the sand' (turn off server logging) - this will improve your server's performance but will not provide you with any debugging info. To do this add the -noLogs switch to your startup line.
  11. Sorry missed that post... HTTP port 80 is all you need for DB connection
  12. SavageCDN

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    It's first in the queue for indexing... we were waiting for it to be "finalized" before proceeding as any changes to map object IDs require a re-index. edit: it's been indexed now expect it in next release
  13. Do not load JSRS or Blastcore (or any client side only mod) on your server.. .not sure if this is the cause of your headaches but it's a good place to start. If you run with signature verification you'll need to make sure the .bikey files for those mods are in your \Keys folder otherwise players will get booted when they join.
  14. I don't even see anything in your RPTs that would be related... although the one you posted with cba and tfr looks incomplete (it's only a half page or so). It's a conflict between TFR and another mod, or perhaps related to a .bikey file problem..... but narrowing that down would be time consuming.
  15. Have you tried re-downloading TFR and it's keys to your server? Or try with just TFR (and it's requirements) and see if that loads. Also check the TFR thread here someone else may have run into this issue.
  16. I meant like RDP or other full desktop access. I've seen bad .bikey files that cause this as well as corrupted mod files. I would split up the mods that you haven't tested yet into 2 groups and test to see which one fails... rinse, repeat until you narrow it down. Once you find which mod is causing the problem delete it and it's .bikey file in your \Keys folder and re-download from website / re-upload using FTP.
  17. I would try getting the server running with no mods before adding a huge list like that. Also you don't mention what happens when you try and start it? Does it crash, hang, spit an error on screen, etc? Do you have full access to the server or just a control panel?
  18. We've all been there :p Thanks for reporting back with the fix!
  19. As HH mentioned please post a link to your vanilla (CBA, ALiVE) mission and we'll check it out. Good point it's been reduced to 200m (note this is in the dev version of alive.. yet to be released).
  20. SavageCDN

    Next DLC poll what would you want it to be??

    Sure they do.. but these forces can start as civilians no? I understand what you are trying to say however my point is having civilian units does not detract from the "military simulator".
  21. re: IEDs and IED factories Insurgents will first create an IED factory (this can take some time) then more time for IEDs to get created and 'picked up' by insurgents... sometimes this can be over an hour before it happens. Other things like ambushes, recruitment centres and depots get created as early as 10-15 minutes after mission start. It needs enemy units to start with though so you need at least one MP/CP module with some bad guys spawned in. Also note IEDs are only created in enemy occupied areas, not in friendly ones Also for next update:
  22. SavageCDN

    ASR AI 3

    This also used to be a symptom of bad .bikey files not sure if that is still the case but might be worth checking... weird that changing the load order fixes it.
  23. My guess is that you mis-typed the TAOR marker name in the module as that system does indeed work. Not assigning a TAOR in the placement module will indeed populate the entire map. If not we'll need some more info on your mission setup and/or RPT files.
  24. SavageCDN

    Next DLC poll what would you want it to be??

    So.. asymmetric warfare is not included in this?
  25. Is your 2nd AI Commander on the same side as the first? Also double-check and make sure your logistics modules are synced and not grouped. Gonna be testing this over the weekend - can you confirm you did see IED factories and IEDs? I ran for about an hour last night and got everything but... will try a longer test.