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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    VCOM AI Driving Mod

    Yes thanks for keeping this updated
  2. ^ ah ok good to know.. .hard to keep track of what works and what doesn't :) Doesn't sound like anything that would cause major issues or groups not being spawned.
  3. There is a bug where markers that are deleted in game don't get deleted in database which causes corrupted markers. Can you post the mission name and the name of your group and a dev will check on it. I think the last RHS updated screwed some of the configs and the ALiVE devs have created their own custom configs to work with RHS. I think these are now out-of-date and should be updated for next release. Again the best way to be sure is to test with vanilla BIS (OPF_F, OPF_G_F) to make sure your setup works then add RHS factions. Also blacklists only prevent units from spawning in those areas... nothing stops them from wandering in on their own ;)
  4. ^ thanks Maquez... two bananas for you :yay:
  5. I usually just place the modules (IIRC the module places an invisible helipad) so I would start there. Make sure you have enough clear landing space around each module. New one on me I've never seen this issue before. Try deleting and replacing the C2ISTAR module and try again. Failing that post your screenshot (it didn't appear in your previous post) and your RPT file if possible. Thanks for helping out bigpoppablunts. @froggyluv - I would try using the vanilla BIS factions to start with - both RHS and CAF have had config issues in the past so it could be an issue with either mod. Vanilla factions are guaranteed to work and once you get the hang of it you can look to other factions.
  6. Do a Steam backup of your game to another drive, USB, etc. If this happens again restore from backup and verify Steam files. Profit!
  7. I don't think this would work with the BIS respawn templates, if that's what you are asking. That being said I've yet to try it out so it's possible I'm wrong :) Occasionally helis will hover over an objective or destination - usually these are insertion choppers that are carrying reinforcements to the front lines. Sometimes they figure it out and fly away after dropping of troops, other times they get stuck (or they get stuck once RTBing). Also these choppers don't get virtualized by the AI module so leaving the area doesn't fix the problem. IMO this is most likely a BIS pilot issue, along the lines of helis not landing on helipads when there are objects nearby, but that is only a guess. edit: related? http://dev.withsix.com/issues/74407 http://dev.withsix.com/issues/75333 1 - it's been a while but yes.. what you are describing happens when you use respawnTemplates and are testing your mission in SP editor. If this is happening on dedicated after you've saved to database please post your servers RPT file and ALIVE log. Please read this for more info with regards to setting up the asymmetric commander http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Insurgency With regards to your CS issues, please try using default BIS air assets on Stratis or Altis to make sure your setup is working properly. Note that some custom maps have improperly configured airfields and can cause issues with ALiVE air assets. If you are BLUFOR, set civ hostility to Extreme towards BLUFOR and you will definitely see IEDs :)
  8. Thanks Pookie nice to see A2 stuff still being updated.
  9. SavageCDN

    Need help with server setup

    There should be another line after 10:41:12 Initializing Steam Server... that says: Connected to steam servers Make sure your steam query ports are setup properly - I see you are using TCAdmin so your provider might call them something different like just Query port or Steam authentication port. If that doesn't fix it: Start your server with no mods running and verifySignatures=0 in your server.cfg - if your server starts and you can join then it's a bad mod or .bikey file. For further info see this excellent guide by Terox: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server
  10. SavageCDN

    The best 3D editor?

    That's true the tutorials are certainly a time investment. I watched maybe 4 or 5 before I felt comfortable enough to dive in and muck about... mind you I'm not making a terrain here mostly just FOBs, mission-specific stuff, toying around, etc.
  11. SavageCDN

    The best 3D editor?

    ah I also didn't realize Map Builder could do more... has anyone used both? I find XCam fairly easy to use and very powerful (export to TB, SQM, SQF).
  12. Nothing that's been documented... there is an internal variable for casualties which might log civ deaths.. waiting on a dev to look into it.
  13. Also you are running @aliveserver - if you do not have a war room account setup for alive persistence remove this addon from your server startup
  14. @ALiVE mod does this to some extent (tracks kills, shots, other stats)... see here for more info: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/ALiVE_Data
  15. You only need @aliveserver if you want persistence in your missions. To get it working you'll need to register at: www.alivemod.com/war-room Instructions are there on how to set it up and test your connection to ensure things will get saved in your mission. See here for more info: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/ALiVE_Data
  16. Devs are awaiting a C++ developer to assist with persistence in Linux. Everything else should work however...
  17. SavageCDN

    Arma 3 Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting

    +1 here thanks for keeping this updated
  18. CAS choppers will refuel and rearm when they return to 'base' (their original start point). If you leave them hovering for hours they will run out of fuel.
  19. Not really a debug command, but you can speed up virtual profiles movement (125%) look in the Virtual AI module. For testing in SP I use that setting and just crank up the game speed to 4x.. things move along pretty quickly. Unfortunately this is not possible on a server.
  20. SavageCDN

    The U.S. military's stealth hybrid dirt bike

    ^ oh god!! Right up there with Manimal LOL
  21. SavageCDN

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    Next ALiVE release will support Kunduz... as of right now the public release does not. It's in testing though (asym works great on this map!!) so it should be out very soonâ„¢
  22. I've never used TADST but I assume it has an option to add the -ip param to your server startup line.. see here under server options for more info: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Startup_Parameters
  23. SavageCDN

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Thanks for keeping this up to date!
  24. My 'test map' for civ stuff is usually Koplic - well made, great FPS, good spread of towns, etc. Sometimes the AiA/ATP maps can be a bit weird so I usually recommend stock BIS or A3 maps (ie: with no A2 objects) when testing stuff like this. If you have debug on and see the Insurgent locations and installations (ie: recruit HQ, Depot, etc) in red then things should be working. I can't say I've seen hordes of civs running around with weapons but I have seen some... remember it takes time for the Insurgents to build up the infrastructure. Test in SP editor and run at 4x speed... .get a good 60 to 90 minutes into the mission and things should be humming right along. Also remember there are still a few bugs with this system and the upcoming release (soonâ„¢) should address these. Thanks for reporting your fix with IND_G_F. With regards to the civ hostility you are correct the hostility levels will change during the mission depending on various factors.