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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    COWarMod Release

    I use Six-Updater (2.9.7 pre not PWS) and really can't live without it. I'm not sure of the numbers but I would imaging a lot of the mods in COW will already be available on SU in their 'vanilla' state. The biggest advantage? Differential updates... so you make a small change to the compilation (like a config file) and users only have to download that change... not the whole mod again.
  2. Yes you are correct however even so I find less issues with them off. Turning on civs results in 'micro-stutters' a few hours into the mission especially if we have > 10 players at once on the server.
  3. SavageCDN

    Patrol Operations 2

    :pet11: I love you no homo And so I'm not completely off topic... great job with PO we use it as part of MSO
  4. SavageCDN

    Urban Conquest by tvig0r0us

    Great and thanks for keeping this updated!! Love this style of mission!
  5. I'm not sure what laptop you have but can almost guarantee it will have problems running a 24/7 dedicated server if you are planning to have any number of players on at the same time. As mentioned your best bet is a slotted rental server which will have all the setup tools available for you.
  6. Make sure you don't have OFPOR and resistance as enemies.. perhaps when they spawn in they are killing the tanks which completes the task? The laser aim thing.. not sure that has anything to do with MSO that sounds like default Arma AI Trying to remember what params we use that might be helpful: Turn off Zora spawn groups No Civs (just vehicles) Turn off most ambient stuff Try turning off most parameters for performance sake as a poorly-running server can have strange stuff going on :) Then if things are working OK turn them back on one at a time and test. Yes this is a bunch of work but it is worth it.
  7. SavageCDN

    COWarMod Release

    hmm.... what does your server.cfg file look like? Do you have v2 signatures enabled with signature checking?
  8. Just FYI we are testing the Revive Script for ACE2 Wounding in conjunction with MSO (all persistent stuff in revive turned off) and so far it seems to work great.. albeit only in NOMAD not persistent DB. Will let you know if we get it working in PDB as well. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?110129-Revive-script-for-ACE2-Wounding-system-V1-5 Uh... awesome??
  9. SavageCDN

    COWarMod Release

    Actually that makes total sense now that you spell it out for me. Thanks I'll keep that in mind for next time! ---------- Post added at 11:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 AM ---------- I assume you've added the necessary .bikey files to your \keys folder under the game install? If so perhaps something with case-sensitivity and one of the key files has an B where it should have an b ? (just guessing... by no means am I proficient in Linux :p )
  10. SavageCDN

    Arma 2: Namalsk Crisis

    I can't see how any of these mods would affect the mission... they are all 'client-side' mods
  11. SavageCDN

    Infantry Combat-Boring and Unrealistic?

    Yeah that can be frustrating.. here's what you can try: Pop smoke or find a way to block LOS of enemy incoming fire Set your squad to Diamond (Delta) formation If there are no enemies around set them to Safe and they will move better.
  12. I've had this happen on occasion and usually ESC will fix it or ESC > ACE Settings > Fix Headbug
  13. SavageCDN

    COWarMod Release

    I wonder why that is the case with that particular formation? Does it somehow disable whatever .fsm is controlling behaviour?
  14. SavageCDN

    How many will play ArmA 3 solely for its realism?

    IMO Arma is what you make of it. Saying that COOP is repetitive and boring tells me you need to come play some good coop missions with us. To give you an idea of how dynamic it can be, even I as the mission maker can be surprised by what the AI does during a session. Yes you need to add mods to make this happen.
  15. SavageCDN

    COWarMod Release

    lol thanks not sure where I got 2.0 from :p Edited original post
  16. SavageCDN

    COWarMod Release

    Thanks will try that next time :p
  17. I don't think you can change that distance value (200m?) with any parameter you might have to find it within the UPSMON core files. As far as reinforcement goes I think the reinforcement group moves to a marker position not the group's position if my memory serves?
  18. SavageCDN

    COWarMod Release

    The latest TPWCAS 4.1 (which has AI LOS built in now) is great and has a built in FPS checker that disables the LOS component if the servers or client FPS drops below a certain (configurable) value. For suppression here's how it works: Server only running TPWCAS - all AI not in a player group are affected Client only running TPWCAS - only AI local to player (in their group) are affected and player also experiences suppression effects Both running TPWCAS - All AI and players are affected There are also options to force TPWCAS to affect only server AI (for example) and they are modules in the editor or parameters in the script version. Also re: AI following orders - if AI is under any kind of fire or in combat mode it is difficult to get them to follow orders.. especially with TPWCAS and/or ASR_AI. Breaking the engagement seems to be the best way to make them move again (pop smoke to block LOS for example). There really needs to be a FORCE UNIT TO MOVE HERE NOW order for these types of cases.
  19. Thanks for the update gonna check it out. We are using v1.98 with MSO (with all the persistent stuff turned off in revive config) and loving it so far!!
  20. I've only ever used the arty for AI and in conjunction with respawn camps (as they spawn with the required arty units). It's 'on' by default and should work without any changes. In your DAC_Config_Behavior there is a setting _support = 1,1 - arty is the 2nd digit which must correspond to a valid # from the DAC_Config_Arty file Yes DAC is MP compatible.. it also comes built into the ACE mod Your questions: 1 - I'm assuming you mean the DAC debug markers? In DAC_Config_Creator.sqf look for DAC_Markers and set it to 0. If it's the player markers you are referring to that setting is called DAC_Player_Marker set it to false 2 - Same file look for DAC_Comm_Value (not 100% of the exact wording for this one... doing it from memory :p) and set it to [0,1,0] 3 - DAC_Config_Behaviour - look for the _support = 1,1 line and set the 2nd value to zero 4 - Enemy AI camps? Just don't add any when you create your trigger init line (fun=["z1"..... etc). Camps are created by the 2nd last array which you can just leave blank [] 5 - As part of the camps? Look at DAC_Config_Camps and you can remove the ammo crates and static weapons.. remember there are separate configs for each side and faction in that file The manual covers most of this stuff although I realize it can be confusing :cool:
  21. Yeah I was just clearing that up... there are no enemy AI units on the map in editor... just a few friendly base defenders :) I thought there was an opfor version in the stock missions? Can't check ATM
  22. Did not know this... so we are using an edited version of 4.55 but have no editor placed AI.... turning off the AI caching is the best option performance-wise?
  23. Yeah check the editors manual there is a line you can add to the init of the MHQ vehicle in the editor In the mission parameters If you cannot use a dedicated server then turn off as much as possible (especially ambiance stuff).. when running as host and client MSO does NOT perform well in my experience. For the Patrol OPs requests... .try dropping all your inventory (weapons, radios, backpacks), pickup a new 117 and try requesting again. If this works then the problem is related to your unit loadouts (ie: customized loadouts, LEA editor, etc). Try starting the mission with no weapons or backpacks (removeAllWeapons this; removeBackpack this) Also check your unit's rank in the editor - it must be below Captain I think?? (not 100% sure)