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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. Bah I was out of town last week.. if you decide to do this again I can scrounge up 8-10 players... ACE preferred but OK without
  2. Yeah haven't seen this thread before and would be happy to help
  3. Perhaps one of the MSO devs can better answer this but I believe with 4.5 you would have to adjust the AI spawning scripts so that they are spawned on the HC instead of the server... whereas 4.6 has this already built-in
  4. I think you need 4.6 for it to work (which means running beta version as well) but I could be wrong there.. in my testing I'm always using 4.6 with the HC. No the unit must be playable.. you'll need to ensure players don't join it (add in description field of unit - Headless Client Only - do not use) - or have some way of kicking a non HC player from that slot (probably similar to how you would do it for reserving slots by player UID)
  5. SavageCDN

    Server load fps

    Must... hold back... snarky comment... :pI admit I have not played a lot of A3 recently so perhaps things have changed but we were able to run around 25 players coop without too much of a performance issue. It seems that more than 25 in addition to enemy AI really kills it.. have you noticed the same effects on PvP servers? BTW any chance of 'The Rabbit' making an appearance in A3? :D
  6. Right forgot I was in the MSO thread :p I'm pretty sure all you need to do is set the various param options from Server to HC - MSO should take care of the rest.
  7. Yeah I usually add a Boar or other animal as the HC unit, put it in a safe area. You also need to add forceHeadlessClient=1 under the HC unit in mission.sqm (guide explains this). This means when you fire up the HC and it joins the server it will automagically be assigned that HC slot - if not then an admin would have to move the HC to the correct slot. Then you need to run your AI scripts on the HC and not the server - again that guide explains how to do it for DAC and UPSMON.
  8. Sorry I forgot about this thread :) 1 - I would adjust the check building behaviour which I believe is found in DAC_Config_Behaviour.sqf - you'll have to check the manual for more details - basically it determines how often units will check a building if they are nearby 2 - that is a tough one I might not be good enough to help you there :) DAC might have a function to check if a group is dead.. or you could use a trigger with something that counts the units and say once it is less than 3 guys spawn the new wave... perhaps someone else would have a better suggestion? 3 - mmmm... I don't think I've tried that yet (create zone on HC after mission starts) but I don't see why it would not work. You would have to adjust it so that it spawns on the HC not the server
  9. I'd be interested to hear the results of your tests as I have not been able to figure out this problem. Are you running DAC with both sides (east, west) with respawn camps? @Garthra - I have never been able to get the DAC arty to fire anything but the default round although I usually use mortars not artillery pieces
  10. Basically it is a client copy of the game connected to the server which you can offload all the AI processing to.. leaving the server with better performance. Usually it's run on the same physical machine as the server. Missions have to be made to be HC compatible for it to work properly. Check here for a guide: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?146708-A-comprehensive-guide-to-creating-a-headless-client-compatible-mission
  11. Are you using the MP LAN browser to find the server and joining that way? Have you tried joining via Direct (ie: IP and port)? Disable/shutdown any firewall sofware or AV software? My guess is still that there is something on your Dad's PC blocking LAN connections....
  12. He means the RUIS.sqf file itself must be in the root of your mission folder (usually in your My Documents\Arma2 Other Profiles\MPMissions folder - or just Missions folder if you are working in the singleplayer editor). There should already be a mission.sqm file in that folder if you've saved it from the editor. Note this is not the same location for finished mission files (pbo) which is the MPMissions folder in your Arma 2 install directory Also make sure you are running Arma with the -showscripterrors parameter that will help with troubleshooting.
  13. ^ the quoted path is for Windows XP while your path is for Windows 7
  14. SavageCDN

    equalModRequired = 1;

    Depending on your setup you can also add items, etc to the mission file(s) which will then boot players who don't have those mods loaded. ie: for ACE there is a 'Require ACE' module that you can plop down in the editor (same with CBA). Or if you have say unit addons put down one of those units in your mission in editor with 0% prob of presence. Again not the best solution but a possibility....
  15. Excellent... hit me up if you have other server questions :p
  16. This looks great (and ACE too!) thanks will try it out :)
  17. Can you post your server -mod line? Are you running beta version? You are running with CBA as well (required by ACE)? You have the ACE config file under \userconfig\ace\name_of_file ? http://wiki.ace-mod.net/Installation "ACEX_RU and ACEX_USNavy are also optional, but are intended only for Combined Ops users." Also you should have access to your Arma .rpt (log) file which is usually stored in the root of the install directory (arma2oaserver.rpt or similar) - check it as it might have some troubleshooting info
  18. SavageCDN

    Settings Dedi-Server Hetzer

    Check this thread as well.. gonna test his settings: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152530-Need-help-optimizing-basic-cfg-%28an-Hetzner-dedicated-server%29
  19. SavageCDN

    Server not starting

    Your pic is not showing anymore. Mods should be in the root of the Arma install directory (they can be elsewhere too but this is most common). Each mod folder should have an 'Addons' folder inside with the .pbo files inside the 'Addons' folder. I see you have 'arma2' listed in your -mod line - do you have a folder called 'arma2' in that location? If you remove that folder from the line does the server start? I assume if you start the server with no mods running it works OK? Also there should be a file called arma2oaserver.rpt (or similar) in the main directory which you can open with a text editor - it might have some helpful troubleshooting information.
  20. SavageCDN

    Intro Music

    ah sorry you said it wasn't working on intro... put that line at the end of the init.sqf file in your mission folder.
  21. So others outside your LAN can join both your hosted servers, he can join yours over LAN, but you cannot join his? Are you both using the same copy of the game? What happens when you try and join his server (ie do you get any message or error)? If the same problem happens with Arma 3 then my guess is something local to Dad's machine like firewall or some other block on LAN connections.
  22. That should be all you need to do.. FTP the .pbo file to the /MPMissions folder. If it does not show up in game perhaps the mission does not work with the free version?
  23. From what I understand there is no server key file yet for A3 ACRE However these guys have created their own sig file for ACRE until official release: http://www.nss-gamers.com/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=576
  24. SavageCDN

    Intro Music

    Yes it will work on intro... in your intro script all you need is a line playMusic [i]track1[/i] assuming of course your music file is called "track1" class cfgMusic { class track1 { name = "track1"; sound[] = {"sounds\tune.ogg", db+1,1}; }; }; http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#cfgMusic http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playMusic