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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. How are you launching the game? Make sure you have no @mod= items in your startup params. If you get that error it means you are still launching with the @RH ace pack which requires ACE to work.
  2. If you don't have an SSD drive I would spend your $$ there first
  3. Ok so you are on wireless between you and your router? Brother uses same router but wired connection instead of wireless and has no issues? You can connect to other servers using wireless but not this one server? Can you join this particular server using wireless when your brother is NOT playing?
  4. From our HC startup...works with password on server: -connect= -password=12345 -client
  5. SavageCDN

    Best way to play coop?

    If you're new to Arma 2 I would start without ACE.. check Armaholic for some good COOP missions - there are lots there for the 4 player range. ACE is soooooo worth it... adds a whole new dimension to the game (check out ACRE as well). It is a lot to learn however and involves a bit more setup/configuration than vanilla Arma.
  6. SavageCDN


    We're running DAP's Insurgency with a few tweaks but yeah... it's just not the same. We run a popular Arma2OA Insurgency server (customized SOAR version), and I'd love to have the same for A3 but I'm afraid the issues are a bit over my head :p Dunno Harzach maybe we can put our thick skulls together and grind something out? PITN and I took a look at it a while back but that was pre-setvehicleinit removal so I'm sure it's even more broken now :)
  7. SavageCDN

    [Namalsk] (Coop 1-6) 04: Escape

    Will do thanks
  8. SavageCDN

    [Namalsk] (Coop 1-6) 04: Escape

    I'm going by the way Six-updater handles them. In SU @Namalsk is the island and all it's associated pbo files. @NC is the campaign missions, mutants, other unit factions, etc.
  9. SavageCDN

    [Namalsk] (Coop 1-6) 04: Escape

    @Namalsk is the island, @NC is the campaign
  10. SavageCDN

    Remove NVGoogles

    Yeah I'm wrong..sorry not enough coffee this AM :p
  11. I find an SSD drive makes a large difference.. at least for me
  12. SavageCDN

    [Namalsk] (Coop 1-6) 04: Escape

    Haven't seen these before but will check them out. Love the Namalsk island!! So if we have the most recent versions of @Namalsk and @NC we do NOT need to replace any files, correct?
  13. SavageCDN

    Remove NVGoogles

    Try: this removeWeapon "NVGoggles";
  14. Has anyone other than you tried to connect to the server? Maybe it's a client-side problem? You could also have the provider re-install the server try again.... sucks though.
  15. SavageCDN

    A3B Arcade Helicopters

    Please ignore the fools posting REALISM OMG!!!!!11!! If you don't like it how about you don't download it and use it???? Thank you for releasing this. I love ACE and all the realism crap but it's actually possible to like 'arcade' stuff at the same time (crazy, right??). Arma needs more of this stuff IMO.
  16. Try setting verifySignatures = 0 and test again. When you were testing before was your HDD light solid during these checks?
  17. For pings (Alberta and UK) probably New York, Chicago or Montreal
  18. Yeah I've done that too but unless I babysit the console it's not really a solution :) It's hard to run without RCON... we are doing it through smart mission design and reports from players. TBH the amount of hacking, griefing, etc has gone down considerably... maybe cause we are on DEV build?
  19. SavageCDN

    Mission help.

    I'm no coder but I'm pretty sure you can't use nil - try using nul instead?
  20. Good to hear you're still working on it thanks for this!!
  21. You did indeed thanks again.
  22. ^ then you need good admins to keep them in line.. there isn't really another way
  23. You can try this one I have not tested it with A3 files though https://dev-heaven.net/projects/52/wiki/Eliteness_ReadMe
  24. Ah I see now.. the text inside the quotes is the actual mission file name without the .pbo at the end. The missions you are looking for in your rotation are stock A3 missions and to be honest I'm not sure how to get those names having never done it before myself. They are stored inside a file or files callled 'missions_f.pbo' in the Addons directory. Perhaps someone that has done this before can chime in?