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Everything posted by AndroidSpawn

  1. AndroidSpawn

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Great news LJ! Sounds like I might get to experience JSRS 1.5 afterall. Thank you! It has been a pleasure using this mod since the beginning. :) @MAVEN: You can still download the old six updater. This is a link if you look hard enough, small letters. PlayWithSix is really bad if you use more than one mod. Unless the ability to choose mods and create your own presets is implemented, like in six updater, then nobody I know will start using it.
  2. AndroidSpawn

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    One reason to play with JSRS for me gameplay-wise is that I can use my hearing to figure out where both friendlies and enemies are in the game world. The sounds also make it possible for me to shout correct enemy positions to my teammates without picking up the compass. Also the vehicle sounds etc makes it easier to "feel"/hear where you are in the arma world space. This is with a 7.1 headset. Corsair Vengeance 1500, very clean studio like sound with those so JSRS is absolutely AMAZING! :) Could be something to try and show in a video if you are able. Hoping for a Christmas release, will be in doing basic training from late january. :)
  3. Camp Lions den This mission is intended to be used as a meeting place to prepare for operation mountain lion. A short training session that makes sure the players are familiar with the weapons that will be available during the operation. Operation Mountain Lion There is one task. Destroy 3 AA guns. How this is done is up to you. Wolf teams and Prophet sniper unit are tasked with destroying AA positions in the Hazar-Kot valley. Recently insurgent activity has increased in this area and they have aquired old AA guns. Almost causing our forces to loose good pilots. The pilots who were shot at managed to point out the general area of the guns locations and how many there are. A US army stryker platoon will push through and clear the road into the valley for us.(AI) There is also a vanilla version for the ACR dlc included. Download Link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/74096962/TacticalAndroid/MountainLion/MountainLion.zip Required Addons: Features: ACE DAC AI G36 rifles Jackals Raven UAV AI hear talking (needs shactac acre volume addon) My own set of easily managed loadout scripts! :cool: I spent way too much time creating that base, I hope you really enjoy it. A mission featuring the ExA RG-31 addon starting at Camp Lions den is planned for the future. Enjoy! /AndroidSpawn
  4. AndroidSpawn

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Teamspeak, Arma should be played with friends :). Click the speaker icon down at the right corner of your screen and the mixer will magically appear. ;)
  5. AndroidSpawn

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I'd like to share a little trick. If you need to lower your effects volume because of TS etc. Keep it maxed in-game and use the windows mixer to lower the game volume. That way you will keep the awesome quality of JSRS. I have noticed that I give this advice to people a lot. Hope you enjoy JSRS even more until because of this, until 1.5 is out! :)
  6. AndroidSpawn

    SQF Editor

    This is great, came back after waiting for memory leaks to become stable. Have been using it for a while now. It gives me exactly the kind of overview I need when working on one or more missions with lots of scripts. If you spend a lot of time with missions that have more than one or two scripts. Check this out!
  7. AndroidSpawn

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Damn tube. Apart from being amazing this mod actually creates such a nice enviroment with my 7.1 surrond that my brain will relax and listen in IRL mode. Whilst many games when listened to with good speakers or headphones will give me a headache because it's mixed for "gaming headsets" (read bad bass boost). So thats just another good thing about JSRS, it sounds good, it actually makes you duck and feels natural to listen to. Thank you Lord Jarhead!
  8. AndroidSpawn

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I think it is reworked, but I'm with you. The optional sounds is the best in 1.4.3, sounds more real to me. I thought they would be the baseline for early 1.5 since they are much better than the standard. It's hard to describe but the optional sounds has that little extra "realness", those frequencies that make it sound real. The m4 just falls flat in the standard version. Great work on the mod LJ, on edge here waiting for the release! :D Edit: It sounds like they are completely reworked, lacking slightly in the punchy area though. But thats probably just youtube messing with the quality. Pushed up the volume and its there but at a very low volume. Can it be the FPS script masking it a little?
  9. I don't know if someone has brought this up. But the ACE IFAK no longer packs morphine and epi after the reform. It now gives bandage kit, bandage and CAT. Morphine and epi needs to be added manually. Everytime I try to do that LEA just adds a number to the IFAK fnc. So just removing the automatic increase of the IFAK_fnc call vaules should solve that one. :)
  10. Thanks for the info! I wanted to do switching but I can work with that.
  11. Hi! This addon is great! I play with Sjaba that I now see have posted a lot here. Hi Sjaba! :cool: We play a lot of mission where the groundforces depend on air assets for their survival, all the pilots use your addon. I was thinking about starting to use the rover part but with larger distances. For example having a dedicated terminal at base for the commander to access. It would give the pilots more tasks being able to provide elements with live feeds. The grunts will probably work more than 5km from the base, but the readme states that the rover terminal only works up to 5kms. Is there a variable to set or a function to call to make it work over the whole island?
  12. Hi! I'd like to recommend this addon to be hosted on SU: It's the woodland version of blastcore. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17834 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?111985-WarFX-Blastcore
  13. Hi! I've been using DAC for a while now, suddenly the AI only gets assigned one WP and stops at that one WP. I've tried different factions, behaviour. Disabled mods you name it... Has anybody else encountered this? And if so how did you solve it?
  14. Hi! Im using 2 bradleys to transport my guys and then the bradleys move away to a hold waypoint that is synched with a trigger(switch). So when the trigger is activated the bradleys are supposed to move to a guard waypoint. But me and my squad gets moved back in cargo. Do I have to unassign them as cargo or something similar? Throw me a bone! AndroidSpawn
  15. Nevermind, it seems to be an issue with memory, wich probably is mod related. After several restarts of both computer and the game I also merged the old mission into a new one. That solved it if anyone else has experienced this issue. They are not in the same group, and not assigned just moveInCargo. Thanks for the input!
  16. Hi! I would like the player to have the option to cancel a prompted "click map to..." Is it possible? And if so, how? Thanks
  17. Nice addon/script! Thank you. Ideas for missions with insurgent mortars started to pop up in my head when I found it on Armaholic. I've tested it with ACE and west mortars if anyone is curios about ACE compability. I found references to a folder that doesn't exist on the lines with execVM, a minor inconvenience if you are lazy like me. And if I haven't learned this all wrong... You should add: if(!isServer) exitWith {}; to the top of the sqf and: if(true) exitWith {}; at the end to make it run only on the server for coop missions.
  18. Take a look at this, might be what you are looking for. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=80032
  19. Thank you both, the marker issue seems to be resolved. Ok, I got it to work a few extra () and a few other changes did it. // nul = execVM "scripts\AndroidSpawn\grpSpawnRNDmrk.sqf"; if(!isServer) exitWith {}; // an array containing spawn markers _spawnMark = ["mrk1", "mrk2", "mrk3", "mrk4", "mrk5", "mrk6", "mrk7", "mrk8"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _resetMarkPos = [getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 0, getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 1]; // moves the spawn marker a bit for a more random position _newSpawnPos = [((getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 0) + (random 200)), ((getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 1) + (random 200)), 0]; _spawnMark setMarkerPos [ _newSpawnPos select 0, _newSpawnPos select 1, 0]; // creation of militia group at spawn marker _taki1 = [getMarkerPos _spawnMark, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "BIS_TK_INS" >> "Infantry" >> "TK_INS_Group")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; // makes the group defend their spot [_taki1, getMarkerPos _spawnMark] call bis_fnc_taskDefend; // moves the active area marker to a close random position "ActiveArea" setMarkerPos [(_newSpawnPos select 0) + (random (round 120)), (_newSpawnpos select 1) + (random (round 120)), 0]; sleep 0.1; spawnMarker = _spawnMark; // returns the spawnmarker to original position _spawnMark setMarkerPos [_resetMarkPos select 0, _resetMarkPos select 1, 0]; sleep 0.1; // creates a trigger that runs this script again when the previous group has been destroyed _trg = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getMarkerPos _spawnMark]; _trg setTriggerArea[2000,2000,0,false]; _trg setTriggerActivation["EAST","NOT PRESENT",false]; _trg setTriggerStatements["this", "hint 'Area Clear'; nul = execVM 'scripts\AndroidSpawn\grpSpawnRNDmrk.sqf';", "deleteGroup _taki1;"]; if(true) exitWith{};
  20. Hello! I have run into a problem, this is my first attempt trying to randomize spawn positions. I get a Zero Divisor error in this script. Could a kind soul point me in the right direction on how to solve this, feel free to point out any errors you find. :) I can move objects around just fine, and I can move around the editor placed "active area" marker without any problems. I know a bit of basic C++ if that helps someone to explain my error. Thanks! // nul = execVM "scripts\AndroidSpawn\grpSpawnRNDmrk.sqf"; if(!isServer) exitWith {}; // an array containing spawn markers _spawnMark = ["mrk1", "mrk2", "mrk3", "mrk4", "mrk5", "mrk6", "mrk7", "mrk8"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _resetMarkPos = [getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 0, getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 1]; // moves the spawn marker a bit for a more random position _newSpawnPos = [(getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 0 + (random (round 200))), (getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 1 + (random (round 200))), 0]; _spawnMark setPos _newSpawnPos; // creation of militia group at spawn marker _taki1 = [getMarkerPos _spawnMark, EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "BIS_TK_INS" >> "Infantry" >> "TK_INS_Group")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _taki1 join grpNull; _takiGrp1 = creategroup EAST; _taki1 join _takiGrp1; // makes the group defend their spot [group _takiGrp1, getPos _takiGrp1] call bis_fnc_taskDefend; // moves the active area marker to a close random position "Active area" setpos [getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 0 + (random (round 120)), getMarkerPos _spawnMark select 1 + (random (round 120)), 0]; sleep 0.1; spawnMarker = _spawnMark; // returns the spawnmarker to original position _spawnMark setpos [getMarkerPos _resetMarkPos select 0, getMarkerPos _resetMarkPos select 1, 0]; sleep 0.1; // creates a trigger that runs this script again when the previous group has been destroyed _trg = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getMarkerPos _spawnMark]; _trg setTriggerArea[2000,2000,0,false]; _trg setTriggerActivation["EAST","NOT PRESENT",false]; _trg setTriggerStatements["this", "hint 'Area Clear'; nul = execVM "scripts\AndroidSpawn\grpSpawnRNDmrk.sqf";", "deleteGroup _takiGrp1;"]; if(true) exitWith{};