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Everything posted by negah

  1. negah

    Ukraine General

    As I said I dont want to argue about the fakeness of that particular image. Yet again that particular fighter plane looks more like a Su-27 than a MiG-29 and definately nothing like a Su-25 MiG-29: http://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints-depot/modernplanes/mikoyan-gurevich-mig/mikoyan-gurevich-mig-29-3.png Su-27: http://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints-depot/modernplanes/sukhoi/sukhojj-su-27-2.png Look at the at the area around the cockpit, especially where the wings start. Yet again its nothing new that the journalists have no idea when it comes to military hardware (for example regularly saying tanks to IFVs and APCs). About the lack of bluriness because of movement, the typical cruise speed of a Boeing 777 is 905 km/h, the Su-27 wouldnt need to fly at 2000 km/h, especially if it was coming from the side all along. Anyway from a big distance of a satellite it wouldnt make much difference. Look at how fast Formula 1 cars appear to be up close and how slow from a distance of half a kilometer although in both cases they move with a speed of 300 km/h. Its all a matter of perspective. And here we come to those fields. At an altitude of 11000 meters those fields would look smaller compared to the plane. http://www.hdwallpapersinn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/boeing-747-wallpaper-8792-hd-wallpapers.jpg Look at how small the mountain looks in comparison to the plane, and its definaly bigger than 1km. Of course if the planes were flying at an altitude of 100 meters those fields would be bigger. So what I mean, its all a matter of perspective. Here is another picture with a plane above some fields: http://www.blogsouthwest.com/wp-content/uploads/files/blusk/AirplanesLG0003.JPG here the fields do look smaller as the plane as well. Yet again it seems to be all too convenient that a Satellite would make a Photo of those two planes right at the moment of the missile firing. And why publish it now and not right after the plane was shot down.
  2. negah

    Ukraine General

    I dont want to argue whether this is fake or not, but your arguments are not really convincing. 1. That picture was definately magnified. Compare it with this picture http://www.thehindu.com/multimedia/dynamic/01795/HY19SATELLITE_IMAG_1795993f.jpg the plane here does look big compared to the ground as well. 2. The fighter is a Su-27 from the looks of it. Its cannon is on the right side of the cockpit so what you see is the exhaust trail of a missile right after its launch and not a cannon firing. That "right after launch" would explain why the missile is flying straightforward (long and middle range missiles usually take some time before they start flying to intercept their target) and not yet on the intercept course with the plane. Besides no one would shoot a cannon at an airplane that far away. 3. It doesnt matter from which side the attacking plane come from if it fires a missile.
  3. negah

    Gaming Industry

    Oh well random crashes, drops in FPS and hillarious bugs (falling into the sky, always wanted to do that) seem to introduce a lot of variety. Seems Ubisoft was paying attention to all the complains how boring their games were and have finally introduced new features. And theyve done something no one else dared, run a game at 12 FPS. Now thats what I call innovation. And microtransactions are a must have in any modern game. I mean who wants to just buy a game and play it from start to end. Its boring. Ok Im convinced its the game of the year now.
  4. negah

    Gaming Industry

    The first AC had a great setting but very repetitive gameplay. The second was an overall improvement and actually became interesting to play. From there on it became another call of duty title. But I still enjoyed most of them just for the historical setting and the atmosphere. Looking at Unity and its minimal requirements I realize its simply not worth anymore. All those negative reviews just make my decision stronger. What were they thinking demanding a rather new machine just to run the game? No wonder their stock value is falling as propably 50% of their customers cant run ACU on their systems and therefore dont buy it.
  5. negah

    Ukraine General

    The fact that The Independent does not cite any specific source either except the words of that commander who is insterested in keeping the name of his unit clean does not really prove anything. How recent are those reports? One week or half a year? You see how someone assumes thet her presence is unlikely and its taken as a hard proof. Alone the fact that The Independent claimes the bomb attack by her husband was in 2003 when in fact it was 2005 makes you wonder about the credibility of this magazine. Further on you see that she has already been in East Afrika, so she does seem to travel a lot, so some reports that she was seen in Syria do not prove that she is there now. But yeah I know we live in a free world and you can believe in whatever proof you want to believe.
  6. negah

    Ukraine General

  7. negah

    Ukraine General

    http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29912055 http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/11/08/385268/school-shelled-from-ukraine-army-side/
  8. Nationalistic and expansionalistic are two different things. 30% (no kidding) of german elementary school students are of non german origin. With each year you see more and more asian, african and arab faces on the streets and more and more mixed families. No I wouldnt call modern Germany nationalistic. However you are right that Germany is trying to expand its influence in Europe by economical means abusing the EU. Well no one of the german officials has denied that US secret services are controlling the german media, e.g. indirectly controlling the public opinion of german people. The media and the govt are simply not talkingabout it at all, instead screaming about how evil russians are suddenly flying their planes somewhere near NATO space (which they do fo 60 years now or so) to divert the interest of the people from internal problems. USA are basically intervening into internal affairs of another country, which is against international law they pretend to be protecting. But since when did US care about international law anyway? How many people were killed in Crimea? 2? And how many civilians have died in recent big US led Operations? Lets see: Afghanistan: 18,000-20,000 (Wikipedia) Iraq: 110,591-120,816 (Wikipedia) Drone Attacks in Pakistan: 416 and 951 civilians, including 168 to 200 children(http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/23/obama-drone-program-anniversary_n_4654825.html) But its OK, the US aren't annexing someone, they just invade other countries on some wague pretends and butcher countless civilians there. Everything is fine.
  9. Its interesting how some people here start saying "look at Russia, its much worse there" and at the same time that same people tell you it has nothing to do with the topic if you say "look at the USA, they start many more wars" in the Ukraine thread. As for the alleged american respect for the European views. That espionage debacle wasnt that far ago, however since those are our "friends" who spy on us its totally ok. Now if the Russians were caught spying (I dont say the dont do it), now then we would see a lot more sanctions which ruin our own economy. Then the US say NATO should buy those Mistral ships. I wonder though why dont they say USA should buy them, they already sayd once that Germany has to buy those ships. A german journalist Udo Ulfkotte has published the first book of his three book series on media control in Germany called "Bought Journalists". The English Wikipedia artikle is rather short so Ill post both https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udo_Ulfkotte https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udo_Ulfkotte In that book he speaks about how the German media is controlled by politicians, secret services and industry. And those secret services include also the CIA (go on tell me Im a conspiracy theorist), who tell the german newspapers what kind of artcles they want to see. The interesting thing is, the German mainstream media is totally silent about it as if it never happened. So we basically live in Europe, which is controlled by the US Government just the same way as they control their own people. You cant call Europe a US colony directly, but it gets pretty close in my opinion.
  10. I hereby proclaim myself the Emperor of Grand Bavaria. WE have the shittiest weather, eat that Great Brittain! (and dont ask for proof, Im an Emperor after all, you have to believe me) Now I only need to find a river to let my fleet of paper ships loose upon the world. Will a river of beer do good? On a serious note, many countries had/have/will have their big moment in history. Still after a while their power wanes and they become one of many other countries again and someone else has the great idea to rule the world. So you can call it somewhat of a law of nature. Some empires had a rather abrupt end, like Alexanders Empire. Others take a while, e.g. the Roman Empire. Maybe USA have reached their demise as a Superpower, maybe not. It remains to be seen.
  11. negah

    Alien: Isolation

    Getting shot out of nowhere after a kilometer long run was just as frustrating in OFP. It taught you to be cautious nonetheless. Alien Isolation save system does the same. In the older Rainbow Six games you couldnt save during a mission at all, and a single killed hostage (which happened quite often in RS3) meant game over. No one complained about it back then.
  12. negah

    Alien: Isolation

    I havent yet finished the game but I think Im somewhere near the end. So far I really like it, yes the lack of quick save function causes some frustration. It also makes finding save stations priority one, which kind of distracts from your actual objective. Still it actually makes you be afraid to die, just like old Resident Evil games did it. Take it out, and there wont be much horror left in this game. I mean we all know what xenomorphs are and how they look like. In fact Im more afraid of working joes, those are some creepy SOBs (at least for me). But the best feature of this game is IMO the station itself. It reminds on System Shock 2 which is a good thing, and since you revisit some places a couple of times you actually feel that you are on a big station and not some endless corridor. Also the levels where you are all alone have some of the best ingame atmosphere Ive encountered, though I havent played that many horror games, so cant judge on that. For the next game I kind of wish a mix of Alien Isolation and Colonial Marines, where you actually can kill the aliens. You could start as a fire team, then get separated, play hide and seek with the aliens without ammo till you find the rest of your "ultimate badass" mates and kick some ass. The features like ordering team mates, that were promised in Colonial Marines but never happened, would be great too. And please a different story, Weyland Yutani trying to capture an alien gets old. I was already glad I havent seen a Bishop android (at least until now).
  13. negah

    Ukraine General

    My next argument is that this whole thread has become a farce and im simply wasting my time here. So someone has to be oppressed for many years to be officially recognised as oppression? Will you like it if your employer cuts your wage in half and says that you can quit only after 5 years? As always anyone who doesnt represent the mainstream point of view is a heretic, conspiracy theorist, madman. And everyohe feels obliged to discredit them. They seem to ignore the fact though, that by calling someone a conspiracy theorist (dragons) they just as well love to believe in some conspiracy theories themselves (russian green men everywhere). You're twisting the facts of what happened in Odessa not caring that people were murdered there and no one is wanting to investigate it, just as maidan shooting (that official version is a farce too). Just like youre going to protect any war USA are waging because they like to kill a lot of people for a good cause (and that something what is good for USA may not be good for the people of that country... well its good for the USA, who cares about other people). Well anyway, arguing is pointless.
  14. negah

    Ukraine General

    Well no one was oppressing them until the government changed and a law was about to be passed that prohibited the use of russian language. But I guess it cant count as oppression, because its just russian language you know, for russian speaking people, and they dont deserve any rights in the Grand Ukraine apparently. Its also totally ok to burn them in big houses and beat survivors to death. I mean theyre only some russians or russian supporters. That law was abolished AFTER the eastern ukrainian regions rebelled. But I guess that law was also simply russian propaganda anyway.
  15. negah

    Ukraine General

    So according to you, ukrainian army is now intervening into the separatist territories, who are now no longer inside Ukraine. Since I dont remember there was any UN mandate allowing Ukraine to intervene into that territories. Gongratulations, you have just branded Ukraine criminal for to their "illegal" (again according to your logic) military operation. Oh wait I forgot something, its only Russia and China who arent allowed to do it. BTW, calling someone's point of view "wicked", just because its not like yours, is rather inappropriate. It can be compared to people calling other people heretics, because their beliefs are different.
  16. negah

    Ukraine General

    So nazi symbolic used by that national guard brigade is also pure imagination? Just as the fact that civilians were killed by the ukrainian air strikes and artillery shelling?
  17. negah

    Ukraine General

  18. negah

    Ukraine General

  19. negah

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Politik/d/5449538/zivilisten-sollen-bei-us-luftschlaegen-getoetet-worden-sein.html Rough Translation: According to Human Right Watch, who are referring to three eye witnesses, at least seven civilians, of whom 5 were children, were killed during a US strike on a village in northern Syria last Tuesday.
  20. negah

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    USA and its allies have started striking at the IS in Syria, without UN mandate or Assad having allowed it, i.e. breaking international law. http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/ausland/krisen/id_71121738/islamischer-staat-usa-und-verbuendete-beginnen-luftangriffe-in-syrien.html But I guess as long as US wont start bombing Assads troops accidently :rolleyes:, he wont really mind it, even if he will disagree officially. They are trying to eradicate one of his enemies after all. Whats also interesting, F-22 are being used for the first time.
  21. negah

    Weird features in British Armored vehicles

    Yep that second picture with two descriptions makes it more clear.
  22. negah

    Ukraine General

    This sounds pretty much like facts to me:
  23. negah

    Weird features in British Armored vehicles

    I hope that too, I also think it has some sort of desinfektion implemented (I mean that thin pipe leading inside the toilet). On the other side, the personell would be eager to disembark and fight the enemy instead of further sit in the stinking vehicle. And just imagine what would happen when the vehicle hits rough terrain when the toilet is full :D.
  24. negah

    Ukraine General

    If everything would be national, and one country's industry would be working only for its national market, sanctions would be simply impossible. "Hey we would like to sanction you economically, but since we dont trade with you anyway because our's and your's industry are true patriots and only sell stuff in respective countries we will sanction you vocally so heed our harsh words: We are displeased with your actions, please stop at once."
  25. negah

    Ukraine General

    Still he has provided a source from the first channel in Germany (ARD is the main state channel, WDR is its smaller child, bot are not privately owned). In other news, the german weapons industry has threatened the government to leave Germany (naming France, Switzerland or USA as possible targets) since the Bundeswehr isnt buying anything and more and more exports are prohibited by the government. http://www.t-online.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/id_71096272/ruestungsindustrie-droht-der-bundesregierung-mit-abwanderung.html