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Everything posted by negah

  1. negah

    Ukraine General

    http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/land/army/2015/01/21/ukraine-us-army-russia/22119315/ http://ukraine.usembassy.gov/statements/kozak-01202015.html EDIT: http://itar-tass.com/en/world/772631 http://itar-tass.com/en/world/772641
  2. negah

    European Politics Thread.

    http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Politik/d/6025846/der-pegida-frontmann-tritt-zurueck.html And so he was kicked out of the movement. And the police has got interested in him again. I wonder if he will flee to South Africa again.
  3. negah

    European Politics Thread.

    And it seems he lacks any common sense as well. I mean what did he thought he would achieve with that action?
  4. negah


    Thats what I wonder too. Playing as NATO in Combined Arms against AI is incredibly hard without air support because your force usually gets "Reflexed" even while flanking the enemy behind a treeline. Russian side is on the other hand quite easy as soon as you spot the enemy. I also wish that they improve the AI controlled units, so that they try to get into cover if under fire or close in and engage the attackers instead of just standing idle and dying.
  5. negah

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I know no gun debate, but still when the police reacts to a call about someone with a possible gun, in a country where everyone can own a weapon, where children are shooting their parents/siblings/friends from time to time, you have to understand what those police officers are facing (or think that they are facing) on such calls. The police chief saidthe boy has grabbed his gun (which lacked the orange marking BTW) at the police officers, perhaps because he wanted to be cool and "gangsta", how should they react? I doubt the police would shoot a child just because they like to shoot. But they certainly seem to overreact a lot, but that comes from the fact that everyone might own a real weapon. Seriously you should stop selling airsoft guns or anything that looks like a gun in the US, because owning a real gun is everyones holy right in the USA. Perhaps the police will shoot less innocents then.
  6. negah

    Russia General

    An interesting post concerning Russia and how its portrayal by our media from a British woman who has actually studied Russian and has visited this country several times. http://catherinebrown.org/deconstructing-russophobia/
  7. negah

    France General

    Id also like to throw in my 2 cents: freedom of speech is a fine thing but common sense shouldnt be left behind either. Now Im not trying to tell that we should abandon our principles and cover in fear of the islamists. However we still should behave ourselves like the civilized europeans we think we are and not like some pubescent teenager who smokes just because his parents have forbidden it. Moreover there are such things as respect towards others. I dont understand why we shouldnt show respect towards muslims but dare not to touch jews, as Charlie Hebdo have shown themselves. And really this whole thing gets pretty much overblown, people get slaughtered by thousands in Africa by islamists, other islamists kill more than 100 children in Pakistan and no one cares. 12 guys are killed in Europe, and suddenly the whole world stands on a verge of a big religious crisis. We have antagonized many of non radical muslims towards us by our actions. That comparison with a raging bull by Rydygier is actually a very correct one IMO.
  8. negah

    Ukraine General

    http://itar-tass.com/en/world/771839 Seems the rebels still have some mobile air defense systems:
  9. Thats what I fear too, both Warhammer settings have a flair of insanity and total lulz mixed with grimdarkness. CA were doing rather historically correct games for now (with a lot of historic errors). On the other hand they have done a great Alien Isolation which is not even a grand strategy game, so they might have some more surprises for us yet to be revealed. And maybe they have had enough of historical games by now, which will feed their creativity (no pun intended) in a fantasy setting, where you can do so much more (as long as the license allows it).
  10. We knew that CA has got the license for Warhammer FB, but for now we have only heard rumors that they are making a WFB game and that it wont be like Total War. http://kotaku.com/total-war-warhammer-accidentally-announced-1679351292 If that leak is true, then they are are pretty much working on a WFB Total War game. I am kind of sceptical about Warhammer: Total War name though, perhaps its only a working title and not the final one. Im still pretty eager too see what they will come up with. There are some WFB mods for Medieval 2 but they arent very stable and are limited by the Medieval 2 engine (e.g. lack of magic, not countig "mage archers").
  11. negah

    The future of military vehicles

    This vehicle lacks a very important component IMO: a loudspeaker system which plays the "trololo" song each time the vehicle dodges a tank shell or an RPG. Imagine the impact on those poor insurgent's ears.
  12. negah

    European Politics Thread.

    http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/unbekannte-verueben-brandanschlag-auf-hamburger-morgenpost-a-1012368.html An editorial office of Hamburger Morgenpost was attacked with incendiaries after they have printed Charlie Hebdo's Mohammed cartoons. No one was injured, two suspects were detained.
  13. negah

    France General

    Well in fact the leader of PEGIDA Lutz Bachmann has commited theft and was caught with drugs several times, so he is a criminal. He has even fled from justice to South Africa once so his whole argumentation against foreigners makes it more dubious. And thats exactly whats bugging me about PEGIDA, while it has some valid arguments which I support, certain people including its own leader throw a bad light on the whole movement. Back on topic: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/11332467/Paris-shootings-lead-to-firebomb-attacks-on-French-mosques.html This is exactly what I was talking about. The mismanagement of our own politicians leads to the people losing patience and taking matters in their own hands, even if it is about stupid revenge for now. Lets hope it wont come to clashes between muslim and non muslim communities. And now imagine that you have to feed and buy occasional presents for 4 wives instead of just one and once they are in a bad mood you would wish youd be a monk somewhere in Tibet :D
  14. negah

    France General

    Just to clarify Im not against some ideas of PEGIDA, but as any such movement it has a broad mass of different people ranging from honest people who want to defend their culture by peaceful ways to skinheads and other people who just hate all foreigners. But its good that there is such a movement which can show the government that there is indeed a problem in their politics by standing against the mainstream propaganda. As long as it remains civil of course.
  15. negah

    France General

    Our governments will surely try hard to do nothing again but recent events are just feeding all sorts of rightist movements. PEGIDA is just one example and they will get more supporters after what happened yesterday. I mean we had three attacks by radical mulsims in a short period of time, Australia, Russia and now France. Its only a question of time when the next attack happens, maybe in Germany or Britain or Italy. I wonder how long will it take till our governments start to do something. And what will they do? Best start early until it gets too late and we get a NSDAP 2.0 somewhere.
  16. negah

    Combat Mission: Black Sea

    The price is of course always an issue with such niche titles (Im looking at you Steel Beasts Pro PE). But right now the core Shock Force without the expansions costs apparently 15$ on Battlefront. There is a free demo too (we rarely see something like that today). Black Sea is a separate not yet released title. And there are a ton of WW2 CM titles, but I have no idea about them,
  17. negah

    Combat Mission: Black Sea

    Just to say in advance, we should leave all the political discussion in the corresponding offtopic threads and concentrate here purely on this game. On topic: I am waiting for this game since it was said that there was something similar in development. I like Shock Force very much but I would like to see a more symmetrical modern war scenario and this is exactly the case with Black Sea. It also seems that they have made a lot of interesting updates for the engine since Shock Force.
  18. negah

    Ukraine General

    Those BPM-97s look quite a lot like the old SdKfz 250/251 and their soviet successors BTR-152. Quite interesting how such an old design is somewhat used again. Please let me witness the comeback of the Pz IV :)
  19. negah

    European Politics Thread.

    Maybe, however the parents are responsible for the education of their kids, and those children wouldnt get the idea that christians are bad by themselves. So either the parents didnt pay attention or have directly influenced their children this way.
  20. negah

    Russia General

    Submarines with nuclear weapons are meant to ensure a retaliation strike since they are more or less immune to a first strike against nuclear forces of a country. So a rather defensive weapon meant to ensure the MAD. So Russia was protecting some territories who have declared themselves independent of Georgia years ago from a Georgian offensive and city shellings? Dont these people have right for self determination too? Considering how gays are sentenced with lashing, long prison sentences and sometimes death sentences in Saudi Arabia (a dictatorship and our close ally) and no one is saying a word about it, but Russia is so evil because it wants to prohibit gay propaganda so that their children can grow up without being led to believe that being homosexual is "cool" and "swag" and whatever, I find it highly hypocritical.
  21. negah

    Russia General

    The German media, by preventing US from attacking Syria Putin has prevented the spread of freedom, democracy and supported murdering of democracy loving ISIS people and other extremists. Then we had PussyRiot, gays, GreanPeace activists etc, and how evil russian laws towards them are. The Winter Olympics were almost described as a crime and how we should boykott them.
  22. negah

    Russia General

    As I said the totally negative portrayal of Russia in our media has started far before the Ukraine crisis.
  23. negah

    Russia General

    I know and I didnt want to protect Russia there, I wanted to say that it makes sense to try to make defensive preparations before someone attacks you and not wait untill the supposed "friend" kills off 10% of your population like ProfTournesol has suggested and only then admit its the enemy. Therefore the new russian Doctrine where NATO is stated as an enemy, since thats what NATO and Russia are at the moment = enemies.
  24. negah

    Russia General

    So Russia should wait and do nothing just like Stalin did because he believed that Hitler was his best friend for life until the Wehrmacht stood at his front yeard and millions of civilians were dead? Not like Stalin cared about civilians but I guess he didnt like to look of the map of his country after Barbarossa. Yeah you could say that "omg how can I dare to imply that NATO wants to attack someone, clearly Russia is ze evil aggressor", just look at how many countries has USA/NATO attacked in the recent history. I mean both Churchill and Patton wanted to attack the Soviet Union after the WWII. Just look at the weapons and doctrines of both countries, who has developed the purely offensive weapons like aircraft carriers and a strong air force and who has invested into the purely defensive weapons like strong air defense and a big submarine fleet. Of course Russia has nuclear weapons which might be the only reason we havent seen a WWIII yet. Seeing how the US have got rich because of world wars in the first place and seeing their national debt right now and how they struggle each year not to declare themselves bankrupt: $ 18,022,738,932,490 http://www.nationaldebtclocks.org/debtclock/unitedstates and how the whole Russia bashing in our media has started far before the whole Ukraine crisis (basically after Russia has prevented the USA from attacking Syria, how dare they), there are certainly some people who would like to lead a contained war or a proxy war against Russia.
  25. negah

    Russia General

    So basically you have to wait until someone attacks you with weapons before you have a right to protect yourself? And dont you see the whole information and economic war between the NATO countries and Russia right now? And yeah I was very happy when Schröder said we wont send the Bundeswehr to Iraq while Merkel who wasnt in charge back then wanted the opposite. Guess who has become our next chancellor.