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Everything posted by negah

  1. negah

    Rainbow Six Siege

    http://www.pcgamer.com/rainbow-six-siege-wont-have-a-campaign-but-theres-training-and-bots/ So it wont have a SP campaign, which is ok, because it would most likely be another Lockdown or Vegas, which was simply ridiculous (3 guys save a city by mowing down hundreds of tangos in a "tactical shooter", wtf). Still I hope you will have AI controlled teammates in coop mode, which would answer to your commands like in Vegas (that was the part I liked about those games), and not just a Lone Wolf mode. I understand it is a MP game, but having played SWAT4 SP and MP I enjoyed SP much more. It is very hard to play it "tactically" in MP, there is always someone (even if you play with your friends over teamspeak) who would rather run off killing everyone and getting killed instead of playing the game "the way its meant to be played".
  2. negah

    European Politics Thread.

    Video of a supposedly drunk Jean-Claude Juncker "meeting" other leaders of he EU :D He addressed Orban as Dictator in front of cameras...
  3. negah

    Mission requests and ideas

    Can someone reupload the campaign Aurora of Tonal? This link is dead http://www.armamdb.de/phpkit/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=794and you cant register there anymore to report dead links (though I doubt anyone would react anyway). Also has anyone got the Dynamic Afghanistan mission with all the addons? https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/41482-dynamic-afghanistan-delta-force/
  4. negah

    European Politics Thread.

    http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Politik/d/7354986/bettina-halbey-muss-fuer-fluechtlinge-ihre-wohnung-raeumen.html Tenancy agreements of a 51 year old woman and her neightbor from same house gets terminated to make room for refugees. Of course no one has thought about offering them new tenance somewhere else. At least they have got time till Mai 2016 to find new homes. About paid trolls, I have a feeling we have the same situation in Germany. The majority of the people in the comment section have their own opinion, but there are always a couple of people making "political correct" posts, sometimes blatantly copy pasting them across several articles. These people are also the ones, who accuse everyone of being a paid troll :D Still the comment function on most politics relevant articles (like the one I posted above) is disabled now on most mainstream media sites.
  5. negah

    European Politics Thread.

    Well technically if youre born in Germany you have german citizenship and I doubt anyone will send the parents back home and leave their child here. I remember a refugee with his wife in Greece telling in front of the cameras that his wife is pregnant and that they have to get to Germany as fast as possible, so it appears they are aware of that too.
  6. negah

    US Army Driving Toward FVL Production in 2030

    So shall we see actual Orca gunships in 2030 :D ? Some Mammoth tanks would be nice too.
  7. negah

    European Politics Thread.

    Happy Oktoberfest everyone!
  8. negah

    European Politics Thread.

    https://www.change.org/p/city-of-munich-ban-the-intolerant-and-anti-islamic-event-of-oktoberfest Not sure if trolling or serious. EDIT: seems it was in fact trolling http://www.mimikama.at/allgemein/mchte-ein-moslem-das-oktoberfest-verbieten-lassen/ Still 475 people have subscribed this petition.
  9. I agree with the points that MGS gets repetitive, however thats the problem of the most big open world games nowadays. Gothic 1 and 2 and Risen were notable exceptions, but world was rather small, though done with the love for details. I also wish there would happen more on the map, where are the mujahedeen for instance. Why dont we see random clashes between soviets and afghans. The idea of extracting enemies is great, but it gets ridiculous when you start fultoning whole villages including heavy weapons, crates and vehicles. I liked how they did it in Ground Zeroes where you had to drag the person you wanted to extract all the way to the landing zone and wait for the chopper. Instead they went the fulton way again and I didnt like it in Peace Walker too. That 3 officers you mentioned was even easier the sneaky way, ive just marked the officer on the road, then followed him to the house, sent the two guards nearby to sleep, went in and knocked the offciers out with my superior kung fu skills. Five balloons with men dangling underneath went up in the skies over that cursed village that day. EDIT: As for roadblocks and horse, you can hide on one side of the horse while passing by a roadblock, still you should keep as much distance as possible. Going loud also bugged a mission once for me. You are supposed to find a honey bee system somewhere in a fort. There is also an afghan prisoner who knows where it is. On my first playtrhough I raised an alarm when passing by the infamous roadblock and decided to keep going. I have found no prisoner and the honey bee was nowhere to be found either. So after half an hour of searching and fighting I decided to restart and play it silently. The prisoner was there as well as the weapon system AND the mission went a lot faster.
  10. Im playing MGS5 right now and it feels quite a lot like a mix of older MGS titles with OFP/ArmA stealth missions. Especially it reminds me on the Dynamic Afghanistan mission for OFP (quite sad that the links for the addons are dead). And its the first MGS title (not counting Ground Zeroes here) with actually good controls which dont put me into rage mode :)
  11. negah

    European Politics Thread.

    http://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/fluechtlinge-fluechtlinge-muenchen-erwaegt-olympiahalle-als-schlafstaette-1.2645178 Well the thing about overstrained infrastructure I was talking about earlier has just become reality. In the article it says that 9200 refugees have already arrived today until evening and a total of 13000 is expected before the midnight in Munich. The city authorities however do not know where to place all of them so approximately 4000 wont get a shelter for this night. Theyre thinking about turning the Olympiapark into shelter. The city authorities also are pretty angry at the federation government and other federate states. 60000 refugees have arrived in Munich since 31 August but when asking about where to accomodate them all Berlin is just saying "Were working on it". As it seems there is no real plan how to act right now. Authorities lack the stuff like sleeping bags, sleeping mats and blankets. Train connections might be cut for some time due to security reasons.
  12. negah

    European Politics Thread.

    I just dont understand what Merkel is thinking. There is a lot of critics to her refugees politics in the german government not only from opposition, but even from CSU, which is bavarian version of CDU - Merkels party. Though it seems the government is trying to make Germany less attractive to refugees (by replacing pocket money with food and clothes), since it is expected that we have to accept over one million refugees in 2015 alone and our infrastructure cant take more. Dunno what results it will take on rest of Europe, my guess is that the government will try to force other countries to accept more refugees too. As for Bundeswehr attacking anyone, I guess if such decision comes, it will take some 20 years before it gets approved by countless bureaucrats :D and by then we wont have any tanks and rifles left in the army since new gear is meant to be used to depose yet another unwanted politician via a ministry of defense scandal.
  13. Id like to see Radar control functions for SAM units and targeting cameras for the AGM missiles and laser guided bombs. Would be great if you could implements those functions within your mod. Maybe as a Game Logic or Module for those who dont like them.
  14. Could you please make this mod compatible with Mando Missiles?
  15. negah

    Which is your favourite ArmA game?

    Well its really hard to decide, I guess I like them all rather equally and played each of them to death over time. OFP - great campaign, great amount of mods (though sadly harder to find nowadays), great custom campaigns ("Revolt 1998", "Last Months in Vietnam" and "Unexpected War" being my favorites), oh and your vision wasnt obstructed by grass. Most memorable of all games. Machine guns were kind of useless though. Oh and there is a Warhammer 40k mod with huge amount of content. Armed Assault - though the campaign was really messy and had some logic issues (SLA lacking NVGs but still attacking at night?) still I enjoyed it and played the remake on ArmA2 where lots of bugs were exterminated (though a couple of new ones were added). As already mentioned Sahrani is one of the best islands out there. Also enjoyed playing some zombie mods on Namalsk. ArmA2 - buggy mess at release and I still havent played the main campaign to the end, this game has really lots of quality content/mods in its actual state. Also the movement doesnt feels that restricted as in earlier games anymore. With OA we had such features like thermals and weapon ranging. Oh and you can play the remakes of OFP and Armed Assault as well of lots of islands ported from Armed Assault. Takes 100+ GB on my hard drive. ArmA3 - AiATP allows you to play pretty much any island in ArmA3 and RHS are adding lots of current time content and the game has lots of new features. Really enjoyed the campain and had no complains about bugs. My wish for next A3 update is a proper 3D editor capable of editing the map (like making houses half destroyed, placing craters, something akin to Men of War editor).
  16. negah

    U.S.A. Foreign Policy & Defense

    That Dogfighting and F-35 article is very interesting. It also says that digfighting still has to be taken into consideration. Yet it compares planes from different generations, where an F-35 clearly has the advantage over F-16 in stealth technology and better sensors. I was talking about theretical engagements between plane of similar capabilties, i.e. F-35, PAK-FA, J-20, which wouldn't have such clear advantages over each other. As the article mentions the experience and the initial positions of planes in the combat would be the most iportant factors. Of course an F-35 would have huge advantages over a Su-27 or Mig-29 in combat.
  17. negah

    U.S.A. Foreign Policy & Defense

    What is a chance of a missile hitting plane at ranges of 100km? With modern/near future (russian/chinese) planes having some sorts of stealth technology and therefore reduced payload most encounters will most likely work like "get in missile range, shoot at that point on the radar, turn around to outrun/outrange the enemy missiles, repeat until bingo fuel/out of missiles". So one day they will have to engage each other in dogfight range to actually get some shit done. Really people believed that planes will not get into dogfights in Vietnam war, which led to early versions of Phantoms lacking cannons which was a big mistake.
  18. negah

    Armored Warfare

    Thats sad, I was hoping for a War Thunder like gameplay too. Well when it comes out I will still at least try it as long as its f2p.
  19. There are also tank sims from the same developer with Steel Fury set in WW2 and Steel Armor in Cold War scenarious (Angola, Iran Iraq...). T-72 Balkans on Fire is also their game I believe. All games are very enjoyable. Steel Fury has lots of mods but its "pure" tank sim. Steel Armor has no mods AFAIK but it has a very rare setting and operational command level of Achtung Panzer, so its kind of a mix of a tank sim and a wargame. My most memorable experience with Achtung Panzer/Graviteam Tactics was when a T-34 tank suddenly appeared in front of my positions and I thought all was lost but my PZ III flamethrower tank has managed to sneak up on it and grilled it until the crew bailed out.
  20. negah

    Battle of Waterloo 1815-2015. 200th anniversary!

    Well not much has changed since then :D Btw, great video!
  21. negah

    A quantum leap - Arma 4

    Im pretty fine with ArmA2 + mods too. Going back from ArmA3 to ArmA2 is not that big of a problem as for example from ArmA2 to Armed Assault or OFP. Still I keep all of those installed, ArmA3 and 2 to play normally and older titles in case of acute nostalgia attacks. If BI plan a new game it should be more of a platform as descibed in the previous comment IMO. Perhaps with a built editor capable of creating islands (like in men of war or any other RTS editor) and creating/editing own units.
  22. negah

    Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) Discussion

    Hamas and Israel are building an unofficial alliance against IS. For now it looks like Hamas are afraid to lose control in Gaza and patrol along the border close to israeli positions looking for IS jihadists and israelis do not interfere. http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Politik/d/6861308/israel-und-hamas-schmieden-inoffizielle-allianz-.html Sorry, its only in German, couldnt find an english source.
  23. negah

    Ukraine General

    Im reading "Generation Kill" atm and at some point a Lieutenant expresses some concern to the author that not one of his soldiers has hesitated to shoot to kill when their convoy was ambushed. He also has mentioned that during WW2 the majority of US soldiers werent shooting back or at least hesitating even when directly confronting the enemy. The author speculates it has something to do with the current generation being grown up on video games and different social backgrounds. In fact the marines are admiring the guys who have a lot of confirmed kills (e.g. snipers) the most, while those snipers were shunned a while ago. Still the unit the author was attached to was the elite first recon and the soldiers there are psychically different from the "normal" marines I guess.
  24. Oshkosh M-ATV so that ArmA3 would stay authentic.
  25. negah

    European Politics Thread.

    We have a lot of scandals tainting the current german govt, yet Merkels position is getting stronger with each election. She even uses those scandals to eliminate enemies/opponents in her own party. People have just given up on politics, Mama Merkel is doing fine as long as there is enough beer and RTL is running.