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Everything posted by negah

  1. negah

    The Matrix to be implemented soon

    Thats good to hear that they might be able to heal psychological illnesses and nightmares with that knowledge. On the other hand someone controlling others dreams/thoughts/mind has a bit of a negative taste to it.
  2. Here is an another example for such organisation. Apparently it was even deployed in Kosovo and Afghanistan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurocorps I dont understand why would they establish new EU multinational military units and not expand already existing ones.
  3. negah

    Ukraine General

    To hell with it, as I see people simply dont understand what MAD is and how it prevented WW3 from starting and how the missile defense systems in Europe can lead to a preventive strike from USA without a retaliative strike from Russia, because the missiles flying from Russia to USA will be shot down over Europe. Europe is fucked too, but USA never really cared about us anyway. By argueing here I achieve nothing but loose time I could invest in something useful. Bye.
  4. negah

    Ukraine General

    The only missile defense system in the whole Russia is placed around Moscow, so I cant see how can Russia deny having NO missile defense systems to its neighbors.
  5. negah

    Ukraine General

    Yet again nuclear defense system can eliminate the concept of the MAD leading to one side believing they could win a nuclear war. And yeah GPS isnt a threat to Russia while GLONASS is a threat to US, I love that logic.
  6. negah

    Ukraine General

    During the Cuban crisis the US made a fuss because Soviets wanted to station their nuclear missiles on Cuba. The US had already stationed their nuclear missiles in Turkey though. Right under USSR's belly. Right now US prohibited the installation of GLONASS stations on US soil because Russians could better target their nuclear milles using GLONASS then. Well at the same time there are GPS stations on Russian soil and US can just as well use them to better target their missiles. Ok Russia already threatened it will deactivate all GPS stations in Russia of US wont allow the stationing of GLONASS stations in USA, but thats a reaction on US sanctions as it seems. So yeah USA make a lot of fuss if something threatens their country, so why shouldn't Russia do it too? Oh wait I forgot, only US can do what they want, everyone else has to do what US wants. We see it very well on our own country.
  7. negah

    Ukraine General

    AFAIK there are no russian missile defense sites in Cuba, Mexico or Canada.
  8. negah

    Ukraine General

    That makes sense, missile defense systems can give someone a feeling they can nuke their opponent without being nuked back. And while basically sitting on another continent with large seas surrounding them, they wont be affected by the fallout that much. So yeah, missile defense systems can be indirectly used to launch a nuclear attack. EDIT: Meanwhile in the USA: http://www.defensenews.com/article/20120917/TSJ01/309170011/Military-Government-Train-Using-Zombie-Crisis-Scenario http://dailycaller.com/2012/12/05/homeland-security-grants-went-to-zombie-apocalypse-training/ Here is a more recent one: http://www.duffelblog.com/2013/06/army-zombie-apocalypse/#!NE9Dt ... wait, WHAT?! Have they invented some new cool sort of throwing money away, or do they know something we dont?
  9. negah

    Ukraine General

    Its practically the same with the russian army standing on the border with Ukraine atm. Dunno why is everyone so angry about it, its not like they're on their side while the ukrainian army is on their own side. Same goes for missile defense systems. ~~~ From here on a lot of speculations and not that much knowledge :D ~~~ The thing is, should it come to a big nasty war, those missile defense systems will be one of the first targets. And while they can shoot down ballistic missiles (flying towards USA or other far targets), they most likely wont be able to shoot down MIRVs (raining down on Europe). And if the russians didnt change their doctrine since the Soviet Union, which included using chemical weapons and tactical nukes to neutralise fortifications and other high value targets (like missile defense systems), Europe is basically held at gunpoint more than ever, and in case of a war we will se a nice landscape full with mushroom clouds, without being responsible for it (though how much responsibilty there still is simply by being a NATO partner is another question). I honestly do not see how those missile defense systems are going to defend Europe, theyre more of a threat to us. Anyway we are basically royally fucked because USA and Russia can not get along with each other and use Europe as their play ground. If all of it sounds like a huge pile of bullcrap, I didnt slept much lately and was pretty tired while writing all of it. Good night.
  10. negah

    Ukraine General

    Since this new "government" was installed by USA (remember the leaked telefonate by Nuland talking about Yatsenyuk as their candidate, so who is now in charge in Kiev?) its very likely they willl try to become NATO member on behalf of the US sooner or later. Why, US wants to cover Russia with radars and anti missile defenses from all sides. Yeah they said its against Iran but why wouldnt they place it in Saudi Arabia or one of their allies close to Iran. Russia definately wont like it just like it didnt like the same idea with Georgia (wtf a NATO country with missiles and radars right at my border?!). AFAIK a country with running conflicts like civil war or insurgency or war with a neighbor cant become NATO member (who wants to start ww3 because of some country most of the people didnt even heard about a couple of months before). So heres Putins interest Nr1, prevent Ukraine of becoming a NATO member. Economically there is a lot of heavy industry as well as military production facilities in the Donetsk region. The Mi-28 enginges are for example made there, and Ukraine has stopped selling them after Crimea annexation. Besides Russia might want to make ground conntection to Crimea, but that will require the annexation of practically the entire southern Ukraine too. That would be Nr2 and Nr3, but I already posted it a couple of pages before. Prior to this whole Maidan revolution stuff, Russia has given Ukraine a 15 Mrd (dollar or euro, dont remember) credit to save the ukrainian economy and prolonged the Sevastopol lease contract until 2049 (dont recall correctly either, maybe it was 2042). Besides Yanukovich was clearly pro-russian, so I doubt Russia was the one who started it all.
  11. negah

    Ukraine General

    Maybe it was made on purpose, I guess out of many Mi-24s in the UA army there wouldn't be that many with the UN markings. Why, either they hoped that the rebels wouldnt shoot at a Helo with UN markings, or they hoped the rebels WILL shooot it down so that they can be blamed for shooting down a UN helicopter. I know it sounds ridiculous, but the new "government" in Kiev are acting unwise from the very beginning of their rule.
  12. negah

    Ukraine General

    In Crimea there are three official languages now: Russian, Ukrainian and Tatar. Just as in any other region of the Russian Federation where many locals speak a different language than Russian. So I think she would pretty much be capable of speaking her native language further on. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Russia EDIT: I cant say the same about the Donetsk Republik though, but I think since they want to be part of Russia they'll make similar laws. For now they have more pending concerns like fighting a civil war than making new laws. Besides if they want to distance themselves from the nazis theyll have to make a good example by allowing any language be it Russian or Ukrainian. I guess we simply have to wait how the situation will develop. It doesnt look like Russia is going to move its troops into Donetsk Republic for now.
  13. negah

    Ukraine General

    Well they wanted to ban russian language from regions where it was allowed, but quickly decided otherwise when shit hit the fan, but it was kind of too late for that. Why is no one talking about disarming the right sector militants. Im ashamed of my own government. They simply deny the fact that the nazi Svoboda party is part of UA "government" keeping many minister posts. And right sector... no never heard about them. USA spying on german citizens, Frau Merkel says its a shame well do something against it, one month later shes happy there is a civil war in Ukraine and no one remembers the so called NSA affair.
  14. negah

    Ukraine General

    Yeah that pregnant woman must've killed many pro-kiev ukrainians that day and definately deserved to be beaten and strangled to death. Besides them pro-russians are just animals and should all die anyway, even Hitler said that. Those Kiev patriots are doing great job, we all should be proud of them. All hail the European Union aka Fourth Reich. May it reign for a thousand years. Evil Russian Empire doesnt want to sell Ukraine gas for free anymore and wants pre payment, how inhuman and disgraceful, when will the US peacebringers and their European disciples finally eradicate that Russia who doesnt want to play by US rules from the face of the earth.
  15. negah

    Ukraine General

    Watching this video helps to understand how the people in rebelling parts of Ukraine must be feeling about their "government". OFF-TOPIC: Meanwhile in Israel: http://www.dci-palestine.org/documents/rising-numbers-palestinian-children-subjected-solitary-confinement http://www.dci-palestine.org/sites/default/files/report_doc_solitary_confinement_report_2013_final_29apr2014.pdf
  16. negah

    Ukraine General

    Which does not change anything since both constitutions have the same law regarding the impeachement process. http://www.rferl.org/content/was-yanukovychs-ouster-constitutional/25274346.html
  17. negah

    Ukraine General

    According to german Wikipedia the ousting of Yanukowich by the UA parliament was illegal according to ukrainian constitution. As of Paragraph 108 of the ukrainian constitution a president can be removed from his position if: - he wants to - he has health issues preventing him from fullfilling his duty - he dies - due to impeachement trial The last option requires high treason or other comparably heavy crime. In that case an investigative commision of the Rada has to be established which will investigate the case and report to the constitutional court. Then the parliament can vote for the ousting. Such process has never taken place in case of Yanukowich. Instead the official reason for his ousting is him leaving the country, which is not covered by the constitution. According to english Wikipedia even the amount of required votes of 338 out of 450 was not reached, 328 parliamentaries voted for the ousting. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiktor_Janukowytsch#cite_note-32 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Yanukovych#Constitutionality_challenged
  18. negah

    Ukraine General

    I excuse myself for taking some liberty to edit your post <IRONY>Well its a sound plan, if all the civies stay in houses you can simply set the houses on fire without herding them all in some building first.</IRONY> To be honest martial law could improve the situation, but I dont really think people there will obey it. Its not that the separatists keep the civilians at gunpoint and use them as human shields. Most of the people there ARE separatists, both armed and unarmed. There are many reasons for it, not only russian propaganda but also extremely stupid behaviour of the UA "government" (is there a reason why each time a US official visited UA a "counter-terrorist operation" started next day?).
  19. negah

    Ukraine General

    Yes because other pro-russian president candidates were beaten and/or threatened and have finally withdrawn their candidateship from the elections. That way you can be sure that Donezk region would never get their represantative, but at least they tried. How democratic.
  20. negah

    Ukraine General

    Yeah feels like talking with a wall. But I guess thats how Misty feels too.
  21. negah

    Ukraine General

    RT source #1 http://www.globalresearch.ca/washingtons-new-islamic-front-expanded-u-s-support-to-al-qaeda-rebels-in-syria/5361660 RT source #2 http://whowhatwhy.com/2013/09/20/is-america-helping-al-qaeda-take-over-syria/ RT source #3 http://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-supports-us-plan-to-arm-syria-al-qaeda-rebels-financing-terrorists-to-wage-the-global-war-on-terrorism/5369041 Yet another RT source http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/oct/13/us-allies-let-funds-flow-to-al-qaeda-in-syria/?page=all All those stuff was definately written by some poor folk who was held at gunpoint by Dark Lord Putin himself. Or theyre just some conspiracy theorists who are telling you stories about alien abductions if they're not thinking of some other fairy tales atm. I hate to write another quote/proverb here but: "Where there's smoke, there's fire"
  22. negah

    Ukraine General

    So Al-Qaida is a democratic faction now? Well US have raised them back in the 80' after all so they must be.
  23. negah

    Ukraine General

    Kosovo is another great example of western double standarts. http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-krise-400-us-soeldner-von-academi-kaempfen-gegen-separatisten-a-968745.html According to this article, about 400 Academi (former Blackwater) mercenaries are fighting on Kievs side. This information was confirmed by the BND on 29th April (german CIA) after the US government denied this information (which was spread by russian RIA Novosti on 7th April originally) claiming someone is trying to start hysteria. The question now is who is paying them, since Ukraine is pretty much bankrupt.
  24. negah

    Ukraine General

    Yeah those russian singers are also Putins agents and are to blame for Ukraine crisis. So the crowd are heroes for booing at them. I dont say that russians shouldve won but seeing how that... "thing" has won esc you realize how decadent and pervert europe has become. As Vilas said tolerance means something should be tolerated not praised. We are on the road to repeat the mistakes of the Western Roman Empire in its last days. Only this time its Russians and Chinese instead of Germanic tribes and Huns.
  25. negah

    Ukraine General

    Those surveys were conducted before the Odessa And Mariupol massacres. Besides: “I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself†― (supposedly) Winston Churchill