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Everything posted by negah

  1. negah

    Iraq (current news/events)

    http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-28240140 I guess the rebels would be able to make "dirty bombs" now.
  2. negah

    World Cup 2014

    I mean this Champions League finale here: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/UEFA-Champions-League-Finale_2012#Elfmeterschie.C3.9Fen It was a psychological desaster for Bayern, no one wanted to shoot, so Neuer (goalkeeper) shot one time himself. I admit its a bad example, still Bayern makes a big chunk of the national team. Psychological aspects are a huge factor. Argentina have just won with penalty, so they know they can do this. Germany however has alway won in the regular time or in the overtime in the current world cup.
  3. negah

    World Cup 2014

    Maybe it is the better option than Netherlands, still Germany can not allow the final match to reach the penalty. Germany is not good at penalty, at least from what I remember from the recent history of Bavaria Munich, which makes a big part of the german national team. However things may have changed.
  4. negah

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Second US spy caught in Germany. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/09/us-germany-usa-spy-idUSKBN0FE16N20140709 ----------------------------------------- The german Commerzbank has to pay a fee of up to 800 Millions US Dollar to the USA because they have ignored US sanctions against such countries as Iran. Earlier the french bank BNP Paribas had to pay a fee of almost 9 Billions US Dollar for the same reason. http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Wirtschaft/d/5048794/commerzbank-muss-bis-zu-800-millionen-dollar-zahlen.html As the one guy has written in the comments section: If I boycott someone, and others make deals with him, can I sue them and demand 100 euros from them now? USA seems to become more desperate about their economy each day, so that they are now just taking the money from their "partners". What comes next?
  5. negah

    Music Recommendations

    Machine Head - I Am Hell Intro is kinda boring/too long so you can just jump to 1:00.
  6. negah

    World Cup 2014

    I knew someone would post this meme sooner or later :D Yeah, in the semifinals you expect even teams and close matches. Last time Germany had such a match was 1954 against Austria in the semifinal. Germany won 6:1 back then and became world champion after winning against Hungary 3:2 in the final. Still we can't draw conclusions yet. Germany have to mobilize all their (mental and physical) forces for the final match now, its good they have one day of rest more than their adversary (my bet is on Netherlands).
  7. negah

    The missing 3 civilian boys found dead :(

    So lets give half of the USA back to the native americans.
  8. negah

    Ukraine General

    Same goes for the german Bundeswehr. Although some of our NCOs would sometimes wear non standardized headgear and camo parka, but if they dared to appear this way to the muster, they were sent back by the officer, and that officer didnt care that he was reprimanding our commander in front of us. However it can be different in other armies. For instance I wouldnt be surprised, if the UA army would even encourage their soldiers to arm themselves, seeing how funding is one huge problem for them.
  9. negah

    World Cup 2014

    Id like to see Germany vs Netherlands. Germany has improved much in the last match, but seeing how Brazil is favored by the referees... On the other hand Brazil will lack two of its leading players in the upcoming match.
  10. negah

    The missing 3 civilian boys found dead :(

    More like because someone needed an outpost in the middle east. But yeah, the foundation of the state of Israel is an example of big politics not giving a f**k about normal people.
  11. negah

    World Cup 2014

    And so we will see the match of european school of football vs the south amercian one in the semifinals.
  12. negah

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Germany has arrested a double agent working for the US. So much for "allies". http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/07/04/germany-arrests-alleged-double-agent-accused-of-spying-on-berlins-nsa-inquiry-for-the-u-s/ http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/specials/id_70117718/-bnd-mann-arbeitet-fuer-nsa-.html
  13. Oh the good old Internet Explorer (aka Internet Extroller). The best browser to download better browsers. Fun aside, I have had this issues with additional software years ago, but since then I never use the so called "Recommended" installation settings, since I want to see and change this damned settings and want to have some control over the installation process.
  14. negah

    World Cup 2014

    Aaaaand the day has arrived. Germany vs. France should be very interesting. France is not one of those "we always stay in the defensive" teams.
  15. negah

    The missing 3 civilian boys found dead :(

    http://www.rememberthesechildren.org/remember2014.html Not yet updated with the recent event, but makes a good picture of what happens in Israel/Palestina. I wonder why there is no outrage in our media about Palestinian children killed. Even if they tell it, they usually hide it under a ton of other news.
  16. negah

    The missing 3 civilian boys found dead :(

    Palestinian teenager kidnapped and murdered. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-28124329 Will there ever be peace in this region?
  17. That is very very sad. People are just being abused by their governments and thrown out once there is no use for them anymore. What happened to the "Government of the people, by the people, for the people", when did it perish from the Earth. Did it actually ever exist?
  18. negah

    Ukraine General

    I admit I didnt express myself clearly enough. I havent seen that news anywhere except for the link you posted. And I also check different sources, not only my national magazines. Oh and if Germany is so in love with Russians, why is there so many negative news about Russia in our media? Russia condemns some stupid chicks who break law --> BAD (although they wouldve got longer sentence in Germany than what theyve got in Russia according to German law). Russia captures some greenpeace activists on one of their oil stations --> BAD (its good if it happens in Germany though, then theyll be called eco-terrorists). Olympic Games --> BAD. Russia does not want to let itself f**k by NATO like every other country does --> VERY VERY BAD.
  19. negah

    Ukraine General

    Vilas, I highly doubt the seriousness of that website you're quoting all the time. Should it be real, it would be reposted everywhere. However even the german Bild magazine, which is known for posting absolutely unproven BS, has not posted it, much less more serious magazines. And such videos can be faked, btw. As someone said it, this war is mainly an informational one.
  20. negah

    The Ocean Cleanup

    http://www.theoceancleanup.com/ Theese guys have a plan how to reduce the pollution of oceans with plastic waste by using currents, which will transport the waste into floating barriers where it can be effectively gathered. IMO its a great idea, however as already said on the website, it does not solve the problem entirely. And of course funding is another problem. So what do you think about it?
  21. negah

    The Ocean Cleanup

    Yeah but those small plastic particles originate from the big plastic parts that are dissolved under the impact of the salty water. So if we start gathering the big parts before they get dissolved, we might reduce the amount of small particles after some time.
  22. negah

    World Cup 2014

    https://vine.co/v/MFgBWT7j03K Well it does not look that doubtful now, but during the match it was pretty unclear youre right. I also think Robben did everything to get that penalty. Still it was ok here. You have to remember that the referee did not see a penalty in the first half, which was there, when two Mexican defenders hit Robben's feet instead of the ball bringing his attack to a halt. It maybe also just me, Im a bit biased towards Holland.
  23. negah

    World Cup 2014

    Now that was a great match, feel sorry for Mexico though, IMO they played a bit better.
  24. negah

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Iraq has recieved the first attack aircrafts from Russia. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-28077273 From the video it seems to be standard versions of Su-25.
  25. negah

    The Ocean Cleanup

    That waste mining concept is a good idea. It also shows what can be done with all that plastic waste floating in the oceans. Those two concepts can be combined I think.