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Everything posted by whiskeytango

  1. whiskeytango

    Battleye corrupted Memory#3

    Getting this issue as well now, just today.
  2. whiskeytango

    BAF or PMC?

    The BAF gear is awesome.
  3. So the final 1.60 will be released today/tomorrow? Or are we to use this RC until after the holiday?
  4. whiskeytango

    Please share your 1.60 impressions

    Let me put it this way: I actually played the single player with the RC of 1.60! AI is much smarter, moving to cover, crawling through holes etc. I've only really played online. My biggest impressions were around the warping and desync lag that would occur. Other things that I really like is the helicopter auto hover fix and the speed increase that seems to have happened. Thank you very much BIS!
  5. There are still some annoying things that could be fixed. My pet gripe is the use of only half a throttle axis for aircraft (yes I know there is a work around). I think this patch is about ready to go though. Bring on 1.60!
  6. whiskeytango

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 87105

    Just completed the Open Season mission with this Patch. Flying was great.
  7. whiskeytango

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 87105

    I would be weary of making the ground effect stronger. The take on helicopters ground effect is extremely frustrating at times. I go bouncing up in the air and then lurching off center when I'm trying to land. Also, the new autohover is awesome! It's great to not bounce around annoyingly.
  8. whiskeytango

    ACE for OA 1.12

    Hi guys, OCB use ACE for our Tactical Missions. It's great, however I was told there is a bug in ACE that when a player gets into a damaged vehicle it will explode (if it's 100% damaged). I've not found anything on this when I searched. Anyone familiar with this? You can check out the video of it happening below. At the end a colleague jumps in a damaged tank and it explodes. Everyone lol'd. 432kVQOQVlA If it's a bug I'll log it if it's not already logged. If you think it's not a bug then let me know (it might just be a delayed secondary explosion). Cheers.
  9. whiskeytango

    Australians At War - Combined Ops

    OCB is heavily using AAW + ACRE & ACE for friday night tac missions. Great fun!
  10. I feel a disturbance in the force. A patch must be coming 'soon'.
  11. Looking forward to 1.60 =)
  12. whiskeytango

    Where is the simulation

    Don't forget that people can make mods in the near future similar to ACE is for ARMA.
  13. whiskeytango

    Great Game! Thank You BI!

    Yep I've long thought about a story driven sim. I can't wait for community misisons and mods to take off! Don't stop here, time to start working on an expansion - new map, new choppers more story. Unfortunatley i seem to be having codec issues with my video editors. Otherwise I'd be putting up heaps of youtube videos.
  14. whiskeytango

    Feedback and Questions for BIS

    I will put one together so you can see my terrible skillz.
  15. whiskeytango

    Feedback and Questions for BIS

    They look great so don't worry about it. I'm really enjoying the game. It's not a study sim and it never pretended to be one. I seem to have trouble finding how to interact with objects - quite often I need to crouch to find the Get In as Pilot icon etc. I'm having hours of fun playing the career though!
  16. I got the point in the campaign where I needed to do an auto rotation. I did the training a few times and then managed to pull it off. What do you do if you are in stationary hover though?
  17. whiskeytango

    Landing in Expert Mode (Video)

    I land in a very shallow way and usually with a minimal amount of forward movement. I never play with 3rd person or autohover. I think for sling loading I might need auto hover though!
  18. I was struggling witht the aerobatics mission where you have to fly in formation, after 3 attempts and crashes I realised that the chopper I was in had two engines, I was only starting one of them! lol. I thought I was in an old Huey.
  19. Congrats. Played it for a couple of hours. Lots of fun! Voice acting is much improved!
  20. Hey guys, I've never really trimmed a helicopter flight sim before, does anyone have any tips on how and when you do this? Do you guys have this setup on a HAT like a fixed wing plane might? If so, do you have a separate one for the tail rotor? Do you trim the aircraft once you get to your desired state - like cruising speed or hovering? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  21. whiskeytango


    Hi guys, Super excited about the impending release of TOH. Sprocket is working away right now. I was wondering if there were any tweaks to the physics since the intial beta download? Will flying/landing be much the same as in the beta?
  22. whiskeytango

    Release time of ToH

    I'm wondering about this myself. As I'm in New Zealand I'm about the first timezone on the planet. So it'll probably be Friday when I get this game....
  23. whiskeytango

    Fligtstick recommendations....

    Some people love it. Some hate it. Probably better suited to the F-16 and other electric jets, not so much helicopters. I'm using the Thrustmaster Warthog for DCS A-10C. Hopefully it works without too much hassle.