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About HeadTraumaZA

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  1. Hey Rocket From all the Zulu Alpha's (South African ArmA community) thank you for this awesome mod:D Cheers HT
  2. Hi All I develop and run MP Campaigns for the South African ArmA community and need some help and direction for the next campaign that is currently in the planning phase. The next campaign will be armour based. Preferably (in order of preference) 60's/70's Israeli vs Egypt or 70's / 80's Afghan / Soviet war (Think "Beast of War" here ) or lastly, 80's / 90's Fulda Gap cold war gone hot type conflict. The challenge is finding suitable terrain and models. For a campaign that lasts several weeks and months we need large islands. 100 square kilometers is just too small. We need at least 20km x 20km if not bigger. Anybody know of such maps/islands that would fit the above mentioned scenarios? Thanks HT