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Posts posted by NeuroFunker

  1. The only way you can try to change it is by posting here. But people like you will forever try to dumb things down so i must maintain the balance.

    yes-man vs no-this-is-shit-men.


    I love alot of stuff about Arma, i think it´s visually stunning but i will never glance over obvious things that are wrong. Like for instance the door system.

    I cannot imagine a single person on the dev team haven´t realized just how F´d up that system is. And it´s been years with no change.

    You are quite obviously content with these sort of things. I´m not.

    well, why couldn't you be more specific like that before, then just saying: arma 5 will have all the illness arma 3 has?

  2. and we are back to pink ponies again. It's not about, if i'm gona to use it or not, it's up to you will see people with .50cal sniper rifle or mg in their hands, with titan and a ruck on their back, will jump around like bunch of bunnies. The amount of repetative posts is way to high here.

  3. didn't you read this before?

    ---------- Post added at 21:45 ---------- Previous post was at 21:44 ----------

    Ive spent 3 years as light infantry (nothing light about light infantry)

    Never jumped once...

    you didn't read that RushHour 3 years and never jumped, do you understand that finally?

  4. What you love about the series, wouldn't be there, if it wasn't for BIS' ambitions. No one else try it then, and no one is trying it now. There's a reason. BIS never had the know-how to do it the best possible way, but I'm eternally grateful to them, for what came out of their "ambitions".

    well said, we would have another cod or bf clone, cause BI just wanted to cash it's community, without allowing it to mod, and force feed with countless dlc's.

  5. Oh yeah, the BI apologists again. If you ever decide to open your eyes and actually try and appreciate what BI could be doing better and how a thoroughly modern engine scales across multiple CPU cores try reading these results on Frostbite 2 (an engine which is now more than 2 years old): http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18459152. There's nothing about what ArmA does that wouldn't benefit from the same ability to multi-task, in fact given that so much of what is unique about ArmA is AI decision making and a non-player-centric simulation I should think it should benefit far more from threading than an action-centric shooter like BF3.

    show me a game, what uses frostbyte engine, which is similar to arma. And then we will talk further.

    ---------- Post added at 14:33 ---------- Previous post was at 14:29 ----------

    "Arma 2 runs like shit"

    - No it doesn´t, Cherno is so big no other engine can do it!

    *Arma 3 comes out, runs bigger map and runs better*

    "Arma 3 runs like shit"

    - No it doesn´t, lolzor cryengine failed blablablabla.

    Maybe we should wait until Arma 5 before people start realizing the Arma engines are the most poorly optimized engines there has ever existed in gaming.

    See you in like 6 years again. Come back when arma 5 is here, and tell us your experience.

  6. Currently I am doing second optional scouting mission in Episode 2

    I wonder if I did something wrong, but how am I suppose to assault enemy strong holds or armored convoy with only a rifle?

    One of the objectives was to assault an enemy immobilized convoy...only turned out later there were two MRAP type car, both armed with HMG, and guarded by more than 10 men! And I got a rifle and some grenades...

    In Arma2 such type of mission are done by squads, sometimes with indirect fire support. Did I miss something before starting the mission? Am I really going to finish all those objectives alone?

    simly by trying, trying, failing and more trying man. I know the mission you speak of, actually this is the last mission i done before stoping playing. I died like 5 times, trying to assault stoped convoy, wherey ou have to kill AAF crew. Using few underbarel granade shots, disabled strider, i killed it's crew, then frew 4 granades behind the wall and killed lots there, some tried to surround me i quickly reacted and killed them, then killed the rest. Hard but not impossible, isn't that many people were asking at first episode, difficult missions?

  7. my windows 7 x64 uses 2,4gb ram in idle, when the game uses at least 2 gb of ram, even 3, and you have just 4, this is where stuttering begins, it starts to write files to the disc in page file, and slows the system down. Getting at least more 4gb ram, won't hurt your performance, actually improve it. A buddy had 4 gig and blamed slowdowns when i was fine, i told him to get another 4 gigs, and he was pretty happy with the performance on his quite dated rig. But yes, don't expect a mirracle here. Actually my physical ram is loaded to 6 gb, and system commit to 8gb, while playing arma, according process explorer, but 12gb of ram was even to much but i'm keeping it. Also i remember in arma 2, people were reporting 15-25% performace increase, having ram clocked to 2100+mhz

  8. well same thing about "mi-24" as "hind" I know about object, but t-100 is not armata. Wikipedia says one thing, and other russian military sites, talk about 2x123mm cannons on new armata tank. Anyway we won't find it out untill arma is officialy out.

    For example at one source, armata being called "T-99" and has a 152mm cannon.


    The T-100 in Arma is a product of BIS imagination :)

    based on "black eagle"
