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Everything posted by Revan9190

  1. Transmission incoming.... Data decryption in progress.... Commander... greetings. We have more recon photos for you to look at. These are for your eyes only. Top brass has made this abundantly clear. Recently, a meteor crashed near the Tiber river. Some of our advanced research facilities have reported that it carried a strange alien material which has spread itself in the area surrounding the impact crater. Supposedly, there have been multiple impacts since the initial meteor crash all over the planet, but have mostly landed in areas far outside major population centers thankfully. This is what we've found on a small island close to one of our outposts near the Mediterranean Sea: http://i.imgur.com/SRfWzlo.png We've noticed some Nod activity here with what looks like some sort of harvesting vehicle: http://i.imgur.com/4umx2oT.png http://i.imgur.com/MCmNMna.png Dr. Ignatio Mobius has managed to safely obtain this crystalline object from one of our own harvesting expeditions: http://i.imgur.com/MyrJlCq.png He has named it "Tiberium", since it was found near the Tiber river. The full name has been disclosed as "Tiberium Riparius", for it reproduces itself and spreads throughout the soil on every major continent. Our EVA unit should give you an on aforementioned specimen. "Many have laid claim to naming this clearly extraterrestrial element, including Kane, who claims to have named it after the great Roman emperor, Julius Caesar Augustus Tiberius, though it's officially named after the place of its discovery near the Tiber River in Italy. The 'ium' was added to give a material relevance. Since then, Tiberium has come to be known universally by all inhabitants of Earth." - EVA Description Dr. Mobius recently appeared on the Science Talk Show explaining his theories based on observation of the specimens in his special research labs. "Molecularly it's a non-carbon based element that appears to have strong, various qualities with non-resonating reversible energy, that has a tendency to disrupt carbon based molecular structures with inconsequent and unequal positrons orbiting on the first, second, and ninth quadrants." "Is that good or bad?", asks the talk show host. "Let me put it this way, Eddie. The possibilities of Tiberium are limitless!" ----- On a completely different subject, we have a new source of power! A contractor has sold schematics to both the Global Defense Initiative and the Brotherhood of Nod for a basic, one stack, nuclear power plant. No more wasting fuel to small, gasoline-driven generators! http://i.imgur.com/cunOZwE.png http://i.imgur.com/Y7xspjq.png http://i.imgur.com/r9fUvbM.png http://i.imgur.com/VkNmRgb.png http://i.imgur.com/Txzxe6p.png http://i.imgur.com/yaBzS2a.png http://i.imgur.com/VTSbip9.png http://i.imgur.com/zJKufUS.png http://i.imgur.com/ViEBeLo.png In conclusion to this important intel, we are giving you complete access to files containing full, virtual 3D representations of the Power Plants as well as the recently discovered Tiberium. More info as Dr. Mobius researches more into this. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23036637/mcsr_cncbuildings.pbo https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23036637/MCSR_TibPch.pbo ---- That's it for today, Commander! Hope these files don't fall into the wrong hands. Surely Kane has agents everywhere by now. ---- Decryption of classified files complete and ready for usage. ....terminating transmission....
  2. Hey guys, just a heads up! I made a basic free website for the mod. It will continuously be updated as more files are updated and I will add the full credits list on a separate page. https://cncbrotherhoodrising.wordpress.com/ I'll be sure to link it in my signature.
  3. Of course! Anything to help an awesome modder! :) Yeah, I think I'll adjust the X value a bit more when placing it in the init field so it's a bit more centered so the minigun ammo cartridge doesn't clip with the side of the tower. I personally think the textures are great in-game and the stuff is very well optimized. BTW, I have to fix the helipads again because the animation texture doesn't wanna go again for some reason. Forgot what I did last time.
  4. Update time, Commanders! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23036637/mcsr_cncbuildings.pbo What's new, you ask? Well it couldn't possibly be that there's an M134 Minigun that's been added to go along with the Watch Tower for GDI. So now GDI has a defensive structure proper! Though they are separate, you can use this simple code to get it in there: this setpos [(getpos gt select 0), (getpos gt select 1) + 1,(getpos gt select 2)+5.15] Whereas 'gt' is whatever name you give the tower. I'm sure most of you know that, though, so this is just for the people who want to know how to use init fields. So where's the pictures, Commander Revan? Glad you asked! Here they are! GT w/ M134: http://i.imgur.com/79xylOR.png http://i.imgur.com/kJJHmsM.png http://i.imgur.com/QBQVv04.png http://i.imgur.com/hr18KqT.png http://i.imgur.com/DxCJK8B.png http://i.imgur.com/xHO1JHO.png http://i.imgur.com/SrpZIHQ.png HMMWV helping out, even though the GT didn't need it. (lol) http://i.imgur.com/DASOZR1.png http://i.imgur.com/fr0ZQvF.png http://i.imgur.com/zYXtEHE.png http://i.imgur.com/1HWHVIk.png Obelisk with new charge-up texture and animation (the animation will be presented in the next promo. ;) Which will be soon.) http://i.imgur.com/gyKZc8g.png That's all for today, Commanders! Again, be sure to thank Macser! He's been helping this mod quite a bit with his fantastic modeling, texturing, and animations (and of course coding)! More surprises to come soon!
  5. Revan9190

    OFP Addon request thread

    http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10547 This on a different mirror would be appreciated. I end up having network errors with this particular file. It would download maybe a few MB, but then it would fail. I will try a different browser, perhaps, but a separate valid link would always help in the long run anyways. Thanks if anyone could do this. :) Also, any open source C-130's I can use for a retexture? I've read multiple readme's and they don't say anything about them being able to be edited with or without permission and I don't want to risk it.
  6. Updated mcsr_cncbuildings.pbo again. What's new? New ambient sounds ie Obelisk hum. Fixed normals on War Factory. Obelisk now has charge up animation. Small fixes, but thanks to Macser, the nostalgia just keeps getting ramped up! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23036637/mcsr_cncbuildings.pbo Also now available (but with a couple mesh errors that need to be fixed, but otherwise playable): GDI's Humvee. Recommended to get rid of gdi_humr.pbo and use gdi_humv in its place, unless you want an unarmed one and one with the M2, but they'd both show up as "Humvee" under [C&C BR] GDI Vehicles, which would add confusion. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23036637/gdi_humv.pbo
  7. Revan9190

    why play ofp?

    For the same reasons people still go back to playing Pong, Galaga, Donkey Kong, Space Invaders, etc. Graphics don't make the game... the gameplay does... hence the word "game" in "gameplay". Plus all the reasons listed by other people here. If you want an interactive art piece, go ahead and play the newer games. In my opinion, there's not much, if any, charm anymore in games. This is why I play UT99, OFP1, C&C '95, etc. Now I know that my first few games I listed aren't moddable, but that was more toward the graphics argument. I'll just quote myself from another forum I frequent (because I mod Sta Wars: Battlefront 2 as well):
  8. Establishing battlefield control... please stand by... building... construction complete .... new construction options... Brothers and sisters of Nod... may I present to you the latest in laser defense technology! From Project Obelisk WDTA2411 5, the Brotherhood now wields the power of light! This is undoubtedly the most powerful laser application in recorded history! The Obelisk of Light will now defend our bases from the dreaded and blasphemous ways of GDI. Commanders...here is your new defensive weapon! http://i.imgur.com/gnKaARo.png http://i.imgur.com/vPH6l3M.png http://i.imgur.com/4kAjPs7.png http://i.imgur.com/BykBTU6.png If you'll just download the new version of the base construction manual here, you can get started on re-adjusting and adapting your base layouts for GDI attacks: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23036637/mcsr_cncbuildings.pbo In the name of Kane! Peace, unity, Brotherhood! Peace...through...power! Battle control terminated...
  9. Building..... Construction complete.... New construction options.... GDI now has a means of defense for their bases. The guard tower. It's a simple design, yet can provide not only cover to gunners inside, but also a height advantage. Well trained riflemen and machinegunners posted in the guard tower can cut swaths through enemy infantry and even provide heavy suppression against lightly armored vehicles, such as Technicals and the Brotherhood's modified DPV. The only thing more powerful compared to the guard tower in GDI's arsenal is the advanced guard tower, equipped with massive amounts of rockets to repel heavy armored and air attacks. But together, both the guard tower and the A.G.T. can be deadly to any attacking force. However, we only have access to this guard tower for now, so your forces are going to have to use what's available. http://i.imgur.com/mq3zaox.png http://i.imgur.com/xm9nm2N.png http://i.imgur.com/Ruf2tp5.png http://i.imgur.com/4aDEX7W.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23036637/mcsr_cncbuildings.pbo Battle control terminated....
  10. Establishing battlefield control... please standby... A small patch here for Macser's brilliant CNC buildings pack! GDI vehicles can now directly roll out onto the battlefield from their new weapons factory! Beats having to have LCACs bring them ashore all the time, am I right? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23036637/mcsr_cncbuildings.pbo Just replace your current mcsr_cncbuildings.pbo with this updated one. :) Pictures! http://i.imgur.com/MBE6v8Y.png http://i.imgur.com/SNfncs0.png http://i.imgur.com/dSZ6YAH.png http://i.imgur.com/E0dq92r.png http://i.imgur.com/tykotEw.png http://i.imgur.com/cKZQBDG.png http://i.imgur.com/XxW5TGI.png http://i.imgur.com/AZJolCL.png http://i.imgur.com/bp0om27.png http://i.imgur.com/xSTOt1d.png End transmission...
  11. Need to fix some things on the T-55. I fixed the muzzle flash problem (thank goodness for it being easy fix). I just need to fix a couple of things in Oxygen and all set there. So I'd avoid using the Libyan's Scorpion tank due to some visual issues. :p Also fixing up the Humvee as well, so there will probably be another hotfix/patch soon. :p
  12. Yeah, I meant to fix that in the config. Hold up. I usually drop it down to 1.96, but I was so excited I forgot to change the version required this time. :P https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23036637/mcsr_cncbuildings.pbo Fix for that. Also config fix for ORCA with its version number: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23036637/mcsr_orca95.pbo
  13. Hello everyone. Firstly, I hope I am not creating this thread in vain, because I actually do have something to show, but it's not much. Secondly, it is heavily WIP and I just practically started. Thirdly, real life is rather hectic, but I do have days off, so that's good. Now...I feel as though, since I've not seen much in the way of this universe aside from a few released vehicles here and there, I had decided I'd fully commit myself to a units pack for this universe, if someone would like. Later will do Red Alert, no worries. I am starting off with what started it all: Tiberian Dawn aka CNC95. Most 90's equipment have been made available thanks to the many releases on OFP Gamepark and OFP Files and I feel as though not too much work needs to be done in that regard other than configs and retextures. I already have a unit in progress and it is not much, but I am almost done creating him but will need to test him out soon to make sure I am doing this right. I wanted to give something to the community, something I am sure people will like if they have played this series since the beginning. Any tips and tricks from experience unit makers feel free, because I'll need all the support I can get to deliver a top quality addon pack. I am dividing the pack in 4 phases with phases 2, 3, 4 being the ones I'll need some assistance on, because I am not a good modeller at all. It will be 4 phases among 3 eras (I am not doing CNC4, I am sorry). Eras: Tiberian Dawn Tiberian Sun Tiberium Wars Phases: Phase I: Infantry (light, heavy, civilian) Phase 2: Vehicles (Soft, Armored, Air, Sea) Phase 3: Buildings (Decorative, Defensive, misc) Phase 4: Environmental (Tiberium fields) This is the 'plan' anyways. I read the rules, but if any dev finds that I messed up somewhere that I don't know about, please let me know. But enough talk, here's a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/xDZLo.jpg I need to fix the front and back texture on the vest, need to fix the boot textures, and I need to fix the collar, as well as the texture merging problem on the shoulder plate thingy ma-bob that I can never remember the name of. After that, I need to do my config, and then I will get an in-game screenshot. Also I am sorry the texture is a bit blurry. He will mainly just basically have the basic kit of a U.S. Army soldier from the 1990's. As far as camos go, GDI and Nod will have their 'canon' appearance camos by default, but I will make sure to make other camos or utilize other camos so that it makes more sense depending on the environment, because I'm sorry but desert BDU's in forest and jungles don't make a lick of sense, right? GDI's overall scheme: Desert BDU Brotherhood of Nod's overall scheme: Urban, Gray, Black GDI's 'Minigunner' Loadout: M16A2, M9, M67 Nod's 'Minigunner' Loadout: G36 or AK-47, Glock 17, M67 Before I head off and make a banner for this thread, would anyone like a progress bar for each phase? I can't guarantee this will all be released quickly, if at all, due to work schedules. If anyone would like to help, please notify me via PM. I will also need someone to help with models. Desperately will need a Nod Obelisk of Light and a Hand of Nod, also an Orca assault craft, but let's just concentrate on Infantry for now. :p Back with more later. Credit List so far: Sanctuary (assets) ivosm (for the help so far, also model access) Westwood & EA (their games) Please tell me who I might be forgetting, because the last thing I want to do is insult anyone. Peace.
  14. I know, right? The quality he puts into his work. The baking and the lighting. The sheer amount of detail is just astounding! I'm definitely going to be making a promo video soon!
  15. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23036637/%40CNCBR-Beta2.zip I present to everyone, the second public beta. Revision 3242016. I forgot to mention a slight error popup on the main title screen about the 30mm on Macser's ORCA Assault Craft. That'll be fixed soon. I was quite a bit excited for this new stuff to get released so that people have things to play with for missions. I will probably release a couple hotfixes soon, but I wanted to get it out to the community. :) Expect a new promo vid/trailer sometime! :D Also just a couple of visual probs with the HMMWV and the T-55, but can be easily fixed. I also need to fix a few things with some configs so that all the stuff is under [C&C BR] for all three sides. I will also be including new group types sometime as well. Enjoy, Commanders! Edit - I cannot believe I forgot the friggin' link. >_<
  16. "Are you picking this up? ...good. I know you need more deep background, but we're up against it. Nod forces have fortified this beachhead at X 16, Y 42. Intelligence is still coming in, so we can't tell you a lot, but we've found a chink in their armor. Commander Carter can sneak you and some backup forces on shore right here. You may get some artillery support from his gunboats, but this is mostly grunt work. Your mission is simple: Knock out all fortifications, eliminate all Nod troops, and establish a beachhead by building your base. Good luck." Construction complete. New construction options.... [Macser, I want to thank you for all the hard work you put into all your magnificent models! Great job, sir!] http://i.imgur.com/YDetzeQ.png http://i.imgur.com/aWU2Hdy.png http://i.imgur.com/tohTMSX.png http://i.imgur.com/4FnUkYv.png http://i.imgur.com/oQe7DYI.png http://i.imgur.com/RDNhCCN.png http://i.imgur.com/Ra5RRwh.png http://i.imgur.com/f6DIXIy.png http://i.imgur.com/fVxIPt3.png http://i.imgur.com/rJmj0Se.png http://i.imgur.com/SLwcQAV.png Soon I will be making another promo video, but first I'll update the readme and packup things into the new .pbo. Obviously still in early beta and there will be a few problems, but it's something for people to play around with when making C&C based missions. If I get a Nod Turret made and maybe a mod exclusive LCAC, people will be able to pretty much faithfully recreate the first GDI mission in TIberian Dawn (as Macser said: Perhaps I can utilize the HMMWV from WW4). Anyways, here you guys go. The updated pack should be uploaded soon. :) Mission Accomplished
  17. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    Hey Anguis! Long-time no see, pal! Haven't had a lot of time, because I've moved and have a kid now, but I've actually been making a mod based on the original Command & Conquer (with some great help, too! Thanks to Macser, krzychuzokecia, Silverhawk [for permission to use Mammoth Tank], Sapper, Apocalypse82 and noob1. But I do hope to come back to play with you guys. I need to redownload everything, though, but I freed up a heck of a lot of space! I saved the entirety of the stuff we had on my external, so I can transfer them over! Also waiting on a good headset from a friend of mine - it's a Turtlebeach! :D
  18. I don't suppose anyone here worked with Sentry on the Tiberian Genesis mod when the team was developing it for OFP? He hasn't been on the forums since 2006, so it's probably next to impossible to contact him. Anyways, I'm gonna jump into Blender and try to make a few things such as Nod's Turret, SAM Site, and Obelisk of Light. I'm not the greatest texture artist, so...if I do manage to make decent models of them, I've never made textures from scratch, so not sure if someone's willing to help me on that front :P
  19. Of course. :) I'll check to make sure.
  20. So I gave the Libyans an armored vehicle, just so that they can stand a bit more of a chance. I gave them the T-55 (desert version by Apocalypse82) and called it the "Scorpion Tank", as sort of a precursor to C&C Generals' Scorpion tank serving the GLA. Aside from fixing the muzzleflash and the lights staying on, it works just as well as any other tank. http://i.imgur.com/wYNgreC.png http://i.imgur.com/2qRbMBO.png http://i.imgur.com/qTbSHlf.png
  21. Great idea! I'll give it a try. :) For the MCV, I'd use this picture of the model as reference: http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/10/9011/thumb_620x2000/gdi_mcv.png And obviously a retexture for the Nod one would be there (it'd be red instead of gold/yellow). What would a Tiberium-verse mod be without the refineries? http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/10/9011/RefineryNod.jpg The power's gotta come from somewhere: http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/10/9011/NodPowerPlant.png (remember these are all just picture references to make ones unique to the mod. Obviously both sides would have their house color) Need something for GDI's gunboats to shoot at. lol http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/10/9011/turret3.jpg (or this one http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/cnc/images/a/a9/Nodturret.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/177?cb=20121201015859 ) Speaking of the gunboat: http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/10/9011/Gunboat.1.png Pyradon (Devil's Tongue) Flame Tank: http://media.moddb.com/images/articles/1/45/44783/auto/Flame_Tank_th1.jpg or Renegade: http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/9/8709/FlameTank_Render.jpg Obelisk of Light (something against those pesky GDI armored vehicles always rushing at Nod bases) This: http://media.indiedb.com/images/games/1/14/13213/Obelisk.1.png or this: http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/9/8709/thumb_620x2000/Obelisk_Of_Light.jpg Guard Tower: http://img15.deviantart.net/0b29/i/2010/004/2/3/tiberian_dawn_gdi_guard_tower_by_richbk.jpg Advanced Guard Tower: http://media.moddb.com/images/articles/1/45/44783/auto/AdvancedGuardTower_th1.jpg Tiberium Silo: http://media.moddb.com/images/downloads/1/48/47715/TDSilos.jpg Tiberium Deposits/Fields: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/cnc/images/3/30/Tiber.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070329124832 http://www.geocities.ws/ryjanski/images/cc3/Tiberium-4.jpg
  22. So here's GDI's HMMWV as it should be. I personally think the camo is fine, although if someone wants to contribute basic 'desert' textures (that can be colored any color, really), that'd be cool. I'll have to tone down a few things and scale the logo a bit smaller, but I'll do that a bit later. Here's the update: http://i.imgur.com/ZbZjHGZ.png http://i.imgur.com/I6TGnm9.png http://i.imgur.com/pw8fqgk.png http://i.imgur.com/7JHJ5Ok.png Also a friend of mine is giving me something for the mod. Something really special. :) Lastly, I'll release the things I fixed and added since the last open beta.
  23. Reinforcements have arrived.... I finally managed to fix my problem with GDI's version of the Mammoth and reverted it back to its original model with the GDI logo on the sides as an actual textured plane. Fixed it not showing up in the editor. The even better news is that I'm making it use the tank crew model from krzy's fantastic infantry packs that were donated to the mod, which makes it easier to assign specific crews to different vehicles. I also gave GDI their HMMWV (Humvee as shown in Tiberian Dawn gameplay). I just need to retexture it, but for right now it has the crew and in the editor shows up in the correct category. Without further ado: X-66 Mammoth Tank w/ GDI Crew http://i.imgur.com/ZOVDVJC.png http://i.imgur.com/xDNx4AQ.png http://i.imgur.com/66ivB8h.png http://i.imgur.com/O6dwWwG.png http://i.imgur.com/H89GiLo.png GDI Humvee w/ GDI Minigunner (basic rifleman) as driver (if I get one with an MG, the MG gunner would obviously be the same model) http://i.imgur.com/DAtysu3.png http://i.imgur.com/NAaWPT6.png http://i.imgur.com/dvb3anR.png "Unit reporting!"
  24. Awesome! That'd be really cool. :) If I learn anything about it myself, I might make some too.
  25. Indeed. Which is why I'm so passionate about the mod. I know that most of the stuff we can do can be reskins. I'm really wanting models for base defenses, power plants, Tiberium refinery, barracks, Airstrip, Temple of Nod, Weapons Factory, communications centers, repair pad, and Tiberium crystals. Thanks to Macser, we have the Buggy, ORCA, a nicely reskinned AH-64, helipads, and the Hand of Nod. I can achieve most things from reskins. Like for instance: transport trucks, HMMWV, etc. But of course there's a few special vehicles we still need. :) You said you had some stuff awhile back. Do you happen to still have those files? I'm extremely curious and would like to expand on your contribution. :)