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Everything posted by Revan9190

  1. Revan9190

    STGN's WIP

    Amazing. Fantastic work.
  2. I hope a moderator or administrator says this thread is okay, because I didn't see one and I didn't see any rules against it. Keep in mind I'm doing this in the most respectful way possible. If an administrator or moderator or regular member has a problem with it, please either lock the thread or private message me personally. Thank you. This thread is not intended to offend, but merely share who has passed recently, whether it is a celebrity, personal friend or family member (you may leave out last names for security reasons) regardless of if it was military service overseas, or domestic, or if it was also non-Military. I suggest keeping posts as respectful as possible, not only to avoid breaking the rules, but also so that some kind of flame war does not happen. If you are replying to someone, please do it with the utmost respect, and move on. No one's required to post someone's passing. This thread is meant for condolences and as a guide to emotional recovery. Also for people outside of the United States, I hope what I have to say is sufficient enough for those who know a little bit of English. I don't know everyone here and I can't pretend that I do know, only a few, but I would like to discuss a recent friend of mine who passed, who simply went by the name "Ajax" on the Internet (I knew him IRL, very close I might add). As of last night a car side-swiped the SUV that he was driving, with his wife in the passenger seat. The SUV had flipped. His wife only suffered minor fractures, but he himself had to be airlifted. My father came in at 2 AM to notify me of the wreck and that he was airlifted. I rushed downstairs and called his father-in-law, finally talked to his wife. Once informed that he had passed, and already being in shock, I had felt that my heart nearly gave out. He was like a brother to me. All I'm going to say, since people wouldn't want all the details, so I'm only finishing with the details. All I'm going to say is that I am going to push forward and be strong and keep his memory alive, it's what he would have wanted, but it will be a long hard road, as it has been. I am going to have to take care of everyone, especially his wife, because he was essentially the big brother of the group, so to speak. I do not write this to make anyone's day less positive, it is only a thread for being informed. I mean no negativity with this thread.
  3. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    By the time I left it was still laggy.
  4. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    I'm wondering the same. Funny enough, we both survived for awhile because of it. We took out three armored vehicles and quite a bit of infantry. Then Zulu left and I ran into enemy fire because I knew I wouldn't have finished that mission alive. Haha.
  5. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    If you guys are on right now, I apologize for not being there.
  6. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    Alright, cool. :P
  7. Well I know what would be cool that he stated. Putting the wrecks on flatbeds to be hauled away would be excellent. Maybe he didn't know about the cable though, I used it for a truck a few times.
  8. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    I was going to make a post of our first operation, but I included too many pictures in the post, I may have to make it a two-parter. However, I will post screens of the mission above that you featured. I will make the two-parter one of Paradise Road later. Once we touch down on the roof, we don't have long until we're pinned down by enemy fire. Yeah, Meatgrinder...no kidding! I tended to go first down the stairwell to eliminate enemy hostilities. Zulu's as well as my field of fire on the bottom floor. (Note, this was taken after Zulu had died. Second attempt I believe, though we generally did the same thing both times.) (read the chat) I've wondered the same thing... Upon finding Anguis's corpse is when I really realized I was the last guy standing. A quick salute. Didn't have time to do it for everyone. All alone, my entire squad dead, I attempt to exfil. I like my car choice if I do say so myself. (Okay, not really. It sucks for off-roading.) Awww, I could have made it! Stupid resistance! I drove right into an enemy squad who found it funny to destroy the engine block, the windshield, and my tires. Question still stands...why was I the one who always died last on this mission? I should have taken the road. But after seeing my squad get slaughtered twice in the same night in the same place, you can imagine the mental torture. Almost glad it ended right there. Anyways, tonight or Saturday? I'm so in! (Any moderator reading this post, I tried finding medium sized thumbnails, but large or small was my only option with Imgur basic. And small was well...way too small, but the original image was massive...1366x768, I hope these large thumbnails are good. I may end up just using Photobucket again for stuff like this.)
  9. I had fun using this in-game. Top quality work! I loved towing around damaged vehicles. I went into the editor and placed damaged vehicles in awkward places to where I can drive there, attach the cable, and drive backwards until it was level, then repaired it next to a road. :) It's very nice. Nice animations. Great job!
  10. Definitely taking this thing for a run today. :D
  11. This is actually something I've been meaning to ask as well. I have all the tools recommended/required to do this (I believe). I've always just wanted to reskin existing models and turn them into custom new units for the game. Would be convenient for my C&C Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert 1 plans for OFP. Also probably Battletanx series. I've been so confused from all the searching I've been doing for all this.
  12. Revan9190

    Binmod Release Thread

    I'll let you know what I think of it asap. I was going to last night, but I was at a coop night with some friends.
  13. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    In about an hour it should start. Saw you were on TS earlier. Sorry I didn't talk I was preoccupied, mate. Edit - When this goes down, I hope we get a lot of screens. :) Some events during the missions and the end results. Like a 'tale' of our valor....or our fails. Kind of like in previous posts. :P I've been messing around in the editor with some things with the WGL plus TacOps stuff just to get familiar to it all again like when we played together that first time. Was surprisingly good with the Javelin even though I haven't used it in WGL before. I'm probably going to mess around more into the editor until you get on TS, Anguis. Dæfte is on with me atm, but is away. Guess I should practice some until the big night. Hopefully we can get in quite a few games tonight. I really enjoy playing OFP online. :) I also might be getting a job soon, so hopefully save up for a good rig and I can get A2 + OA and other DLC's and join you guys on CiA Coop nights? That'll be swell. Really enjoy videos from you guys on it. I'm glad OFP is being kept alive by the way. Edit 2 - Fun games tonight. Catch you guys tomorrow hopefully.
  14. Revan9190

    Binmod Release Thread

    Thanks. Quite possibly. It always appears as a white blank page, which leads me to believe that this is indeed the case.
  15. Revan9190

    Binmod Release Thread

    Link won't work for some reason. But I really do love this mod. :D
  16. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    Uhh, Central Standard Time, but that's close enough I suppose. lmao I am now going to call it Cuba Standard Time as an in-joke.
  17. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    10 PM? Will definitely be there! Just don't ask me to fly any jets though. I always have bad luck flying those. Haha. :)
  18. Revan9190

    OFP Addon request thread

    I'll try and find it for you.
  19. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    Sounds good to me. Hopefully that bridge isn't contaminated with IED's.
  20. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    I'm wondering the same.
  21. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    Sounds great to me! I'll be sure to have OFPMonitor/OFPWatch activated. :) I'll also be sure to have TS handy for voice communication for battlefield operations. :cool:
  22. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    Awesome. Also it seems I missed a game today while I was AFK. I hate it when I miss games!
  23. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    Yeah, shame. Timezones suck! lol
  24. Revan9190

    TacOps Server

    Yes, hopefully. Those Soviets will be quite occupied on those hills opposite of our own as we call down artillery strikes to wake them up. I know it says "Friday" and/or "Sunday", but I checked on Friday, no one played really. Only saw like one guy I wasn't familiar with, so I guess I'll wait for Sunday and see if there's anyone that's going to be playing.